
Sheldon's speech

As night fell, Mike returned to his apartment, feeling refreshed after a soothing shower.

Just as he settled onto the sofa, there came a gentle knock on the door.

Curiosity piqued, he opened it to find Giselle standing there, donning on a baggy windbreaker.

Perplexed, Mike greeted her, "Hey there! What's going on?"

Giselle hesitated for a moment, her eyes shimmering with a hidden desire, before uttering words that ignited a fire within him.

"I might need your help," she whispered, her voice laden with a seductive undertone that sent shivers down his spine.

Mike's thoughts spun in a whirlwind, trying to grasp the meaning behind her cryptic request.

Yet, in that moment, he decided to abandon the fruitless quest for understanding and surrender to the alluring unknown.

With a flicker of mischievousness, Giselle shed her windbreaker, revealing a glimpse of her intoxicating allure.

The room pulsed with an undeniable chemistry, a magnetic pull that drew them together.

"What's this about?" Mike managed to breathe out, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and desire.

And before Mike could fully comprehend her intentions, she impulsively pounced on him.

A sly smile danced upon Giselle's lips as she met his gaze, her eyes gleaming with an invitation he couldn't resist.

"I know our time together is short-lived, but let's make this moment unforgettable, leaving a mark that we'll remember for eternity," she whispered, her words a whisper of temptation that echoed through the room.


The next day, Mike awoke to find himself alone, Giselle's absence evident. As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell upon a note left on the bedside table.

"Born at the wrong time, it may take me a while to forget you. By the way, last night was quite remarkable!"

Staring at the vacant space beside him, Mike couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret.

However, considering Giselle's previous hints, he realized that she might have sensed something between them and ultimately chose to part ways.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, Mike admitted to himself, "I've become quite the scoundrel!"

Meanwhile, he had already made plans with Mia to go to the gym after breakfast.

Mia had intended to knock on Giselle's door, but Mike intercepted her, revealing, "Giselle has already left!"

Mia regarded him with a puzzled expression, prompting Mike to clarify, "She bid me farewell last night."

In that moment, Mike understood that Mia had misunderstood the situation.

"I made it clear to Giselle last night," Mike reassured Mia. "I know she has feelings for me, but I won't betray your trust."

Deep down, Mike felt a pang of guilt, realizing that his words were nothing but lies, a departure from his values.

Grateful for his reassurance, Mia expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you! I knew that after what we went through, Giselle might develop feelings for you. Thank you for staying faithful."

With those words, she sealed her appreciation with a tender, lingering kiss.

Mike's guilt intensified upon hearing Mia's heartfelt gratitude. He murmured to himself, 'I'm not the person you imagine me to be.'

Mia, however, maintained a positive perspective, replying, "No matter what happens, the end result is what matters, right?"

She sensed that something was amiss in Mike's words but chose to overlook it for the sake of their relationship.

Their conversation concluded with a warm embrace, and Mike sincerely thanked Mia for her understanding.


Later that evening, Mike and Mia paid a visit to Sheldon's apartment.

Leonard's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he turned to face Sheldon. "Sheldon, this is a great opportunity for us!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement.

He took a step closer, hoping to convey his eagerness to seize the moment.

Sheldon, however, crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, his expression a mixture of skepticism and resistance.

He met Leonard's gaze steadfastly, refusing to let his convictions waver. "I have no desire to stand before a room full of strangers and deliver a meaningless speech," he stated firmly, his voice hinting frustration.

Undeterred, Leonard's eyes softened, and he reached out to place a reassuring hand on Sheldon's shoulder.

"But Sheldon, our research is a joint effort," he explained, his tone gentle yet persuasive. "I can give the speech on our behalf. We can share our ideas and make a real impact in the scientific community."

Sheldon's eyes narrowed, his lips forming a thin line.

He pulled away from Leonard's touch, a defiant stance that spoke volumes.

"Absolutely not!" he retorted, his voice unwavering in its determination. "I won't allow anyone to take credit for my work."

A flicker of frustration danced across Leonard's face, his shoulders slumping slightly.

He had hoped Sheldon would see the value in collaboration, in working together to achieve something greater than they could accomplish individually.

"Sheldon, it's not about stealing credit," he pleaded, his voice tinged with disappointment. "It's about sharing our ideas, about making a difference."

Sheldon's gaze hardened, his resolve unyielding. "I will not compromise my principles," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering. "I prefer to present my own work, maintaining the integrity of my contributions."

Despite Sheldon's resistance, Leonard remained determined to seize this opportunity, considering their research a joint effort. However, Sheldon laughed off Leonard's intentions, dismissing the idea of sharing credit.

Ultimately, what happened in canon was Leonard took the stage, delivering his speech nervously. Sheldon, in turn, took great pleasure in denying him recognition, taking credit for himself.

Seeing the conflict unfold, Mike decided to intervene. He approached Sheldon and said, "If you want to do it, go for it. If you don't want to do it, don't complain about others taking credit. Leonard is simply presenting from his perspective, and you have your own part in this experiment." Mike aimed to inoculate Sheldon against his fears and encourage him to consider the benefits of sharing the stage with Leonard.

Sheldon's mind wrestled with the idea, contemplating overcoming his fear of public speaking.

Mike saw this as an opportunity and continued, "You have to face this challenge eventually, with or without Leonard by your side."

He further suggested, "You could go together, discussing your respective parts. The speech is an academic endeavor, after all."

Mike believed that convincing Sheldon to accompany Leonard would be the best approach.

Mike affirmed, "You're prepared for this. Thank you for being open to it. If all else fails, Leonard can read your part as well. It will work just fine. You can handle the questions." He hoped his words would provide Sheldon with the necessary support.

With Rajesh and Howard by their side, Leonard received their cheerleading support. But Leonard's nerves got the best of him when he learned that the speech venue had 25 attendees. He stumbled over his words, his anxiety evident.

Sheldon began his speech provocatively, asserting, "You weaklings!"

The audience fell into stunned silence, murmurs of discontent echoing throughout the room.

Sheldon's brazen opening gambit had rubbed many the wrong way, stirring a desire within them to challenge him.

At that moment, Sheldon truly let himself go, relinquishing any remnants of nerves that had plagued him.

He revealed his audacity, engaging in playful banter and mercilessly mocking those who dared challenge him.

Undeterred, Sheldon proceeded with his speech, his words filled with his unique perspective and expertise.

Meanwhile, Mike heard a prompt sound, signaling a notification from the system. He excused himself to find a restroom and checked the message.



New Unique Skill

[ Silver Tongue ]: Exceptional skill to sway and influence others through compelling speech.


Mike stared at his newfound skill, [Silver Tongue], feeling a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

It was hard to fathom that such a skill could awaken on its own, without any help of absorbing it from other people based n their favorability.

By the time Sheldon finished his speech, it was Leonard's turn to take the stage.

As Leonard began his address, the atmosphere in the room grew tense.

After the two finished their speeches, it was now time for the Q&A portion of the event.

The audience, still reeling from Sheldon's initial arrogance, seemed eager to challenge him.

But Sheldon was not one to back down easily. Armed with his venomous wit, he effortlessly countered every attack and criticism thrown his way.

With each response, he laced his words with sarcasm, leaving his opponents speechless.

At that moment, Sheldon realized he was not nervous at all. He had completely let go of himself, embracing his true nature without reservation.

The podium became his battleground, where he engaged in verbal sparring, teasing his adversaries and reveling in their discomfort.

The old professors in the audience could do nothing but blush and squirm under Sheldon's biting remarks.

It was a display of intellectual prowess that left them humbled and defeated.

A satisfied smile adorned his face as Sheldon stepped down from the stage. He turned to Mike and exclaimed, "Your teaching method was spot-on! Those weaklings below had no chance against me!"

Mike couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

Had Sheldon misinterpreted his guidance?

He had only intended to boost Sheldon's confidence, not encourage such audacious behavior.

Nonetheless, he couldn't deny the effectiveness of Sheldon's newfound approach.

Back at the apartment, Sheldon, with a faint blush on his cheeks, expressed his gratitude to Mike.

He believed he had finally found his voice and a way to connect with others.

Sheldon concluded, "Now your favorability has finally returned to zero."

Mike just stared at him blankly, " .______. "

Mike couldn't help but chuckle at Sheldon's unconventional interpretation of their interactions. His words seemed to have made a more profound impact than he had anticipated.

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