

Mother Lupa's eye gazed down upon the mountains. Full and bright, it roused her children and set their blood boiling. One-eyed Lupa's children would feast tonight. Jorst, the leader of the Serpe pack, signalled the beginning of the hunt with his eerie howl. The other Wier joined him, hunched shillouettes in the cold light. They began to run, heading towards the valley nestled high in the mountains. This was to be an easy hunt, as Ida, a newly turned packmate was joining them. The village of Senke was perfect for this, no guard, no watchmen and no gate. As the Wier loped silently toward the village, a lone figure, bundled against the cold stumbled out past the houses. A faint sobbing could be heard from the figure.

"Mine" Jorst growled, his gravelly voice barely recognizable as speech. He stalked towards the figure as the other Wier made their way towards the houses. Seeing his pack close in, assured of their success he decided to make a game of this unlucky boy. He let out a low growl, the boy turned, his face becoming as pale as the snow that blanketed the valley.

"Nunuhnooo..." The boy's voice trailed off as Jorst got down on all fours and stalked towards him. Falling on his arse, the boy sobbed. Jorst loomed over him, bringing his massive jaws right to the boy's face and the warmth of his carrion breath melting the snowfalkes dotting the boy's hair.

"Arrrgggghhhhaaaaaaa!" The boy screamed, scambling to his feet and running off, leaving a puddle of urine where he had fell. Jorst ran after, relishing in the thrill of the chase. As the two of them, one running for his life, the other having the time of his life entered a stand of trees lower down the valley, Jorst sped up and pounced upon his back. He clasped his jaw about the boy's shoulder and chewed, mauling him enough that the scent of his blood would fill the air and in turn Jorst's nose but not so much to cut the hunt short. Jorst's appetite surged, and he let out a great howl as he marvelled as the smell of blood permeated the air, the whimpers of the prey as it stumbled away and the taste of the blood as it filled his mouth.

Lost in the sensations of the hunt, Jorst failed to notice the boy approacing a precipice where the meltwater fell to join the Serpe river. The boy, in his terror failed to notice the sudden drop.

"Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiee..." He let out a scream as he fell to his certain death.

Jorst let out a guttaral scream, filled with pure fury, he had lost his prey, all the anticipation for nothing. He ran back towards the village to feast on the sure kills his pack had made, growling in anger as he did so.

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