

One month later,




One month passed since the banquet and there were a lot of things happened.

After the banquet Fatty Yuan's father learned that Tianji knew fertilization medicine he immediately dispatch his men and in less then an hour all the materials were already collected.

And since the number of ingredients Fatty Yuan's father sent was enough for 4 batch he decided to brew all of them.

The process of brewing is nothing complicated so he successfully brew four of them.

He gives one to the Chu family and he gives the rest to his parents and explaining the function and he let them decide on what to do with it.

And that night he heard the activities his parents doing,he was reassured and he just wish that they will give a birth on health baby boy.

And as. Expected one week later his mother was showing signs of being pregnant and when they visited hospital it was then confirmed that his mother was positive pregnant.

Different from normal human, Evolver can sense their body more easier,so when woman evolver is pregnant that can sense it in a week.

The whole family celebrate for the new member of the Shi household.

The happiest of them was his father, he knew that due to them being Demigod the chances of having a new child is close to zero.

So having a child at this time was short of miracle, he was blessed and thankful for the master of his son.

And aside from the pregnancy of his mother, Tianji also used the remaining time to train his subordinates and training himself.

And he also spend his time in bonding with his family and friends, and his relationship with Queen is improving, she now regarded Tianji as one of her friends or to say her first true friend.

Different from her usual cold personality when in public she was beginning showing some mischievous side of her by occasional jokes she would fire.

And aside from that his fitness strength also reach 5kg, equal to those who filled their normal Geno point to one hundred.



He also make big progress in Nutrients Storing (note:I first wrote it as accumulation now I will change it to NS(Nutrients Storing) to make it specified.),he felt energetic and productive this only help his training progress improve and the difficulty twice.

He had a iron clad rule, that was When training unless his body still has energy he will not stop training.

The only thing make him frustrated was that he didn't have any progress in his soul cultivation technique, he felt as if he was missing something and this something is near but he couldn't grasp on it no matter what he try.

It's been half a year since he started cultivating it and he was still in the first realm, this frustrate him him a lot.

So when he was annoyed or frustrated his subordinates will be the ones to suffer, so aside from adoration they also felt fear whenever they saw him in bad mood.

Sometimes they even faint when his hellish training regime.

Since he treats them as his brothers and sisters he have a deep relationship with all of them, so when they have some spare times he would play with them.

And to all of his brothers and sisters the most mischievous and playful one is White Fox.

She always tease her junior brother and sisters.

And since Yue'er insisted on following her brother's step,she also joined the group training and as a result she was the favorite victim of Fox.

Tianji was a type of brother who spoil his sister,so her training was less difficulty but even that she also sometimes cry due to exhaustion.

And whenever she would cry of  get injured the most affected was Tianji.

But he also knew that she needs to experience this kind of hardship and he need to make her strong to protect herself not just on shura or sanctuary creatures but also on human.

Fox,Snow and others also felt envious of her,all of them treated Tianji as their big brother and leader.

So even though their training was hellish they knew that that was necessary, they also don't want to be burden for him in the future.

Thinking of future, they felt sorry for the boy's who will court Yue'er, they need first to meet the king of hell before they proceed to Heaven.



Tianji was currently dressing he and his father was scheduled to visit the blacksmith friend of his father.

As a busy man, it took one month for them to meet him.

Since his workshop and house is on other planet, Tianji and Wuji needs to fly there using the spaceship.

It was Tianji's first time riding a spaceship,and their ship looks similar to Avengers FURY ship.

Their ship didn't have a portal to sanctuary, because the alliance only allowed military fleet ships to build one and to those who violated this law will be sentence of death by beheading.

Tianji likes the interior of the ship it was very comfortable and the flying was smooth and steady.

It was estimated that they will need a whole day to travel so he Wisely used his time meditating.


I will upload the remaining tomorrow.

SeigHeartcreators' thoughts