
My World

My name is Grace. 16yrs old, My parents died recently 1year ago. Living alone at this tiny and dirty Garbage resident... Picking up trash to earn money and buy a bread to eat. And i spend alot of time looking up for tools and materials to repair my favorite sleeping capsule, No. It is a Game Capsule. It was my last gift received from my parents before they died. Even if the capsule is a trash and damage it was the best gift ever at my life. My parents slowly repairing the capsule time to time before they died. I never thought I be able to get something so impossible in my life, and most of it the capsule doesn't need electricity to function but only needs a battery, and that's the only thing i need now to complete my capsule and my parents dream will come true. After looking for months i have finally found the perfect size battery for the capsule.

.. "He never thought that the capsule he found could change his life forever".



"Analysing the human body" (Complete)


"Please select your Name, Gender and Class"

mmm.. The name would be Grace, gender should be male right? Then what is character class? this should be super powers right? then i go for a warrior since this warrior is familiar to me.

"Identification confirmed"

"Welcome to Your World"

Error! Error! You can't logout! Error!

...what the heck is happening? Damn! then in the end the capsule is not properly functioning, a trash is a trash in the end. So... im going to die.. I be able to see my parents back again.



.."System restart

."System connecting complete

"Host transfer complete





"Meanwhile at some place 1hour before the accident happen".

- Inside in the capsule: Announcement there would be a maintenance 30minutes later. Please log out before the time schedule. Thank you.

Player: what a bummer! I just started playing now, well i still have time i just log out before the time scheduled. But this is perfect my guild can raid 2x a SSS boss.

guild Lchat: Hey guys! Call all the members let's go raid a SSS Boss before the maintenance reset!

guild VLchat: That's a good idea. Let's do it.

guild Mchat: Okay!

guild Mchat: Leader! Can i looy 1 dragon scale?, so i can craft my armor now hehehe <3

guild Lchat: Hahaha! No problem but you need to give up the chest reward is that okay for you?

guild Mchat: hehehe thank you leader!

guild VLchat: Everyone are here leader. Let's proceed now.

guild Lchat: good! let's go!

System Error!

guild Lchat: what the hell is going on!? the maintenance due should be 20minutes later.

Guild Chat: fuck! WtF!

"Help! I can't log out!

"what's going on!? is this some shit of bugs?!

System Error!

"I can't log out guys!!

"Help! Ahhh!

A white flash taken over all vision.

System restarting Data

System connected

System transporting the host

Transfer complete




TV news: " Hello everyone! This is an emergency live broadcast! Let me inform you all that there is a huge accident happening right now at "Your World" game right now! It seems that all players were in comatose and the Police released a Warrant to the creator whom can't be found for the meantime And also we also discovered that there was a Huge Portal to every Sea naval army at the whole world! A PORTAL! The President of all the country were announcing "All citizens should evacuated and avoid the portals that has been discovered. The military will do the best to know what's the portal for."



.., Inside "Your World" game

Grace: Where am i?, didn't i died?


.(Observing the surroundings)

Ahh.. what a wonderful sky and stars..

But what are thus people crying and shouting about?

"Error! System Announcing!"

A weird spirit appear on the sky.

-" Hello everyone. I know-how some of you children, women, man and old ones were scared and has many questions. But I am here to help for the upcoming war at your Planet Earth, and guides you all to make you stronger to fight them".

..- what the heck is he saying? God!? War? Help?

..-Hey you God! Are you you telling the truth?

..- I have read and watch a lot of anime so i can believe what you're saying for now. But who are they? what's the purpose for this war? And How can we go home or return to our world?

" You can return at the right time before the war, so make yourself stronger. And who are they? They are the ones who lives in the other planets and there purpose is your resources and a place to live".

"System proceeding to the first guide quest"

*Please select your King in 5minutes.

*Please select 5 Dukes

*Please proceed to the stage after selection


..-what?!? such a big rule how do we supposed to decide to whom this king in 5 minutes.

..-Hey!! Everyone of you shut the fuck up and listen!

..-" My name is Dragon! The top 1Martial Art player since the game "Your World" release. And also the guild master of the top 1 guild known as Empire!

.." I Dragon will declare myself to become a King to Help everyone's need. If anyone has objection please proceed to the stage and challenge ME".

.(the crowd was silent)


. Then it's decided! I will choose 5 dukes now according to my own personal top 10 list to proceed the quest and the same thing if anyone of you "Dissagree!" you can free to challenge my dukes and win.


.(the crowd was silent)

5 Dukes please proceed to the stage: Abraham the top 2 Mage, Xyrus the top 1 Warrior, ShadoWalker the top 1 assasin, Stardust the top 1 Archer, and Icarus the top1 Healer.

- I did choose this guys that is I know them at Earth.

And I trusted them..

A system window appeared to everyone

"Quest 1 - Survive"

Survive until 1hour from wave of monsters. All Players shall participate. Escaping means "Death".

Rewards: Hero Tittle, Survive the Onslaught Title, 1Set of Epic Items.

"Quest 2 - Determination

Slay the low grade Dragon

Rewards to who participate the quest: Dragon slayer Tittle, Resurrection Stone(x2), Treasure key(x1).

"Quest 3 - Paradise

Rewards selection to all who survived.

Everyone listen to me. The quest has show. Now listen to me. The Quest 1 shows all needs to participate and escaping means "DEATH" and i know some of you are uneasy, thinking that participate or Not you still die. But rest assured as King as long you guys follow my lead and instruction we will survive never think about dying! We will survived at this shitty game!

"People Scream"

waaaaaaaah! we will survive!

let's kill thus ugly monsters!


kill them aaaaall!



