

(Mae's POV)

"I can't believe you want me to marry that monster!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

"It's just business, Mae. Think of this as a business transaction." my dad said in a cold voice.

"Wow! Do I look like a business proposal, huh?!" I replied, my voice trailing off from anger.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. It's not like Mr Conde would really consider you as wife material." my stepmom Freya said in a very sardonic voice.

I just gave her a piercing look. If I didn't know better she's behind this 'get-married-scheme' to get money. She's not even wife material!!!

"Mae, please. It's for the family business." my dad said pleadingly. Tsk...He never pleads, what a joke!!!

"Why won't you let Miranda marry the guy?! She's head over heels in love with him anyway." I suggested. Miranda... my oh-so-perfect half-sister who can't hurt a damn fly.

"She can't." my dad said and looked at Freya.

"Why not? She's more attractive than me." I said and looked at them. Freya looked at me like she's gonna eat me alive.

"She got pregnant with her leading man and they ran away." my dad said as it broke him.

"So? Does that make it fair that I get married to a man I don't even like?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

"Is that what your mom taught you?! To be so insolent?!" Freya said as she slapped me in the face.

"Coming from you? Don't be a saint Freya. If I know you just want me out of this house." I replied. I'm fuming with anger that I can imagine myself ripping her head.

"Both of you stop it!" my dad butted in.

"Oh, sure Roger. Be the saviour and side with Freya. Since that's what you're good at. Ever since mom died I was nothing to you anyway." I scoffed. Then I felt a slap from my father. I just looked at him with teary eyes but not a single drop fell.

I was full of anger.

"See. I'm not even a daughter to you anymore. I'm just another business transaction." I breathed harshly and went straight to my room. He kept calling me but I didn't look back.

As I got into my room, tears flooded my eyes like I lost my mom all over again, I let out all the pain and anger that was boiling inside of me.

How could they do this to me? I am his daughter! His firstborn child and he just sold me off?! I was broken. I wish my mom was here to protect me from the monster that my father has become.

The next day my father was in the living room with some men in black suits. They were about to leave when I got to the living room.

"This is the pre-nuptial agreement. Sign it. You're getting married to Mr Conde whether you like it or not." Roger said in a firm voice.

I just looked at him blankly and stared at the paper.

"Fine. I'll sign it." I said, snatched the paper from his hands. His face practically lit up.

What a douche. I can't believe that the man I'm looking at now was the man my mom fell in love with.

"In one condition," I said. His face turned cold while he's waiting for my condition. "I want the villa in Sequoia City. It's under my name so I get to keep it."

He looked at me in utter disbelief.


"But what? It's mine. If you don't agree well, let's just say your business transaction will never be approved." I said and looked at him piercingly.

I'm not letting him or that woman stay in the only place where I felt safe.

After a few moments of silence, he finally agreed. He didn't have a choice, in return I signed the prenup and gave it back to him without batting an eye.

I packed some of the things I need and transferred it to the villa. From this day forward I am going to make sure that no one.. not even my so-called husband will ever hurt me again.


I couldn't sleep!!!

I twist and turn but I couldn't get sleep to visit me. The prenup was bothering me.

"UGH!!! Why the hell did I not read it!" I shouted out loud and my voice echoed through the empty villa.


My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID... It's just a number.

I don't know who it was so I didn't bother answering the call. Instead, I went down the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine.

Again my phone rang. Same anonymous number.

I don't recall giving my number to anyone so I decided to put my phone in airplane mode.

I went to the balcony of the villa and looked at the city lights. The villa is located near the outskirts of the city, on top of the hill. My mom and I would usually spend days in the villa decorating the garden with beautiful flowers and making a rock garden near the fountain.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My freedom was cut short because my father couldn't bear losing his business. It was a small BNB located near the famous Sequoia Park. A lot of people actually like the place because of its cosiness and accessibility to major places in the city.

How could something so wonderful turn to be my curse?

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