
Island Special Exam Explanation

The Class A Homeroom teacher held a speaker on his hands standing on an elevated platform.

Mashima: "Well then. We shall commence the current academic year's first special test."

Ike: "Huh? Special test? What do you mean?"

Mashima: "The test commences now and lasts for one week, concluding on August 7th at the year's end. This test will determine if you can live on a deserted island together as a group. In addition, I should warn you that this special test is both practical and realistic, designed based on real-world corporate training."

???: "Living on a deserted island. Does that mean we're not staying on the boat, but the island?"

Some students from Class B and C voiced their obvious concerns.

Mashima: "You are correct. During the test, you will not be allowed to board the ship without a suitably justifiable reason. It will be necessary for you to fend for yourselves on this island while you are here, from creating a place to sleep to preparing food to eat. Once the test starts, each class will receive two tents, and two flashlights. You will be provided with one box of matches. There is no limit to the amount of sunscreen you can have. Each student will be provided with one toothbrush. As a special case, girls will be allowed to have as many feminine sanitary products as they'd like, without any restrictions. Please ask your respective homeroom teachers for those. That is all."

With that, the teachers began distributing the items.

Ike: "Huh?! So we have to live like survivors on a deserted island?! I don't want to hear this kind of insanity! This isn't an anime or a manga or something! We can't all sleep together in just two tents! And what are we supposed to do about food in the first place? This is unbelievable!"

Ike fussed loud enough for everyone to hear. Developing skills of self-sufficiency on a deserted island—hunting wild animals, washing in the river, building bedding from tree branches—it certainly was like something you'd see in a movie or read about in a book. No one could've imagined that the school would put them through a test like this.

Mashima-sensei gave no sign that this was some kind of joke. If anything, he appeared surprised by what Ike had said.

Mashima: "You may say this is unbelievable, but that's because you've lived a short, superficial life. There is an actual, prominent company that holds training sessions on uninhabited islands."

Ike: "Huh? B-but this... this isn't special at all. Is it? Isn't it too much to ask for us to start living on a deserted island with no warning? No way! This is unreal!"

Chabashira: "Keeping on like that would be shameful, Ike, so stop talking. What Mashima-sensei just said is only part of it. There are many companies in the world with many different training activities. There are workplaces where there aren't any chairs in the office, and companies that decide salaries with dice rolls. The world is wider and deeper than you even know."

Chabashira-sensei, as if unable to overlook Ike running his mouth, chided him. She continued.

Chabashira: "In other words, you are ill-equipped to distinguish between what is reality and what isn't."

Many of the students appeared unconvinced and wore dissatisfied looks.

Chabashira: "I assume you're all thinking something like, 'What does this test mean?' Or perhaps some of you doubt the existence of such training programs. However, students who remain at such a base level of thought are unlikely to become anyone promising in the future. What is your basis for determining this to be 'unbelievable' or 'ridiculous'? You're just students. In my opinion, you're all equally worthless. What kind of insignificant person determines that they can criticize a leading company? That's bizarre. Were you a president in charge of one such notable business, then you might have some right to deny our claims. However, there shouldn't be any grounds for someone of your station to be able to do that."

She explained.

???: "But, teacher, isn't this supposed to be our summer vacation? We were brought here under the pretext of going on a relaxing trip. Don't you think that bringing us here and then springing this corporate training on us could be considered unfair?"

Some of the students in our class began to protest along these lines.

Chabashira: "I see. I suppose that you're not wrong about that. I can understand why you would be discontented. However, please do not worry. It would make sense for you to have complaints if you were being forced into a harsh situation. However, even though we're calling it a special test, there's no need to think about it in such unhappy terms. In the coming week, you can go swimming, or hold a barbecue. It wouldn't be a bad time for you to occasionally have a campfire and chat with friends, either. The theme of this special exam is 'freedom', after all."

Ike: "Huh? Huh? The theme is freedom? We can have a barbecue? Hmm? And this is still called a test? I'm so confused..."

Then comes a long winded explanation about the test.

First each class receives 300 Points, equivalent to one Class Points each.

When the Special Exam ends, they will be rewarded by the remaining Class Points left.

Mashima: "Each class will receive one copy of the manual. If the manual is lost, you may have another copy. However, it will consume points, so please be very careful. Also, the student who was marked absent from this trip was from Class A. According to the rules of this special test, should any student have to leave due to illness, there will be a thirty-point penalty to the class as a whole. Therefore, Class A will be starting with 270 points."

Mashima: "I will now hand out wristwatches to every one of you. You are not to take them off until the end of the test. If you remove your wristwatch without permission, you will be punished. This watch doesn't just tell time. Its sensors also check your body temperature, your pulse, and even your movements. It's equipped with a GPS. Also, in the off chance something bad does happen, this watch comes equipped with the means to notify the school. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to push that button."

Aomine recieved a wristwatch on his own. He used some Internal Energy in it to tamper it to his liking.

Soon Chabashira sensei further explained some rules and such.

About the Leader thing. About the roll call in the morning and evenings. Penalties and such. It was all written in the Manual.

Aomine: "Let me read it for a bit."

Aomine gets the manual from a student and started flipping through the pages. His pupils moved left to right, from the top to the bottom at a fast speed.

He memorized the contents now. Unlike when he's still in the Midterms, his Internal Energy had grown stronger now.

As long as he don't violate any rules resulting on a penalty, he didn't care much how this test is going to end.

Aomine: "Man... What a pain in the ass."

He sighed.

In the background he could hear Shinohara and Ike arguing over something. It seems that it was about the toilet where they have to relieve themselves Ina cardboard.




???: "Yoo-hoo!"

A voice stole the attention of the Class and found a woman being chummy with Chabashira their homeroom teacher.

Chabashira: "What are you doing, Hoshinomiya?"

She grunted.

Hoshinomiya: "What, I can't be friendly? I honestly wanted to see what you'd do."

Said Hoshinomiya-sensei, Class B's homeroom instructor. She gently caressed Chabashira-sensei's arms.

Hoshinomiya: "Whenever I touch your hair, Sae-chan, it's always so smooth!"

Chabashira: "Don't you understand the school's rules at all? Eavesdropping on other classes when they are giving information is inexcusable."

Hoshinomiya: "Aw, I'm just an unimportant teacher, though. Even if I did hear something, I'd never tell. But doesn't this feel like fate? I can't believe that we both came to this island together."

Hoshinomiya: "Shut up. Just hurry on back to Class B."

Hoshinomiya: "Ah! Well if it isn't the famous Dai-chan. I heard about you lots from Ichinose-chan. I heard you've proposed to Sae-chan too? What a naughty boy~"

Aomine looked puzzled by this teacher.

Did she just say Class B? And Ichinose?

No that's not important.

The important thing was that an attractive older woman with big breasts and likable personality had come and talked to him.

Aomine's face reddened a little bit.

Still he's not like his kindergarten, or himself a month ago. He wouldn't just suddenly propose marriage just because he met a woman that was definitely his type.

Aomine: "Hoshinomiya-sensei. Marry me."


Although some students in the background didn't know what's happening, the ones near totally heard him.

Hoshinomiya: "Oh my~ Fufufu, a forbidden relationship between a student and a teacher. It's actually a thrilling idea and it's exciting. AH!"

Hoshinomiya received a smack in her butt by Chabashira.

Chabashira: "What are you thinking giving him ideas. Should I report you to the school authorities for behavioral problems? Besides, I don't have any more time."

Hoshinomiya: "Ooh, don't glare at me like that. It's just a big joke. Fine, fine, I get it. See you later!"

After that Hoshinomiya whispered to Aomine as she passed by.

Hoshinomiya: "I'll think about it."

And she gave a playful wink.

Aomine understood what kind of woman she was.

The kind who don't take her relationships seriously, with multiple cycles of having a boyfriend and breaking up after sometime.

Aomine: "Yare yare... Now I'm heartbroken."

He playfully made fun of his ridiculousness.

The other students like Ike could only admire his balls to confess to a teacher on broad daylight.

It's like he doesn't care how society will view such a relationship.




Chabashira: "Well then, allow me to explain some additional rules."

She explained that there were spots in the island. If you occupy a spot, you will receive a certain number of points.

Soon Ike and the other enthusiastic guys were gung ho finding those spots.

Chabashira: "I can understand your impatience, but be aware of the risks. After you take those risks into account, then you have to consider what to do. Everything is written in the manual."

Aomine already read through the manuals so he basically got the gist on how this survival island is going to go.

Chabashira: "One person must be chosen as the leader, no exceptions. However, you are free not to participate. Please tell me once you've selected someone. At that time, I will provide you with a key card stamped with the leader's name. You have until roll call today. In the event that you do not decide by then, we will decide for you. That is all."

In other words, the leader's identity would be discovered if you only managed to glance at the card.

On the seventh day, the last day of the test, you had the right to guess at the identity of the other class' leader during roll call. If you managed to get it right, then you could obtain fifty points for each correct guess. Conversely, the other class would have to pay fifty points as compensation. If you moved to acquire a spot without caution, and your leader was discovered, then you could lose a great number of points. So, high risk, high reward.

With that, Chabashira-sensei seemingly finished with her explanation. The die was cast. Hirata immediately started taking action.

Hirata: "We'll have time later to think about who should be the leader. First, where will our base camp be? Do we camp somewhere around here, on the beach? Or do we go into the forest? We need to think carefully about our spot."

Chabashira: "I'm not getting involved anymore. Do whatever you want."

And so Chabashira retreated from the scene.

Shinohara: "Hey, Hirata-kun. Isn't it better to decide ahead of time what we should do about the toilet?"

The toilet was definitely going to become an issue before long. The girls' opinions were reasonable.

Ike: "Well, we can talk about a decision, but in the end don't we just have to grin and bear it?"

Hirata: "No, there could be another way."

Hirata looked at the manual, and then looked back up.

Hirata: "It says that temporary toilets can be purchased and installed using our points."

Shinohara and the other immediately gathered around the manual. The functions of the temporary toilets appeared impeccable. The reference pictures made it look like a flushable toilet you'd see at home. If that were the case, then the girls would be well on board with it. However, the problem was that it needed to spend twenty points per toilet.

Shinohara: "We absolutely need it! I mean, I really don't like that we have to spend points... But if we don't, it's just impossible!"

A lot of girls, triggered by Shinohara's remarks, agreed. For the girls, having a toilet might outweigh having food or water. They didn't intend to budge on this issue.

Ike: "W-wait a minute here, you guys! Twenty points?! Just for a toilet?!"

Ike reacted with horror. His desire to be economical and save points was all-consuming. Also, some of the guys could put up with using a cardboard toilet. They probably wanted to refrain from making unnecessary purchases as much as possible.

Ike: "Yes, as a toilet, that one's good. But we already have this one! Right? We still have a lot of time left to use our points. It's bad for us to splurge now!"

Shinohara: "You don't get to decide that. Hirata-kun is going to consider all of our opinions and decide. Right, Hirata-kun?"

Shinohara ignored Ike and pleaded with Hirata to buy a temporary toilet.

Hirata: "I see. At the very least, having a toilet for the girls would be—"

Ike: "You're free to consider everyone's opinions, but that doesn't mean you get to make decisions."

Shinohara: "Ah, shut up already! Karuizawa-san, say something, will you? We need a toilet!"

Shinohara begged Karuizawa, the girls' representative.

Karuizawa: "Really? Well, I suppose it'll be tough, but I really want class points. I guess I'll just grin and bear it."

An unexpected response from Karuizawa, who seemed like she would've been first to complain.

Aomine thought that she will keep up the facade of a head strong Queen Bee, with the meanest attitude. But right now she's talking her true thoughts.

Karuizawa had 'confessed' to him in the past. So he knew that there was a side to her that isn't a mean girl. Actually she's quite smart.

Karuizawa: "The school has already prepared for our needs. I can endure it. If we take baths in the river and use what we have here, don't you think everything will be fine?"

Shinohara: "But... Karuizawa-san!"

If Karuizawa said as much, then even the strong-willed Shinohara couldn't oppose her openly. Many of the girls followed Karuizawa, after all. However, Yukimura suddenly joined the fight.

Yukimura: "It's not as though I don't understand the girls' desire to have a temporary toilet. However, I'm not convinced that we ought to arbitrarily spend our points, whether it's for boys or girls. I suppose if you want the toilet, then I'd like to at least make a decision after collecting a majority vote."

He slid his glasses up his nose, voicing his disagreement in a rather aggressive tone. His glasses shines reflected from the sunlight like any glasses trope in anime.

Shinohara: "I'm just making a natural request for a girl, that's all. It doesn't involve boys at all."

Yukimura: "A natural request? Doesn't involve boys? I can't understand that. Isn't that simply a form of discrimination?"

Shinohara: "Discrimination? Ah, this is giving me a headache. Hirata-kun, please make them leave me alone."

Shinohara, unable to give up on the toilet matter, frantically pleaded for help.

Yukimura: "This test is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to bridge our point gap with the other classes. We can't use valuable points on things like temporary toilets. I have no intention of being in Class D forever. I don't agree with Shinohara-san, who's making arbitrary requests based on her personal wishes. I would like for us to uniformly decide upon a clear policy."

Shinohara: "Huh? Are you trying to say that I'm not considering anything?"

Yukimura: "Even money can move based purely on instinct. I hate that women argue so emotionally."

Shinohara: "Huh? That doesn't mean that I want to use our points indiscriminately. What I'm saying is that we should have at least the bare minimum. Do you not understand that?"

Hirata: "Both of you calm down. Yukimura-kun, I understand what you mean to say, but if you speak so belligerently we're not going to resolve anything, are we? Let's do this calmly."

Yukimura: "Calmly? Don't you agree that we should, under no circumstances, use our points arbitrarily?"

Hirata: "Well..."

Hirata was caught in an increasingly fraught situation. He didn't know what to do, yet frantically tried to mediate while doing his best not to show mounting concern.

Aomine shook his head by this development. At this rate the Class is going to fall apart at the starting line. Especially if there is not a worthy leader in Aomine's standards.

Hirata is a weak leader, that was how he saw it. But being weak doesn't mean it was bad. It just means under Hirata's leadership, Class D can't win.

His priority isn't to win, but to make the class harmonious and peaceful getting along. He doesn't want conflict to happen.

Aomine: "Ahem... Um, can I have everyone listen with me for a bit?"

His voice cut through the tense atmosphere between the Class.

Everyone gathered their attention on him. Silence followed...

Aomine didn't stand in any side of the conflict. He's a neutral party so anyone could listen on what he says.

Aomine: "First and foremost I would like to ask anyone from the Class. Does anyone had experience on outdoor camping? Please raise your hand."

Everyone exchanged glances. Unexpectedly from anyone Ike raised his hands.

Ike: "Me."

Aomine: "Ike huh... Then everyone. In this special exam test, if anyone had any troubles something. Then you can consult Ike or me. Though I only know a bit..."

Ike: "H-Huh? What?"

Aomine: "It means we're counting on your knowledge Ike."

Aomine patted his shoulder. Ike nodded as if he accepted.

Shinohara and the others didn't look pleased. But they didn't intend to cut Aomine.

Aomine: "Next. About the toilet issue. Allow me to say that I think it would be better if we had the toilet."

Shinohara and the girls looked pleased by that statement. Now their affection points on Aomine had increased.

Ike: "W-Wait Aomine! Don't just decided that for yourself!"

Yukimura: "If there's a logical explanation for this, then I would like to hear it."

The two voiced out their objections.

Aomine: "I see... Ike, Yukimura think about putting your shoes in the girls place. This is their first time being sent to a place like this, it's just too sudden... Not to mention some girls might had to deal with their time of the months, on so they would need a clean place for that. Don't you think so too Yukimura?"

Ike wanted to argue more, but he bit his lip. Yukimura on the other hand think about it deeply, and was convinced. He's a studious guy, and he of course knew about the menstrual cycle of the girls.

Both of them were not the considerate bunch, but after Aomine pointed out to them they agree.

Aomine: "Also you girls had to also understood that we–the boys, are giving consideration of your needs just this one time. You have to know that we won't indulge you every single selfishness you had. Am I clear?"

The girls especially Shinohara and the others nodded in agreement.

Aomine really talked that long his throat felt dry. He just did what he thought he needed to say in Class.

Aomine: "Now I believe we already wasted so much time dawdling here. I think it's best we find a spot."

After saying his piece, he passed the baton to Hirata.

Hirata: "You're amazing Aomine-kun."

Aomine: "It's nothing special. I just want to end this and take a nap somewhere."

Aomine yawned.

Next chapter