
Ch4: What should I do with You.

[ John Wick POV ]

Soon after, we arrived at our destination as the Little girl behind me shouted timidly, "T-that the place, sir," she said.

Sure enough, I can make out a small, dilapidated wooden house ahead of us, surrounded by a dense thicket of trees that would provide excellent cover if necessary.

Urging Nyx to move faster with a gentle tap of my heel, I feel her hooves pounding rapidly on the slick, muddy ground. The sky grows increasingly dark, and rain begins to pelt down on us, soaking our clothes through and through.

As we draw nearer to the little house, I can see it is in a state of disrepair, with splintered boards and missing roof tiles. Despite its humble appearance, however, I feel a sense of relief knowing that we will at least have shelter from the storm. The thick forest around us is a welcome sight, offering the promise of safety and seclusion.

"Can you hold your brother for a moment?" I asked the girl, who nodded silently in response.

Despite her timid demeanor, I could see the worry etched on her face as she clung tightly to her sibling. Taking a deep breath, I dismounted from Nyx and quickly tethered her to a nearby tree before turning my attention back to the children.

"Come, let me help you down!" I shouted over the sound of the rain, which had now grown even louder, drowning out our voices.

After carefully lifting the boy into my arms, I guided the girl down from the horse, making sure she landed safely on the ground.

Together, we approached the door of the wooden house, with me leading the way and the children and Daisy following closely behind. As I pushed the door open, it emitted a loud creak, causing the girl to jump in surprise.

Inside, the musty scent of damp wood and old ashes filled my nostrils, making me wrinkle my nose in distaste. Despite the mustiness, I felt grateful for the dry shelter that this little house provided in the midst of the tempestuous night.

The room was sparse, with a rickety table and chairs pushed up against one wall, and a narrow cot situated against the other. A pile of ashes sat in the center of the fireplace, which appeared to have not been used in some time. Despite the humble accommodations, however, the small house felt like a haven of safety and warmth amidst the raging storm outside.

"Girl, come here. Can you please apply pressure to your brother's shoulder to stem the bleeding while I retrieve some medicine from my saddlebag?" I said as I gently laid the boy down on the bed.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes as she looked up at me with a tremulous voice. "Y-you won't leave us, will you, sir?" she asked, clutching the hem of her dress tightly.

"No, I won't leave you," I reassured her, patting her head gently. "I'll just step outside for a moment to get what we need. Don't worry, I'll be back soon," I added, hoping to calm her frayed nerves. The girl nodded her head in response, still looking apprehensive.

With a heavy heart, I walked out of the wooden house, my shoes squelching in the mud. Nyx was still tethered to the tree where I had left her, and I quickly rummaged through my saddlebag to find the first aid kit.

After locating the kit, I carefully opened it and retrieved the supplies I needed. I made sure to take extra care, knowing that the boy's life was at stake. The storm raged on outside, the sound of the raindrops falling on the leaves like a constant drumbeat.

Returning to the boy's side, I focused intently on his wound, ignoring the sigh of relief from the girl beside me.

"Stay strong, boy. This is going to hurt," I muttered under my breath, though I knew he couldn't hear me as he was still unconscious.

"Can you please pass me the antiseptic from that box?" I asked the girl, pointing to the small wooden container on the table beside me. She looked up at me with a timid expression, her voice barely above a whisper.

"U-um, w-what is antiseptic, sir? I'm sorry, I can't read," she said, casting a worried glance at the box.

I paused for a moment, realizing that the girl had likely never encountered such a medical item before. "Antiseptic is a liquid that helps prevent infection," I explained gently, hoping to put her mind at ease.

"It's in that small bottle with the green label."

The girl nodded her head, and I watched as she carefully retrieved the bottle from the box, handing it to me with trembling hands.

I nod a little reassuringly at her before turning my attention back to the boy's wound, applying the antiseptic with a steady hand. The storm continued to rage outside, but inside the little wooden house, I felt a sense of calm as I tended to the injured boy.

With a soft clink, I successfully removed the bullet from the boy's shoulder and began tending to his wound, skillfully stitching it back together to ensure that it would not easily reopen.

"That should take care of the most critical part of his wound," I muttered quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Will my brother be alright, sir?" the girl asked, her voice trembling with hope. Despite the chill in the air, I could see beads of sweat on her forehead as she anxiously clutched her brother's clothes.

"Don't worry, your brother will be okay," I replied calmly, trying to ease her fears.

"He'll need to rest for a few weeks, give or take." My answer was met with a long sigh from the girl, who continued to cling to her brother's clothes tightly.

As I finished up the last of the stitching, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Though the boy still had a long road to recovery ahead of him, I was confident that he would pull through. Turning to the girl, I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be okay," I repeated, hoping to give her some much-needed comfort in the midst of their turmoil.


[ Anna POV ]

"Now come here, I need to tend to your wound too," said the stranger, his voice sounding reassuring and calm. I felt his hand still on my shoulder and tried to calm my worry as I realized I didn't even know his name. He had appeared out of nowhere to help us when everyone we had met so far had ignored us or worse.

Despite his help with my brother's wound, I still didn't fully trust him. How could I trust someone when everyone we had met so far had treated us like objects? But at least this stranger knew how to tend to wounds like a doctor, a profession I had only heard about from my brother's stories.

We had never even left our town of Strawberry, and couldn't even read. But maybe, just maybe, I could allow myself to hope a little. Perhaps this stranger really did want to help us.

I respond with a timid "Um," my voice barely audible, and my hand still shaking from the ordeal we had just been through.

"So far nothing concerning, only a little scratch on your forehead," he said as he tend my wound, "This might sting a bit," added him while my hand still clutching my brother's shirt tightly afraid he would leave me like my mother and father did that night.

"ugh," a light grunt comes out from my lips as he takes out a piece of wool and applies antiseptic to the wound. The pungent smell of the antiseptic assaults my nostrils, making me flinch and cringe in discomfort.

"After this, you only need to rest for a while, and everything will be okay," he said, his voice calm and reassuring, making me feel at ease.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled loudly, breaking the silence that had fallen upon us. I felt embarrassed and hung my head low, not daring to meet his gaze.

"Well, I think we need to prepare something to eat," he said, amusement lacing his voice. His words made me feel even more self-conscious, and I felt my face turn red with embarrassment.

I suddenly woke up from my embarrassment when a warm feeling enveloped my body. Looking up, I saw the stranger taking off his coat and placing it on me. At that moment, I was taken aback. As he removed his coat, I caught a glimpse of a strange object that looked like a gun strap carefully placed on his body.

Taking a closer look, I noticed that his whole demeanor and clothing were unusual. I had never seen anyone dressed like that in Strawberry. Maybe he was from a bigger town like Saint Denis which my brother told me about. He was undoubtedly a rich man as people in our town could not afford that kind of attire.

"You rest here for a while, don't open the door for anyone besides me," he said firmly, taking out the firearm-like object from his waist, causing me to flinch in fear.

"I need to go out and look for food," he continued, his voice laced with concern.

As he approached the door, I summoned the courage to speak up. "T-thank you, mister," I managed to say, my voice barely audible.

He nodded in response before grasping the doorknob. Just as he was about to leave, he turned back and said,

"Don't worry, I will come back."

I let out a sigh of relief, wondering why I felt so anxious at the thought of the stranger leaving us alone.

"Woof woof!" A low bark breaks my stupor as I look at my legs. "Ah, yeah I'm not alone, I have you too," I whisper as I pat the little pup beside me


[ John Wick POV ]

As I closed the door behind me, it emitted a creaking sound that echoed in the quietness of the night. Walking towards Nyx, I pondered about the consequences and responsibilities that came along with my decision to aid the two siblings. The mud beneath my shoes squished with each step, as I made my way to the horse.

"I should hunt something first, and figure things out on the way," I murmured to myself. Despite the heavy rain, the sound was audible.

Once on Nyx's back, I gently tapped her belly with my leg, and she obediently began to move toward the woods. The forest was dense and full of life, with vibrant flowers and trees surrounding me as I rode on, scanning for prey to hunt.

'Sure enough, this heightened sense needs some time to get used to. It's too overwhelming,' I thought to myself as I took in the incredibly detailed world around me. I could even see the individual feathers on the eagle soaring high above.

'As for now, I need to focus on finding a town after those two siblings get better. Maybe they can shed some light on this unfamiliar world,' I pondered silently.

'And if I'm in the same world but in the year before 1900, I could try to find a way to prevent either World War I or II. The impact of such a change would surely be significant, right?' I questioned, unsure of my own plan.

"Information, I need it the most right now," I muttered

My train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a loud howl that echoed through the quiet night of the woods, not too far from my location.

"It must be wolves," I said aloud, "perhaps they have found something to hunt, maybe a deer," I muttered to myself.

"Let's go, Nyx. We have a prey to catch," I exclaimed as I firmly tugged the reins, urging Nyx to gallop forward with vigor. Her powerful strides pulverized the muddy ground beneath her hooves, creating a trail of mud and dirt behind us.

As we rode further, we emerged onto a vast plain, with a winding river meandering at its side. In the middle of the plain, I could see a group of twelve wolves, their jaws bared and dripping with saliva as they chased a couple of pronghorns, their hooves pounding the ground with frantic urgency.

The metallic scent of blood hit my nostrils, and I noticed one of the pronghorns limping with a wounded leg, leaving behind bloody paw prints as it ran. A group of crows and birds scattered into the sky, trying to distance themselves from the frenzied wolves. Hunger burned in their predatory eyes, as they focused solely on their prey.

Taking hold of the sniper rifle from the straps secured to Nyx's back, I'm pleasantly surprised by how lightweight it feels in my grip. The effects of my enhanced body are already apparent, making the lifting of the weapon effortless. With focused intent, I steady myself and fixate on a pronghorn still present in the distance, its unblemished body carelessly grazing.

As I aim my sight toward its head, I take a moment to regulate my breathing, ensuring a steady hand for my shot.

Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

I hold my breath and gently pull the metallic trigger. The silencer dutifully suppresses the explosive sound of the firing bullet, allowing for a dampened bang. With blazing velocity, the bullet makes contact with the pronghorn's skull, penetrating it with deadly force.

With a sense of satisfaction, I watched as the pronghorn fell to the ground, dead before it even hit the muddy earth. The vicious atmosphere is momentarily disturbed by the sound of my shot. The air fills with a distinct smell, a combination of gunpowder and freshly killed game.

It is a reminder of the stark contrast between the beauty of the natural world and the destructive capabilities of humanity's tools. I take a moment to contemplate this, before lowering my sniper rifle and silently thanking it for its swift and lethal accuracy.

The wolves, momentarily stunned by my sudden intervention, I could see their eyes flickering with curiosity and hunger as they caught my scent and turned their attention toward me. Their eyes bore into mine with an unmistakable hunger, their noses twitching as they savored the smell of fresh meat.

Wanting to test my newly enhanced body., I quickly holstered my sniper and dismounted Nyx. I step forward approaching them while unsheathing my Ka-Bar knives from their scabbard on my back, holding them in a reverse grip in both of my hands.

Nyx neighed softly far behind me, sensing the tension in the air. I kept my eyes locked on the wolves. I knew I had to be careful, as one false move could mean the end for both me and Nyx.

The twelve wolves continued to stare at me, their eyes fixed on the pronghorn that now lay motionless on the ground. Their predatory instincts were urging them to claim their prize, but something seemed to be holding them back.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepared for the fight. The wolves, sensing my readiness, slowly began to circle around me, their growls echoing through the silent night.

I kept my eyes on them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. My enhanced senses allowed me to pick up even the slightest movements of the wolves, their muscles tensing and releasing as they prepared to pounce. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as I braced myself for the attack, my knives at the ready.

I held my breath, waiting for their next move.

Without warning, the pack of wolves lunged toward me with razor-sharp teeth bared, their eyes gleaming with hunger and aggression. In an instant, my body moved with incredible speed and precision, my knives were already drawn and poised for battle. My nerve reaction was so lightning-fast that I could perceive every minute detail of their movements, tracking their every leap and snap with unwavering focus.

As the first wolf lunged towards me, I sidestepped with effortless grace, my body moving with almost inhuman agility. My breathing quickened with anticipation as I zeroed in on my target, my eyes darting across its every movement.

With a quick flick of my wrist, my blade flashed in the dim light, slicing cleanly through the air and striking the wolf on its flank. A primal howl echoed through the night as the beast recoiled in pain.

The remaining wolves were undeterred, however, their snarls and growls grew ever more frenzied as they continued their assault. I met their attacks head-on, my movements fluid and precise as I parried and countered their every move. The sound of steel meeting fang filled the air, accompanied by the scent of blood and the taste of sweat on my tongue.

Despite the ferocity of their assault, I refused to falter. My body moved with incredible speed and agility, my muscles flexing and straining with every movement.

My eyes darted across the wolves' every movement, my mind processing their actions with incredible speed and clarity. With every strike, I felt the blood coursing through my veins, my heart pounding with adrenaline and my breath quickening with exertion.

But I never lost my focus. My movements were calculated and precise, my knives flashing in the dim light as I parried and countered their every attack. The battle raged on, the wolves' snarls and growls growing ever more frenzied as they continued their assault. But I remained steadfast, my body moving with almost inhuman grace and agility.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, my perseverance paid off. With one swift and calculated strike, I took down the final wolf, its lifeless body collapsing to the ground with a heavy thud. I stood there, panting heavily, my clothes stained with blood and my senses heightened to a razor-sharp edge.

But despite the fatigue and the carnage surrounding me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. I had faced down a pack of wolves and emerged victorious, a true testament to my strength, skill, and unwavering determination.

Breathing heavily, I looked down at my knives, the metal gleaming in the moonlight. Despite the danger, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the thrill of the fight. I would need to be careful in the future, but for now, I allowed myself to savor the victory.

A few seconds later while my senses remained heightened to a razor-sharp edge, every fiber of my being alert and ready for any potential danger. I could feel a pair of eyes, no, a couple of them, focusing on me from a distance. The scent of fear, awe, sweat, and shock reached my nose, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As I turned my head toward the source of the disturbance, I could see their necks moving in a gulping motion, and I even heard the rapid beat of their hearts.

Without a word, I continued to stare at them, my eyes locked onto their every movement. I noticed the revolver on their wrist and kept a close eye on their hand, prepared to react at a moment's notice should they attempt to unholster it.

With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, as though it were tangible. The muscles in my body were tense, poised to spring into action at a moment's notice. My muscles twitch every time their fingers and hand twitch ready to grab my pistols on my waist. My mind raced with possibilities, considering every potential scenario that could play out.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. The strangers slowly get down from their wagon, their hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

I let out a silent breath that I hadn't realized I was holding, my heart rate slowly returning to normal. Though the danger had passed, I remained on guard, ready for whatever may come next.

Next chapter