




With a resounding knock on the door, a brawny figure emerged from within, his bulging arms resembling the thighs of ordinary folk. His close-cropped hair accentuated his fierce countenance, akin to that of a majestic lion.

"My apologies! I'm just here to retrieve Penny's TV," the man grumbled, eyeing them sternly as he ushered them closer to the apartment.


As Leonard and Sheldon persistently pounded on the door, an inferno of anger ignited within Penny's ex-boyfriend, Mike. The relentless cacophony reverberating through his sanctuary tested the limits of his patience, gradually eroding the last vestiges of his composure.

Confronted by the unexpected visitors, Mike's gaze fell upon their seemingly feeble and frail bodies. A malicious glimmer danced in his eyes as he recognized an opportunity to exert dominance, reminiscent of his past days of bullying during high school.

"Step inside," Mike uttered, a smile playing on his lips while his eyes betrayed a sinister intention concealed within.

"Thank you for your kind invitation," Sheldon responded earnestly, oblivious to the brewing storm within Mike's demeanor.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Mike inquired, his tone filled with animosity.

"We've been entrusted by Penny to retrieve her television. That's why we're here," Leonard ventured, his voice betraying a tinge of apprehension, sensing the hulking of a physique that loomed before them.

"So, you're here under Penny's command, is that correct?" Mike's mood soured further upon hearing his ex's name, an invisible storm brewing within.

"Yes, sir," Sheldon replied, attempting to maintain an air of respectful compliance.

"Strip off your pants," Mike commanded, his words laced with cruelty and seething anger, a disturbing glint in his eyes.

Leonard stammered, his face drained of color. "W-What? Are you serious?"

Sheldon's voice quivered, denial etched on his face. "I'm sorry, but I must have misheard you. Could you please repeat what you have said?"

"I SAID STRIP OFF YOUR PANTS, YOU FUCKING DIMWIT!" Mike's roar reverberated through the room, his rage unleashed upon them.

Sheldon's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind grappling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "This behavior is highly inappropriate and entirely unacceptable, Mike! I demand an immediate explanation!"

A sneer formed on Mike's lips, relishing the power he held over the vulnerable duo. "You heard me right. Strip off your pants or face the consequences."

Leonard's voice trembled as desperation colored his words. "Please, Mike, reconsider. This is not right."

Sheldon's voice quivered, a blend of fear and indignation reverberating within, now getting ready to flee. "I refuse to partake in such an abhorrent act. You have crossed a line!"

Muffled commotion emanated from within the apartment, as the two unsuspecting sheep found themselves unwittingly ensnared in the den of a wolf.

Moments later, the door swung open, and Leonard and Sheldon were unceremoniously tossed out like discarded ragdolls, their dignity shattered, and their trust in humanity shaken to the core.


Just as Mike reveled in his triumph, karma struck back with a sudden twist.

Mike lost his balance and crashed into a nearby desk, causing him intense pain.

In the midst of this chaos, something extraordinary occurred.

Another Mike Lee, a soul from another world, found himself transported into the body.

Confusion overwhelmed Mike as he struggled to make sense of his new reality.

The last thing I remember, I was locked in a fierce gang war with our rival gang from the south. Everything was intense, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Then, in an instant, darkness swallowed my vision.

It felt as if someone had struck me hard at the back of my head, causing my consciousness to fade away.

And now, here I am, thrust into this bewildering situation.

Confusion clouds my mind as I try to piece together what happened.

The transition from the chaos of the gang war to the unfamiliar surroundings feels disorienting.

It seems like that blow to my head had sent me spiraling into a whole new reality, far removed from the world of violence and rivalries.

I find myself grappling with the unknown, wondering how I ended up here, away from the intense struggle that consumed my life.

It's a disconcerting shift, and I can't help but feel a mix of frustration, curiosity, and a tinge of fear.

All of a sudden Memories flooded my mind, leaving me clutching my head for a while due to the pain of prickling sensation in my head.

As he tried to comprehend the situation, Mike couldn't help but notice the inconsistencies.

Wasnt Penny's ex-boyfriend's name Kurt?


Is this an alternate universe?


ironing out the confusion

from chapter 1

RagingDebtColektorcreators' thoughts
Next chapter