2 Chapter 2

The rain started to pour and thunderclaps came next.

"Is father not home yet?", young Diluc asked while they were having dinner.

"Master Crepus might be coming home late tonight due to the storm", Adeline replied as she poured water on their glasses.

"Father fighting monsters?", young Kaeya asked.

"He might be", Adeline replied and laughs softly.

When Adeline sent them to bed after dinner, young Kaeya was tossing and turning on his bed as if he couldn't sleep. He watched the raindrops sliding on his windowpane and thunders striking on the ground. Kaeya hopped off his bed dragging his blanket with him, the door creaked as he slowly pushed it. He slowly tip toed to Diluc's door and knocked but no one answered, the door was open so he gently pushed it but Diluc wasn't there.

Young Kaeya started to become worried but he remained calm as he quietly took every step down the staircase. It was dead quite, only the sound of the rain and thunders can be heard. He reached the library for looking for Diluc, finally he found him, reading... alone.

He slowly walked towards him.

"Why are you still awake?", Diluc asked.

"It's cold...I can't sleep"

"So? Why did you come here?"

"I went to your room but you're not there"

"Go to sleep. It's already late"

"Can I sleep beside Diluc?"

Diluc gaged.

"Go to sleep now"

"How about Diluc?"

"You said you're grown up now, but you can't sleep on your own"

"But the thunders are loud and it's cold and-"

Young Diluc left the room and Kaeya followed him without any word. Adeline watched them from the other side of the hall while they were taking the stairs and went inside the room.

"(It's so late and the kids aren't asleep yet)"

Diluc lied on his bed under his sheets and closed his eyes squinting. Kaeya was just staring.

"Can I sleep beside Diluc?"

Without any word, Diluc raised his blanket for him to enter. Kaeya quickly jumped in and snuggled.

Adeline went upstairs to check on the boys, there she saw them sleeping, safe and sound. When she realized that there were nothing for her to worry about she went back downstairs to wait for master Crepus.

The rain became heavier and Adeline started to worry. After a few hours master Crepus was staggering as he entered the door, he was wounded. Adeline quickly responded to help him, she settled him on the couch to clean and cure his wound.

"The battle was fierce, the time before the Archons ruled Teyvat", Master Crepus said.

"I see, even if you are bestowed with great powers still you are hurt", Adeline.

"That time, a boy who led people for battle... he was so brave and young, I was about to save him yet I failed"

"It is alright sir, you did everything that you could"

"Going back in time, could give you lots of knowledge, indeed"

Master Crepus sighed.

"The boys..?"

"They are asleep now sir"

"Aah, I see... what did they do today?"

"Just like the other days, playing together and sleeping under the shade, but today was something new", she said with a smile.

"What is it?"

"They refused to be washed by me saying they are already grown ups"

"Really...well, I think they really are", "Adeline, do you know something about Khaenri'ah?"

"I think it sounds familiar sir but I'm afraid I do not know anything about it"

"Ahh, I see, you can now get your rest for I will too"

When the morning came, the sunlight was escaping through the window, young Diluc found Kaeya missing beside him so he went outside his room. He found out that his father was talking to him seriously that looks like he did something bad(in Diluc's pov).He went down stairs to ask.

"Father, did something happened?", he asked. Kaeya was dangling his legs while sitting on a chair in front of Master Crepus.

"No son, I was just asking him something... Kaeya, son, do you really not know anything about Khaenri'ah ?"

Young Kaeya silently shook his head.

"Okay then, off you go"

Young Kaeya clasped onto Diluc's clothes as they went back to Diluc's room.

"What about Khaenri'an?", Diluc asked.

"Un... don't know"

"Why would father ask you something like that? Even me has no idea about it... come on forget about what happened I'll let you read something, it's one of my favorites", Diluc said as he grabbed one of the books from his shelf.

Master Crepus was lost deep in his thought and was freed when Adeline tapped his shoulder.

"Master Crepus, I've called you many times"


"I have prepared breakfast", Adeline said.

"Tell them to get my horse ready, I'm leaving"

"Pardon me Master Crepus but may I know where you are going?"

"Khaenri'ah , please tell them already Adeline".

"Right away sir" , Adeline said as she bowed and called the people who were working for Master Crepus to get his horse ready.

Master Crepus entered Diluc's room.

"What are you boys doing?", Master Crepus asked.

"We're reading a book.", Diluc answered.

"I see, then you boys have fun today for I will be leaving, don't give Adeline a head ache and be good"

"But father, you left yesterday too", Diluc said.

"Yeah, but father have work to do. I'll be back as soon as possible my boy and Kaeya, have fun with Diluc too okay?"

Kaeya nodded but he looked intimidated.

Master Crepus sighed as he left the room.

Diluc was sulking as he came back to bed.

"Why does he always have to leave?", Diluc mumbled.

"Hey, you're surprisingly quiet today,"

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are... did something happen?"

"Uwahh, how do you read this... partipitate? Parcipitat? Par..."

"It's participate", Diluc said.

Kaeya was avoiding the questions and he knows but he didn't insisted to asked, he knows that when Kaeya is ready he'll tell him.

Everyday since Master Crepus started to leave and go home wounded. Kaeya and Diluc eats, bathes, plays, and sometimes sleep together, and laugh till their hearts content, everyday they did these without Master Crepus yet they are happy and contented, but there are times that Diluc misses his father, Wishing that he was with them but of course at a very young age he was forced by the situation to understand his father's responsibilities.

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