
*Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block* Naruto - A Cursed System

Tags: Naruto, System, Jujutsu Kaisen Hiatus/Dropped/Writer's Block? === I do not own Naruto, JJK, and any other similar aspects that are seen throughout the story. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). I do not own the cover image. If it is yours and you want it taken down, please send me a message. WARNING! This fan-fiction is being written by a noob writer who has a soft heart! Will be basing the timeline off of this Tumblr post: https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe WARNING!! There will be Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers! Beware!

Nubbeh · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

December 7th, 1994 - Arrival

It was currently midnight when a burst of white light appeared out of nowhere. The strange phenomenon occurred in an empty city alley. No one seemed to notice it.

A boy appeared from the light. For most, nobody would think of anything unusual about the boy. But only those talented enough will be able to see a centipede that is wrapped around the boy.

Dango opened his eyes and noticed that he was in an alleyway. He silently observed his new surroundings and saw some movie posters that were in Japanese.

He noticed that something in the corner of his vision. There was now a white line of text encased in brackets: [December 7th, 1994].

'I'm in the 1990s? Not exactly modern. I feel lied to. Is this still JJK? The trial takes place long before the story, I think. What's so important about December 7th, 1994?'

While Dango was deep in thought, Hex curiously looked around. It was attracted to the faint light being emitted at the entrance of the alley. For some reason, this place felt more like a home to Hex than the hut in the previous world.

'The first thing I should do is figure out where I am exactly. I think I'm in Japan, but gotta confirm it.'

Dango ordered Hex to hide inside a bag his siblings had prepared for him. Hex calmly followed his orders and made itself comfortable. Now that Hex was hidden from sight, Dango left the alley.

He soon learned that they were transported to Tokyo, Japan.

As Dango was strolling down the streets, he pondered on what he should do. He had an entire year to complete the rank-up mission's requirements, so he could do whatever he wanted in the time given.

The rank-up mission tip still lingered in his mind. The fact that his final rewards were influenced based on his experience.

As he was thinking, he heard his stomach growling, hungry for 'modern' food. At the same time, Hex made some noise that also indicated its hunger.

Dango decided to first get some food and then sleep. In the morning is when he will actually do stuff.

'Hm... I don't think ryo would work here. Not like I even brought them with me anyways. Should I steal money? That sounds exactly like a skill.'

Since he was short on cash, Dango wouldn't be able to afford a single snack. Perhaps he would get something for free if he used his child-like charm, but he chose not to. Instead, he made the decision to just steal from the rich and give to the poor (him).

Of course, he could eat his summons like last time, but he wanted to eat 'modern' food.

He was confident he could successfully steal and safely get away with [Intermediate Searching] and [Intermediate Hiding].

Despite being midnight, there were quite a lot of people still out in public. Blending with the crowd, Dango quietly watched the passing people. Nobody seemed to notice him unless they directly bumped into him.

Then, he noticed a rich couple holding hands with each other. There was also a young boy walking in front of them, presumably their child.

The man was wearing a tuxedo with a bowtie while his partner had a beautiful dress with a pearl necklace that complemented her outfit. The boy was wearing a tuxedo just like his father.

Their presence and style of clothing greatly contrasted with the rest of the crowd, allowing Dango to easily find them.

He watched them walk into an alley and followed after them. He got close to the woman and saw her purse hanging by her side. He stealthily opened it and took out what he assumed to be her wallet.

He quickly checked and confirmed that it was indeed a wallet that held a lot of yen. He was about to step away when his eyes wandered to her pearl necklace.

Dango grabbed a kunai that sparkled in the light and swung it towards the woman's neck, 'Hehehe.'

"Ah!" The woman gasped as her pearl necklace fell from her neck. She struggled, but failed to catch it and saw it fell to the ground. It seemed she was wearing a fake as all the pearls came undone and ran away.

Her male partner looked behind them and saw nothing. He was confused about how his wife's necklace fell apart but decided not to think about it too much. He bent down and tried to pick up the pearls. The son also helped.


Meanwhile, Dango was quite a bit away from the scene where he committed his first act of thievery. He was currently counting the yen he stole.

The woman was carrying several 10,000 yen banknotes and a debit or credit card.

Despite being his first pickpocket, he got away with a lot of money. In total, he obtained around 50,000 yen. Like ryo, he didn't know if it was a lot, but it certainly sounds like it.

He kept the card in the small likelihood that the woman wouldn't cancel it or something. He wasn't concerned with others suspicious of him, a child, having a card like that in his possession. He planned on using the transformation jutsu to disguise himself as her whenever he used the card.

Speaking of the transformation jutsu, Dango used it to purchase food for himself and Hex. After they were famished, Dango established a personal dungeon for them to rest safely in.

Dango customized the interior of the realm to look like a normal bedroom. The moment they laid on the bed, they fell asleep.


Somewhere in the Tombs of the Star Corridor is an old man that had four eyes. His eyes were closed as he was concentrating on something.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open. He turned his head and looked at a wall as if he could see right through it.

"What is this? What is this sense of wariness I am feeling? Is it Kenjaku? No... This is different... It's more like Toji Zenin. Will the chains of destiny shatter even further?"

The man closed his eyes and resumed his concentration elsewhere, trying to identify the source of wariness. Despite having barriers that cover the entirety of Japan, he couldn't find it.

"Is it not within my barriers? Perhaps I should alert the jujutsu sorcerers..."

This four-eyed man was Tengen, an immortal yet forever aging jujutsu sorcerer that is housed in the Star Corridor's Tombsdor. He also possessed another identity; the Star, a deity worshipped by several religious groups.

I am pretty sure the value of money have changed since then. But do I care enough? Probably. But do I care enough enough? Probably not.

Unedited; might repost edited version tomorrow

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