7 Fortress

Harry Observed his surrounding using his newly acquired X-Ray vision , to his amusement it's in Colour then the Black and white version . He focused next to his house where a huge Boulder lies just ten feet from his house , He peered through and he saw through the rock and he was shocked , 12 armed men were hiding there everyone holding at least a Gun and hunting knife .

He was aware that a house suddenly appearing at the hill top will attract attension But he never thought he will get Witchhunted.

Well it's his lucky day he was thinking of something to practice his newfound powers . The knifes in the kitchen flew out of the hooks and went outside from opposite side .


Dwane signalled his men to stay and he was about to move forward to break in through the door when he heard the door unlocking from inside , and pulling the door open a small figure came out .

" Hi , " The kid said , in reply Dwane pulled out his gun and pointed at the kid ofcourse he was not going to hurt this kid unless he become sure that this is not a kid at all.

" I know you guys are hiding behind the rock " The kid said looking into Dwanes eyes and something chilling went through his spine . " Tell them to come out " The kid gestured smoothly .

" Hearing those words ,His man came out of hiding from behind the rock " The kids smile and another chill ran through Dwane's spine .

" Who are you and How did , you brought this house up here " Dwane asked his gun nit leaving the kid's head . Mimicking him all his men pointed there gun at the kid .

" Oh , that was an interesting story actually " Harry replied " You see , I am a wizard " Harry smirked .

" I was angry with my ..." His voice faltered for a second " Guardians and in rage I teleported the house here ." He said .

" A Wizard ?" Dwane said disbelief in his voice " Do you think I am a dumb ."

" Oh that you are Mr. ,otherwise you would not be Witchhunteing me right now , look at that man he is holding a fork ,and that one is holding a shovel " said man hid the fork behind his back whistling in other direction " What the fuck are you trying to accomplish by those Harry asked .

Dwane felt embarrassed but he pointed his Gun at the kids head and just like that he was about to fire a warning shot when he felt something cold behind his neck . A sudden gasp was heard from behind him and a salty pain tickled his neck .

" Any , movement and I will just put that through your spine " the kid said and to his horror a shiny cold steel knife was hovering on his neck skin he could feel its sharpness . In his entire life he had heard stories of real Wizards and witches but he just shrugged them up thinking them to be superstition but now watching this miracle ..... he ,lost his cool and his finger squished the trigger.....

" Bang "

The shot caught Harry off guard as he too lost controll and the knife punched through the flesh and with a shriek of many voices everything went silent ....

twelve men and a kid lay there unmoving ..... and no body know about what happened .


" Groan ,What the fuck happened " Harry said this time he wokeup his lightning bolt scar hurt like it is newly branded on his skull ...
