
(Moved to fanfic page) Chronicles of a Nobody

A young man dies full of regret with his monotonous life of emptiness. He finds himself in a dark space. One thing leads to another and off on an adventure he goes. First time author here folks. Just trying my own take on a fanfic here. I'll try to post a chapter a day. Please feel free to post your criticism and opinions on the story. I'll try to incorporate everything I see and make it better.

Hoggysama · Action
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40 Chs



[Name: Rai

Title: N/A

Age: 6 Months

Rank: Infant

HP: 25/25

STR: 15

AGI: 3

END: 10

DEX: 5

INT: 32

CHA: 20

Skills: N/A

Chakra Control: 0%

Currency: 0

SP: 0]

(Author Note: I forgot to add INT last time. My bad)

'I should be able to assimilate the Profound Veins and the Evil God Seed now I think.'

[Yes, you can but it will still hurt during the assimilation. Do you still want to go ahead with this right now Rai?]

'Yes, it is better that I do this earlier. This way I won't have to waste my time away until I start my training.'

[Alright, then I will first start with the integration of the Profound Veins, followed by the Evil God Seed.]

'Good. Please start Alice.'

As the integration process begins, Rai can feel a burning pain within his veins. It felt like his body was being scorched internally. The pain felt terrible but he can only hold on and persist, since this is a necessity in order to achieve his future plans and most importantly to survive. For what felt like an eternity, he burned and toiled, hoping for it stop. And finally it came to an end. Rai weakly let out a sign of relief. He just laid there on the floor until he gathered enough energy to move. He imagined a nice fluffy bed on the floor, crawled over and laid on it.

'I never want to go through that again.'

[Hmph. I told you so.]

'Yea. Yea, I know.'

'How long did that take?'

[It took around 30 minutes for the assimilation process to complete.]

'Uh, is the assimilation of the Evil God Seed going to be the same? If it is I'd rather do it later.'

[No worries Rai. This was the worst one, the Evil God Seed assimilation will feel a little weird for you since it will transform your body into a Spirit Heretic Body but there won't be any pain involved in the process. Actually you are lucky that this is the nerfed version that you integrated with. The complete version would definitely hurt a lot more. And also the fact that you did not have profound veins previously also helped otherwise the pain of overwriting the previous Profound Veins would have been unbearable to you.]

Rai has cold sweat running down his back and lets out a hollow chuckle.

[Also, Rai your current cultivation is at the 1st Stage of the Elementary Profound Realm. Congratulations on the start of your cultivation journey.]

'Haha. Thanks Alice. You're a godsend!'

'Alright then. How do I do this?'

[Just take the seed out of the inventory and will it to be absorbed into your body. Also you will have to choose the element that you want the seed to be.]

Rai had already resolved to expertise in the lightning Element and so choosing lightning as the source of the Evil God Seed was a no-brainer. He takes it out quickly onto his right hand with the intention of absorbing and it quickly dissolves and enters his body. Rai can feel a huge influx of energy in his body. Simultaneously, he can also feel quite a few changes. He is unsure what these changes entail but the changes do not seem harmful, so he decided to just roll with it.


[You have broken through to the 2nd Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

[You have broken through to the 3rd Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

[You have broken through to the 4th Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

[You have broken through to the 5th Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

[You have broken through to the 6th Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

[You have broken through to the 7th Stage Elementary Profound Realm.]

Rai received an influx of notifications regarding his breakthroughs to a higher realm.

'This sure does feel good to suddenly have an increase by so much. By the way, wasn't it supposed to be extremely difficult to cultivate with the Tyrannical Emperor's Profound Veins until I awaken them?'

[Yes. That is correct, it does make it extremely difficult and time consuming to amass energy into your veins. But, this is a result of using the Evil God Seed and so the same restrictions do not apply.]

'As expected of a cheat item, there's no area where it stands in the realms of normalcy.'

[That is to be expected of course. This is a piece of the legacy of a Creation God. And the Strongest Creation God too I should add.]

'Point taken.'

'Alright, now how I do get out from here?'

[You just have to think about getting out and that should be it.]

Rai finds himself out of the room and back into his crib.

'Hey Alice. How does the Profound Energy Cultivation system translate to in this world? Like I am at the 7th Stage Elementary Realm now but how much is that really in terms of Chakra compared to the Shinobi World?'

[A rough translation of amount of energy held would look like this Rai:

Elementary Profound = Academy Student

Nascent Profound = Genin

True Profound = Chuunin

Spirit Profound = Tokubetsu Jonin

Earth Profound = Jonin

Sky Profound = Elite Jonin

Emperor Profound = Kage

Tyrant Profound = Super Kage

Sovereign Profound = Rikudou Sennin

Divine Origin = Kaguya]

[And this is only in terms of Energy that you have access to. It in no way signifies battle prowess. You can simply consider yourself to be having as much chakra as the adjacent rankings according to your cultivation level.]

[You will still be able to fly at the Sky Profound Realm with the Profound Floating Technique and have access to a Domain at the Emperor Profound realm. You do not exactly follow the norm of the people from the Shinobi world. Does this make things clearer to you Rai?]

'Crystal. Thanks Alice.'

'Now I think I'll take a look at the Store and see what goodies I can get.'