
Kaito Chapter 34

Kaito Chapter 34

With that, Danzo continued, pointing to the map, "In conjunction with the reconstruction of the Leaf Police headquarters, the Uchiha will also relocate. Homes and buildings that were spared will be..."

The meeting continued with the various adjustments and relocations proposed by Danzo for the village's reconstruction. Despite the tension, the leaders present begrudgingly accepted the necessity of these changes, understanding that the village needed to adapt to the aftermath of the Nine-Tails attack.

Weeks had passed since the Kyubi's devastating attack on Konohagakure. In a quiet hospital room, Kushina Uzumaki lay still on a bed, her body ravaged by the traumatic events. The childbirth, the unsealing and extraction of the Nine-Tails, and the subsequent impalement by the monstrous beast had taken their toll.

Suddenly, Kushina's eyelids fluttered, a faint flicker of life returning to her dormant form. The monitors attached to her began to beep erratically, alerting the medical staff. In a flurry of movement, doctors rushed into the room.

Slowly, Kushina opened her eyes, blinking away the confusion that clouded her vision. As she did, the memories of the attack came rushing back, flooding her mind with a torrent of fear and pain.

Tears welled up in Kushina's eyes as she croaked out, her voice hoarse from disuse, "Minato... Kaito... Naruto..."

She attempted to rise, but the medical staff gently but firmly restrained her. "Lady Kushina, you're in no condition to move," one of them said.

Her voice cracking with desperation, she asked, "Minato... my sons..."

The medic ninja tending to her hesitated, the words caught in his throat. After a long, painful pause, he finally spoke, "I'm sorry, but Minato-sama..." he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

After a few seconds, he continued, "Your sons are fine. Your eldest is still unconscious, resting in the bed next to you. The baby is in a crib beside you... you can see him after the checkup is complete."

Hearing this, Kushina burst into tears, the confirmation of Minato's death hitting her with the force of a blow. While she was being examined by the medic ninja, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, was notified of Kushina's awakening.

After ensuring Kushina's stable condition, a nurse entrusted baby Naruto into her arms. Once the nurse completed her checkup and exited the room, Kushina directed all her attention to Naruto. With a tender touch, she brushed a stray strand of his unruly hair away and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

A small, content smile adorned Kushina's face as she cradled baby Naruto in her embrace. Naruto, with his large, curious blue eyes, gazed up at his mother, blissfully unaware of recent events. Kushina, in turn, gently rocked him back and forth, accompanying the soothing motion with a soft lullaby to comfort both herself and the baby.

Whispering, she remarked, "You have blond hair and blue eyes, Naruto, just like your daddy," her eyes welling up with a blend of sorrow and love.

Glancing to her right, Kushina noticed her other son, Kaito, still lying unconscious. A smile graced her lips as she observed the peacefulness that sleep bestowed upon him.

Reaching out, she gently stroked her elder son's hair, now a striking mix of red and white at the tips, a detail that sparked concern within her.

Reflecting on her own survival, Kushina found herself at a loss. Her last recollection was being on the verge of death in Kaito's arms. Seeking answers, she inquired with the medic nin about the circumstances leading to her survival. The response revealed that Hiruzen had brought her in, citing a severe case of chakra exhaustion and damage to her chakra coils.

Perplexed, Kushina delved further, questioning why Kaito remained unconscious. They explained that he suffered from an even more severe case of chakra exhaustion, surpassing her own.

The knocking on the door broke the quiet tension that had settled in the room. Kushina, startled from her thoughts, called out, "Come in," her voice still raspy from exhaustion.

The door creaked open, revealing the familiar figure of Hiruzen Sarutobi, adorned in his Hokage robes. A look of warmth and relief softened his features as he saw Kushina awake.

"Ah, Kushina," he greeted kindly, "It's good to see you awake. How are you feeling?"

Smiling faintly, Kushina managed to reply, "I'm doing well, Lord Third."

Hiruzen's gaze shifted to the small bundle cradled in her arms. He chuckled and asked, "Ah, and what have you named him?"

Kushina's smile widened as she looked down at the baby, her eyes filled with love. "His name is Naruto," she announced, "after the main character in Jiraiya-sensei's novel."

Hiruzen nodded knowingly, a small smile playing on his lips. "A fitting name for a young shinobi with such potential," he said, his voice filled with pride.

They continued their conversation for a while, engaging in lighthearted banter and exchanging news of the village. But beneath the surface of normalcy, a deeper understanding flowed between them. They both knew the gravity of the situation, the sacrifices made, and the challenges that lay ahead.

After exchanging pleasantries, Hiruzen cleared his throat and said, "I understand you have many questions, Kushina, as do I. So, let me answer yours first."

Kushina leaned forward, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. "How long has it been, Lord Third?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "And... how am I alive? Not that I'm complaining, but I had a hole in my torso."

Hiruzen, his brow furrowed in thought, replied, "Hmm... what is the last thing you remember?"

Kushina, her eyes wide with confusion, stammered, "The last thing I remember is Kaito crying over me."

Hiruzen met her gaze with a thoughtful expression. "It has been two weeks since then, Kushina," he began. "As for your survival... the answer lies with your son, Kaito."

Kushina's eyes widened in surprise. "Kaito?" she echoed, her brows furrowing. "But how?"

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped together. "It seems Kaito has awakened a new kekkei genkai," he explained, his voice low and serious. "A rare and powerful ability that allows him to heal others through..." he paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully, "...through bites."

Kushina gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "Through bites?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.

Hiruzen nodded. "Yes. It appears that Kaito can channel his chakra through the bite wound, transferring it to the person he bites and promoting healing. "

He looked at Kushina, his gaze filled with a mixture of sadness and admiration. "However, I don't think that was enough for you to have survived. To fully heal you, he had to use part of his life force. That's why the tips of his hair are white.."

Kushina gasped, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude for her son. She turned to look at Kaito, his face pale and peaceful in sleep, and tears welled up in her eyes. She reached out and gently stroked his hair, her touch filled with a tenderness that words could not express.

Hiruzen, understanding the depth of Kushina's emotions, stood silently by her side, allowing her to have this precious moment with her son. He knew that the road to recovery would be long and arduous, but he also knew that Kushina's love for her sons would be her greatest strength.

"I understand that this is a lot to process," he said gently, his voice filled with understanding. "Take all the time you need to collect yourself. I will be here when you are ready to talk."

After a while, Hiruzen's tone turned serious as he asked, "Kushina, I need to know what happened that day."

Sighing, Kushina had been attempting to divert her thoughts from that painful topic, especially regarding Minato's death. However, she understood that the inevitable question was on the horizon. Composing herself, she began to explain the harrowing events.

She recounted the intrusion of a masked man into the room, attempting to take baby Naruto hostage when they were momentarily distracted. Kaito's intervention thwarted the initial threat, but another masked man, likely a clone, silently approached and fatally attacked Lady Biwako and Taji, kidnapping Naruto in the process. Minato, in a desperate move, teleported away to rescue Naruto who had been covered with explosive tags.

Continuing her narrative, Kushina detailed how Kaito tried to prevent them from taking her, but the masked man succeeded. Chained and captive, she witnessed the masked man using the Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails, to unleashing its destructive power upon the village. Minato ultimately rescued her, then went on to confront both the Nine-Tails and the masked man in battle.

As Kushina finished recounting the harrowing events, Hiruzen's brow furrowed deeply. "So, just as I suspected," he thought, "there was a third party involved in this attack. And this man possessed the Sharingan? You never noticed him within the village before? This is indeed troubling..."

He turned to Kushina, his gaze serious. "And you say that this masked man escaped before Minato could finish him off?"

Kushina, cradling baby Naruto close to her chest, tears welled up in her eyes. "Yes," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Just then, a sudden groan broke the tense silence. Both their heads turned towards the bed beside Kushina, where Kaito lay. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing a glimmer of consciousness returning to his eyes.

Kushina's heart leaped with joy as she watched her eldest son slowly stir. Relief washed over her like a tidal wave. Despite the immense pain and loss she had endured, seeing Kaito awake filled her with a renewed sense of hope and determination.

Kushina, reached out to gently touch Kaito's hand, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Kaito, sweetheart, can you hear me?" she whispered, her voice filled with a blend of hope and anxiety.

His eyelashes fluttered again, and Kaito's eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light in the room. Confusion and disorientation clouded his gaze at first, but as his vision cleared, he locked eyes with his mother.

"Mom?" Kaito's voice was weak, but the recognition in his eyes brought a surge of relief to Kushina's heart.

With a gentle touch, Kushina reached out and caressed Kaito's cheek. "You're awake," she breathed, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Thank goodness you're awake."

Kaito's eyes widened as memories flooded back to him. He jolted upright, his arms wrapping around his mother in a tight embrace. "Mom!" he cried, his voice filled with relief and emotion. "You're okay!"

Kushina held him close, her tears flowing freely. "Yes, it's me," she replied, her voice choked with emotion. " I'm ok sweety, mommy is ok"

After a long embrace, Kaito finally pulled away, his tears drying but leaving a melancholic glint in his eyes. "How long was I out for?" he asked, wiping away the last remnants of moisture.

Hiruzen's voice, grave and somber, answered, "It has been two weeks."

The weight of those words hit Kaito like a physical blow. Two weeks. Two weeks since the attack, two weeks since... his father's death. The word wouldn't form on his lips, but the pain of it choked him, bringing tears to his eyes once more.

He mumbled, "Dad," his voice a broken whisper as he looked down at the floor, unable to face the grief that threatened to consume him.

Seeing his distress, Kushina immediately pulled him into another tight hug, her free arm wrapping around him like a protective shield. They held each other for what felt like an eternity, their silent grief finding solace in the warmth of their embrace.

Suddenly, a soft gurgle broke the silence. Both Kaito and Kushina looked down to see Naruto, his tiny hands reaching out towards them.

"Naruto," Kaito said, his voice still laced with sadness but now tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Kushina smiled, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Yes, Naruto. He's your baby brother, and he's been waiting for you to wake up."

A soft smile touched Kaito's lips as he looked at the innocent face of his younger brother. "Hey there, little guy," he whispered, gently reaching out and stroking Naruto's cheek.

Having received the answers he sought, Hiruzen stood up and said, "Well, I better be off then. It was good to see you both awake and well." He started towards the door, ready to leave the family to their private moment.

But before he could leave, Kushina stopped him. "Lord Third," she said, her voice thick with emotion, "when is the funeral?"

Hiruzen's heart ached for her. He knew the pain of losing someone close, and he couldn't imagine what she must be feeling. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"I'm sorry, Kushina," he said gently, "but it was a week ago."

The words hung heavy in the air. Hearing that she had missed her husband's funeral, a wave of grief washed over Kushina. Tears streamed down her face as she held her sons close, seeking comfort in their presence.

Kaito, understanding his mother's pain, wrapped his arm around her, offering silent support. He too was grieving, but he knew he had to be strong for his mother and his brother.

Naruto, oblivious to the sorrow surrounding him, gurgled happily in his mother's arms, adding a touch of innocence to the scene.

Hiruzen remained standing there for a moment, his gaze filled with sympathy. He knew that words wouldn't ease their pain, but he wanted them to know that he was there for them.

"If there's anything you need," he said softly, "please do not hesitate to ask."

With a small nod, Kushina thanked him. Hiruzen then turned and left the room, leaving the family alone with their grief.

In the quiet of the hospital room, the family mourned their loss. Each member carried the pain in their own way, but they found solace in the comfort of each other.


Several days had elapsed since both Kushina and Kaito emerged from their comatose states, and at last, they were deemed healthy enough to depart from the hospital. During this time, they received a handful of visitors, including Mikoto and her sons, Itachi Uchiha along with baby Sasuke. Though the visits were brief, they were pleasant, providing a small reprieve.

Hiruzen also paid a visit to convey the unfortunate news of their house being destroyed in the Nine-Tails attack. Their belongings had been relocated to the Uzumaki residence where Kushina had spent her formative years.

With a final checkup from the doctor, Kushina and Kaito bid farewell to the hospital. Their destination: the Konoha cemetery. The crisp autumn air outside carried a chill as Kushina, cradling baby Naruto, and Kaito walked towards the solemn grounds.

At the cemetery, Minato Namikaze's gravestone, positioned at the forefront with the other Hokage, awaited them. Incense and flowers adorned it. Kaito, his expression reflecting a mix of sorrow, knelt beside the gravestone. Kushina, lowering herself onto one knee, held Naruto close as he fidgeted in her arms.

"Minato, my love," Kushina whispered, her eyes shimmering with tears, ".Thank you for your love, your protection, and your sacrifice. We will never forget you."

Sensing the gravity of the moment, Naruto stilled in his mother's arms, his wide eyes absorbing the scene before him.

Kaito's voice, though steady, trembled with emotion as he spoke to the gravestone. "Hey, Dad," he said, his eyes closed as if in prayer. "I... I'll protect them. I promise."

For the past few days, Kaito had been consumed by guilt and regret. He blamed himself for not being strong enough, for not being able to save Minato. The constant "what if" scenarios tormented him, driving him to the brink of despair.

Kushina, sensing his turmoil, had offered him comfort and support. Her words of reassurance and love were a balm to his wounded soul. But the pain remained, a constant reminder of his loss.

After a period of silent reflection and shared tears at the gravesite, Kushina decided it was time to head home. "It's getting late; we should head home," she suggested, rising, though stumbling slightly due to the pain emanating from her abdomen.

Witnessing her discomfort, Kaito swiftly took Naruto from her arms and asked, "Are you okay, Mom?"

Kushina managed a weak smile. "Yeah, just need a minute," she said, biting her lip to hold back the tears of pain.

For the past few days, she had been experiencing random stabbing pains in her abdomen. It was likely due to the damage inflicted on her chakra coils during the Nine-Tails attack.

fter a short break, Kushina felt better, and the two of them continued on their journey home. They stopped at a market and picked up a few bags of groceries, ensuring they had enough to start fresh in their new home.

Finally, they reached the Uzumaki residence, located near the Senju compound. Unlike their previous home, this one had a more traditional feel, with sprawling gardens and a spacious interior. While it lacked the familiar comfort of their old house, it held the promise of new beginnings.

Stepping inside, Kushina surveyed the rooms, her eyes filled with determination. "This might not be the same as our old house," she said, her voice firm, "but we'll make it work, together."

She took Naruto with her, exploring the house and showing him his new surroundings. The baby, oblivious to the changes around him, gurgled happily, his innocent eyes radiating pure joy.

Meanwhile, Kaito stood outside, his gaze fixed on a specific direction. He had sensed the presence of Kakashi among the Anbu watching over them during their stay in the hospital, and he knew they were still there, guarding them from the shadows.

"Kakashi, I know you're there," he called out, his voice filled with resolve. "Please, come out."

Moments later, a figure emerged from the trees, his silver hair shimmering in the sunlight. It was Kakashi, disguised as a regular ninja.

Kaito, with newfound determination, bowed his head deeply. "Please, help me train," he pleaded. "I need to become stronger... I have to protect them."

Kakashi looked into Kaito's eyes, seeing the burning desire within them. He knew the young boy had suffered a great loss, but he also saw the resilience and determination that mirrored his own. He nodded slowly.

"Very well," he said. "Meet me here at dawn, we start tomorrow ." with that he body flickered away.

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