
Mary meets death?

New Hallows,


"I assure you, Sir. You won't regret your decision", She flashed a smile at the middle aged man checking out the Bentley in her garage.

"Hmm", He clicks his tongue, "Fine. I'll take it. This car better not disappoint me".

"Never", She kept her smile even when her cheeks hurt.

The man wrote her a cheque and drove the car out of the garage.

Mary exhaled softly and sat to the floor. Looking around the garage slowly, she noticed that it was almost empty. Empty. What a nice word, isn't it? She scoffed at herself and palmed her face with her hands.

"What did I ever do wrong?", She sobbed quietly.

Something buzzed. It was her phone. She took it out of her jacket. The name she saw made her smile. She answered it, "Hey".

Getting out of the cab, Mary smiles and straightens her gown. Finally, she was going to meet him, she thought. Heading into the hotel.

Sitting by the bar, she waited for him. Momentarily, she would check her wrist watch. He was running late. The barman would ask her for a drink and she would refuse. An hour later, she ordered one. Before she knew it, an entire bottle was emptied. Angry at the guy who stood her up, she paid the bartender and left the hotel in a whim. Dazed by the drink, her vision blurred. She could barely walk straight. Staggering like someone high on narcotics. She trudged through the cold. There was a loud blaring noise. Did she hear it? Maybe she didn't or maybe she did but Mary was unconcerned. She kept on going. Her vision became clearer the moment she saw it. The truck moving at speed through her. For the first time in her life she felt some kind of resolution. A foreign peace crept its way into her heart and she shut her eyelids. Waiting. Waiting for the truck to hit her. Waiting for death's cold embrace.


She woke up with a gasp, touching her chest.

"I'm alive", She said with relief and collapsed on her pillow, "It was a dream".

Something caught her eye. There was a red jacket and a white gown lying on the couch. Wait! that's what she wore last night.

"What's going on?", She sat up immediately and got out of bed. Walking to the couch, she lifted the clothes. They reeked of alcohol and there was a stain on the breast pocket of her gown. She remembered taking a swig at the bottle of champagne even when the bartender begged her to stop. She cupped her hand over her mouth.

"Did I go home with that guy?", She whispered, "Did I have a one night stand with a bar tender?".

She looked down at her pajamas. But she remembered nothing. There was a noise downstairs and she was startled.

"There's someone here", She whispered. Grabbing a baseball bat lying beside her trashcan, she crept downstairs.

Awaiting her in the kitchen was a gentleman in an apron. Her apron.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?", She yelled.

The young man whipped around slowly to face her.

The bat fell from her hand with a thud. Her knees were too weakened, she almost joined the bat on the floor.

"Who are you?", She asked the man.

He took slow graceful steps towards her, "I'm Death".

"What?", Mary was frightened. What is he saying?

The gentleman smiled, "You should sit on the couch if you're not gonna stand straight".

"What?", Mary stared at him.

"Don't you understand English?", He asked.

Mary was too stunned to speak. The young man before her looked too beautiful to be human. He looked like something out of an anime.

Slipping his hand around her waist, he lifted her with ease and kept her on the couch.

"There. I'll bring you breakfast, Mary", He turned towards the kitchen.

Startled from her daze, Mary jolted from the couch, "How do you know my name?".

"Your food will get cold if you don't eat", He said.

"Answer me", Mary yelled, "What kind of lunatic breaks into someone's house and makes them breakfast?".

"Me", He chuckled.

"Answer me", Her hands were shaking. Just who was this guy? What has happened to the world? Handsome guys like him should be on the runway and not breaking into someone's house.

"I told you before. My name is Death", He took the tray of scrambled eggs and toast bread to her, "And I'm here to collect your soul, Mary".

In an instant, Mary screamed.

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