

With a disdainful smile, Toji lazily positioned himself between the man and the young woman, placing himself in the middle, the young woman to the left, and the middle-aged man towering above them.

"Who is this guy? Definitely doesn't smell like a demon," remarked the man beside him, scanning Toji with his eyes, stopping at the peculiar worm attached to him.

"What's that hideous thing?" the girl declared, pointing her finger at the worm attached to Toji.

Upon hearing the girl's comment, Toji's expression shifted from one of disdain to annoyance. While his Inventory Curse wasn't pretty, it was one of the most useful things he possessed, containing his weapons and some low-level mini-demons he had captured.

Sighing in irritation and throwing deliberate glances at his companions, Toji knew who they were, or at least one of them. "The middle-aged man is Demon Katana, or Katana Man, as you'd like to call him. He's like Chainsaw Man but with swords, although unlike Chainsaw, Katana is weaker. The girl by his side isn't a demon, but she must have some powerful contract."

Toji was well aware that Katana Man was working with Pistol Devil, which meant that if they were here together, they weren't on a mission. They were searching for something.

"While this religious group is wealthy, they also possess unknown contracts, unfamiliar weapons, and government secrets, things that would be beneficial to them. And though they offer good pay, I don't think that's what they're after. So, there's something fishy going on here, and I'll have to uncover it," Toji thought to himself.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Toji deliberately looked at the contractor, ironically named Hiroshi. He noticed that their table was filled with documents, which was normal for an extremist religious group that believed in the paranormal and had powerful enemies seeking to eradicate them. But one detail caught his attention: there were photos with the name of a country, "China." That name triggered his senses, and he became fully alert. His lazy gaze turned serious as his sharp eyes scanned the table.

"You've definitely done your job if you are here, Toji," Hiroshi said with an emotionless gaze after noticing Toji's change in attitude.

"This wasn't in our contract,". Toji replied, looking at Hiroshi with annoyance and seriousness as he casually put his hands in his pockets.

"I definitely won't work with this guy," both Katana Man and his companion said simultaneously, their tones expressionless.

Toji simply turned his head towards Katana Man, his emotionless eyes fixed on him in response to his comment.

"I'm more than enough to make you shit in a second," Toji said emotionlessly, looking at Katana Man, who visibly grew irritated by his words.

"Why don't we test that?" Katana Man said, smiling with annoyance at Toji's attitude.

Hiroshi, who had remained calm all this time, smiled expressionlessly and let out an audible sigh, causing everyone in the room to turn their heads toward him.

"First of all, consider this mission I'm giving you as an extension of the first one, Toji, because I know for a fact that the Nid Demon wasn't there. However, I don't know what happened to the Rat Demon or whether you brought back the body of the hunter, Hayakawa," declared Hiroshi, looking at Toji with a clear lack of expression.

"As for you guys, this is part of your mission, whether you like it or not," Hiroshi continued, speaking confidently to Katana Man and his companion, who looked at him irritably.

With a now calm expression, Hiroshi continued to speak.

"If you manage to complete this mission, I assure you that you'll be rewarded as you wish," Hiroshi said in his usual emotionless tone while smiling without any emotion.

"Is this guy some sort of Makima copy?" Toji thought, observing the man's attitude and couldn't help but compare it to Makima's, although hers had confidence and charisma.

"We'll do that. However, we must prove for ourselves how strong this Toji is," Katana Man said disdainfully and with annoyance, staring intensely at Hiroshi, sending the hidden message that there would be trouble if he didn't comply.

"I have something that will help with that," Toji said with a smile as he took several steps back and raised his hands in an apparent surrender.

"You're giving up?" Katana Man sneered, looking at Toji with disappointment and amusement at his situation.

The girl, who had been unusually silent, couldn't help but blush a little when she saw the well-built man. However, her heart skipped a beat when she noticed his posture, sensing that something was amiss.

Hiroshi simply smiled, and with an emotionless demeanor, he stood up from his chair and slid under the table. Toji was not known as one of the most powerful assassins for nothing, and after the mission he had assigned, which involved humiliating a high-level Public Security squad and confronting Kishibe, the strongest, seeing him alive and well only meant one thing: either he was so powerful that he killed Kishibe or he escaped, which Hiroshi doubted since someone like Toji wouldn't run from a fight.

Hiding under the table, Hiroshi sighed and waited for the worst to happen.

Toji smiled disdainfully and, with a yawn, declared, "A magic trick," before moving his hands in a lightning-fast throwing motion that was almost imperceptible.

In half a second, his hands were back in his pockets while Toji lazily smiled.

The moment he put his hands in his pockets, Katana Man fell to the ground, stabbed by small senbones in various parts of his body - his torso, arms, thighs, and palms were all pierced.

Katana Man's body became numb, and he barely blinked. To his dismay and surprise, Toji had fulfilled his previous statement, and now intense pain and numbness coursed through his body.

The girl, who watched her companion fall, tried to move but was taken by surprise as a knife pointed at her neck from behind.

Glancing slightly forward, the girl noticed that Toji was no longer in his previous position and was now behind her.

"Pathetic, and you guys are demons? Anyway, I don't blame you; I'm superior," Toji said while his knife lightly grazed her neck to drive his point home. His voice became mocking and cold at the same time.

In another second, Toji disappeared and reappeared in front of Katana Man, and without saying a word, he swiftly kicked him in the face, successfully knocking him out.

A dry sound echoed in the area as Katana Man's body hit the floor, unconscious.

Unleashing his killer intent, Toji stared at the girl, completely impassive, while she froze in fear upon seeing him.

"This guy, what kind of contract does he have? How can a human be this strong?" The girl looked at the assassin in front of her with fear and respect because she knew that if he wanted to, she could have been dead before she even realized he had breathed.

Emerging from under the table, Hiroshi sat back in his chair and settled in, looking at Toji and the girl before him.

"Akane, take your comrade with you. Toji, stay. We need to talk about the success of your mission," Hiroshi said with an emotionless smile.

Akane simply sighed and grabbed her ally's body, dragging it out of the office. She didn't need to worry about the senbones; they were just paralyzing, and he was a demon; he would be fine.

Closing the door behind them, Hiroshi stared at Toji while tension filled the room.

"Did you bring the bodies?" Hiroshi asked emotionlessly.

Toji nodded, and his Inventory Curse expelled the body of a young man with bloodied brown hair and two other bodies in similar states.

Hiroshi furrowed his brow as he looked at the bodies and then back at Toji, his eyes showing some confusion.

"What is this?" Hiroshi said with confusion but still maintaining his composure.

"There was another user of the Fox Demon contract, and the other two are hunters from the association," Toji explained, pointing to the brown-haired hunter and then to the other two.

"What about Hayakawa, Kishibe, and the Rat Demon?" Hiroshi asked, tense but satisfied with this seemingly well-done job.

"I humiliated Kishibe, and Hayakawa they are in critical condition. If you want to kill them, now's the time. The Rat Demon was in bad shape, so I couldn't save its body," Toji declared with an emotionless voice, staring firmly at Hiroshi, who had a macabre smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"Well done," Hiroshi said, looking at the bodies with a twisted smile that radiated danger.

"I'll pay you 10 million; it will be transferred to your card in two days. Thanks to your current physical state, I'll call you here for the final part of your mission be prepared," Hiroshi said with an emotionless smile.

Nodding, Toji left the room and closed the door behind him.

"There's definitely something in China. If those two are here now and appeared suddenly, and that guy sent me there along with them, there must be something dangerous there. Not only have I piqued my interest in it, but Public Security probably has people there as well this is getting complicated," Toji thought as he exited the grand mansion. His face lacked any expression or emotion.

"We'll see just how crazy things get," Toji muttered to himself in a low voice as a wild smile appeared on his face.

End Of Ch

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