“GIT CLAPPED M8!” A Copper IX player lost his 1000th game, prompting him to smash his headset onto the ground. Unfortunately, a bathtub full of water crashed down from the ceiling a minute later, killing him instantly. Without a doubt, he sucked at FPS, so much so that the gods got rid of him. However, life gave him a second chance. [Initialising Firearm Cultivation System...]
In the year 20XX, a new virtual reality first person shooter game came out with full motion sensing capabilities. Being the first truely tactical shooter of it's time, 'Tactical Insertion' quickly became popular with a player base of above 100 million. After 10 years of continued service, the game was still extremely popular with persistent player base of 150 million players.
One player had been playing Tactical Insertion from day one and never stopped playing it. Even though he had put great efforts into ranking up, he had only progressed to Copper IX after years of play time. However, today was to be the day that he finally ranked up.
[ClockBock69 was killed by Autumn _Moon]
[X_NoScooper_X was killed by Autumn_Moon]
[BiggRichard was killed by Autumn_Moon]
[Marco.Yolo was killed by Autumn_Moon]
"This guy is smurfing in a copper match!"
[Marco.Yolo: U better clutch or I'll fookin dab on u]
[ClockBock69: one tap with the deag]
"How am I supposed to win against this dude?!"
Sweating and under immense pressure, the player gripped his controller gun and turned a corner. Thankfully, Autumn_Moon was not peeking from that corner. With one corner out of the way, he slowly advanced to the bomb site with the defused strapped to his side. Aiming down the iron sight of his AK-47, he slowly walked and walked until he had a clear line of sight with the objective. Without a doubt, there would be problems if he did not do his recon first. This is how he did 1v1s.
With a smurf on the playing field, he knew he would be utterly f**ked if he let his guard down for even a split second.
"Okay... Autumn is not here. I should just plant and camp in a corner."
He crouched down and entered the objective site, planting the defused in a well fortified corner.
"SHIT!!! C4!!!"
He quickly dived towards the centre of the room just as he finished planting the defuser, safely escaping the explosive's range. But just as he was about to take a breath to figure out what was going on, the sound of submachine gun fire rang across the room
A bullet whizzed right past his head. With this little time he had before the spray of the SMG could hit him, the player brought out his Deagle and aimed straight at Autumn_Moon's head.
"Centred and steady."
For the first time in years, the player landed every single headshot. However, something did not seem right.
[SexyCatfish was killed by Autumn_Moon]
[Autumn_Moon: get clapped m8]
[Autumn_Moon: suck my hairy...]
[Autumn_Moon: Git gud]
"F**k off!" The player smashed his VR headset onto the ground and stomped on it once. Without any restraint, he jumped into the air and tried to body slam what was left of it.
With that one death, he lost his first chance in ten years to be able to rank up to bronze. With that one death, he had given up on the entire game. With that death, he had lost all motivation.
"I have been playing this stupid game for ten whole years, and all I get on my team are stupid meme rushers that don't give any call outs! And for some stupid reason, I always play against diamonds!"
"And when it's not diamonds, it's hackers."
He finally fell to his knees in tears.
"I should have just completed my degree in software and IT... at the very least I might be able to get to gold using some homemade hacks. But no, I gave up on that to play this game. I shouldn't have bought that damned headset..."
"Don't tell me I am hungry already, I just had dinner 8 hours ago."
"WAIT... the noise is not coming from my stomach..."
"Ahh yes, it is just my stomach. I should probably make some instant noodles to fill it up."
"That doesn't sound right, my stomach definitely doesn't rumble like..."
And just like that, a bathtub full of boiling hot water fell through the ceiling and landed on the player. He did not even get a chance to finish his sentence or make his instant noodles, there was only a 'CONK' and silence.
"Hey! Mum... I think we filled the bathtub with too much water..."
"Nonsense! How else are we supposed to cook all of this chicken? This tub can cook soup for the entire family."
[Initialising Firearm Cultivation System...]
[Username will be assigned...]
[Welcome to the world of cultivators. As per system requirements, the host will need to survive for one day before receiving the starter package...]
[Good Luck.... USERNAME ASSIGNED....]
[Good Luck Yao Mei]