

I spent the past day doing things out of boredom. Like destroying large buildings and then saving everyone in harms way and other stuff to.

Currently, I'm floating in the Stratosphere. Back facing the clouds as I think about how much things have changed since I was born.

I was forced to fight ever since I was 5. I have killed enough people that I would be qualified for a serial killer back in my old world. I've grown immune to death, though, as my father made sure to beat the sympathetic mindset out of me.

As I feel the breeze on my skin my eyes shoot open.

Gasping as I hear a sonic boom, I whirl my head to the right just in time to block a blow from a large flying white tiger with rather large muscles.

Groaning as my forearms feel like they are close to straining I glance at my attacker with surprise.

"Do I know you?" I ask politely with a smile towards the buff feline dude as he smiles his sharp teeth showing.

"I am the son of battle beast. I was just taking a vacation away from my father for a bit. Now imagine my surprise when I arrive on this planet to find a viltrumite causing chaos at MY favorite planet!" The cat yells as the wind begins whispering around us. Me getting ready for a fight.

'He hits harder than conquest... this one is gonna be tough' blasting forward with a sonic boom I go for a right which the cat parrys before jabbing at me twice barley twisting my head to avoid both blows before I headbutt the white tiger probably doing more damage to myself rather than him.

Disengaging I back away as battle beast's son blitzes toward me with a yell. Spinning a small gold mace. Ducking under the swing my face meets his knee as blood spills from my nose like a fountain.

While I'm stunned, I feel him grab my neck before zooming upwards into space. As I choke, I hold as much air in my lungs as possible, with blood still leaking out.

Once we are in space, I elbow his ribs twice, making him release me. Then I kick him away, giving myself some well-needed breathing room.

Feeling an involuntary shiver down my spine, I see the cat smile at me. This makes me feel my eyes heat up in anger. {"So... what's your name?"} he asks, after crushing my nose and nearly suffocating me. This guy reminds me of myself.

{"My names Devo. Prince of Viltrum, and your future killer. What's yours? I'd like to know it so I can honor you after your death."} He smiles furiously at me, looking a bit shocked by my words. Then he shakes his head.

{"My names Arthur. Also dude, has anyone told you how intense you are? I mean, you can't be older than 11, and you casually talk about killing me—that's abnormal even for Viltrumites!"} I interrupt Arthur's yap, blitzing forward in a silent shock wave. i plants both his fists in his gut, and we blast away from planet Ivor.

Once a fair distance away, I blow him back even more with my heat vision, separating us. My eyes widen as I nearly gasp and lose my breath because he ignores my beams and then blasts forward.

'He's faster than me, even. I can't let him accelerate, or I'm in for a beating.' I enter my maternal side's martial arts, saying, {"You're worthy enough for me to utilize my mother's family's martial arts. Consider this the greatest honor I can give you, Arthur..."} I close the distance in a second, chopping towards his neck with my clawed hand. He blocks it, but I spin along with the momentum, landing a solid kick to his jaw.

Continuing with my spins momentum, I land a spinning back fist to Arthur's retreating form before grabbing one of his braids and blasting towards a gas giant dragging Arthur along as we enter the planet's atmosphere.

Once we are inside the planet, dust clouds my vision along with other gasses as my smart atoms immediately adapt to the harsh conditions of the planet. Arthur does not have the luxury as he grips my wrist and throws me out of the planet before punching me in the chest, nearly making me lose all my air as I grip my chest in agony.

{Alright devo, you've made me mad. At first, I was just going to play with you a bit before leaving you be. Now I'm gonna humble you!!} Arthur yells at me like some anime protagonist from my past life as he closes the distance so fast I can barely widen my eyes before his white fur-coated hand covers my face the next thing I know my back is impacting something hard and solid, painfully.

Gasping as his hand covers my face, I blast it with my heat vision, moving him back before we meet fist to fist. Space folds a tiny bit under the force of our clash as I feel blood dribble down my nose.

My knuckles bust and bleed under the force of our clash as I growl in anger.