
The Deal

Subaru has just understood that the witches are actually trying to help people, even though they have their own.....strange way of doing it and it usually backfires, they are still trying to help people. Stella is for example trying to help Subaru by giving him a return by death. Although.....Subaru has to figure out now what he's going to do about his current problems, the Great Rabbit, Roswaal, Emilia's trauma, and the attack on the mansion. But then it hits him, if he can't fix his current problems and Rem is still in a coma, why not go back to zero? Return by Death sends him back at most a few days, but since that power is Satella's, she can send him back...right?

Subaru: Hey..... I've got a favor to ask of you, guys...

Stella: Well...I want to start again, from zero.

Subaru: Well...I want to start again, from zero.

Typhon: Zero? What do you mean Baru?

Subaru: I want to start again, not from my last checkpoint, but from my first one, in the capital city..... I've been trying for so so so long.....and I can't do it...

Subaru's voice was starting to break down a bit again.

Echidna: And what do we get? You threw away your chance to get the perfect route with me.

Stella:...I don't need anything...

Echidna: Of course, YOU don't need anything from him, since you love him more than anything in this world.

Typhon: Well, we could try and help him punish all the bad guys from this world!

Echidna: Wait....your kidding right?

Sekhmet: If Typhoon's doing it, I'm doing it.

Minerva: I could help heal all the people in the world, do I'm in!

Daphne: Subaru made some big claims to me, so I want to see them for myself!

Camilla: I-if the others are going.....then I'll help...

Echidna: Honestly.....how foolish....so? How do you suppose we do this?

Subaru:...a-wow...you all accepted it so easily...uh, I was thinking that Satella would be able to bring us back.

Echidna:...So, you think that one person has enough power to send the right people, and seven of them are some of the most powerful people in history, back in time?


Sekhmet: I have a *sigh* idea....we form a contract *sigh* and put some of our power and *sigh* souls into a body...

Subaru: What do you mean? Can't you just come back with me?

Echidna: Ah yes, six dead people and a sealed which, suddenly getting reborn or released because of a single contact.

Subaru: Alright! Alright! I get it, but you have to put your soul and power into a body right? Does that mean I'll get your power?!

Sekhmet: *sigh* no...

Echidna: If we were to do that, your body would explode over and over again since you can return by death.

Subaru:...So, where do we put your souls then?

Satella: if we were to mix some of our powers with Daphne's power.....instead of a ma beast, we could make at the very least a humanoid body.....

Subaru: I see.....so how do you do it?

Daphne: Watch this!

*one body making time skip*

Subaru:...That was....something....why is it the body of a 13 or 14-year-old? And those bandages?

Satella: W-well...



Echidna: They made a mistake.

Subaru: Oh...

Typhon: And the bandages look cool!


Subaru: So, if we put your souls into that, you'll be able to come with me and help me?

Echidna: No, we still won't be able to interact with the world, but when we'll go back in time, this body will gain its own life, it's pretty similar to Beatrice.

Subaru:...So it's a spirit?

Satella: No, it's more like a Mabeast...but not a beast?

Typhon: A Metahuman!

Subaru: Ah...so, can we start this thing?

Sekhmet: Alright, let's make the *sigh* contact.

Subaru: Right, need to make sure that you won't try and destroy the world.

Echidna: Well the main reason for this contract is to transport us to the past. But it's also to make sure this "Metahuman" doesn't go on a rampage.

Subaru: What do you mean?

Echidna: this thing will have its own life, so it well has its personality and that personality might not be a kind one. So in the contract, we'll have to make sure that this thing listens to you.

Subaru: Ah, that makes sense.

Typhon: can we get this started?! I'm getting excited!

Satella: Yes, Yes.

Echidna: I do want to be properly rewarded for this you know?

Subaru:...You can at least see the world when you get back, right?

Echidna: Yes?

Subaru: Then I'll give you some of my knowledge of Japan.

Echidna: Ah, that place....now that's more interesting, another world...fine, I'll do it.

Subaru: Alright, so can we start it now?

Satella: Yes Yes, my beloved.

They gathered around in a circle and a blue light came from under them, Sekhmet started listing off the conditions of the contract, and Subaru agreed to those terms.




After his eyes adjusted, Subaru could feel a plastic bag in his hands, and standing in front of him was the Appa guy.

Subaru: Wait...where's that kid they talking about?

???: Down here...

Subaru: Eh?

He looked down and saw the same boy with white hair next to him.

The kid then dragged Subaru down an alley to make sure no one could see or hear them.

Subaru: Wow Wow Wow! What are you doing?!

???: I...guess it worked...

Subaru: H-huh?!

???: We managed to go back to zero...Father.

I need to get 9 Power stones for the next chapter