
Penny is tone deaf

Observing Mike's awkward shooting stance, John couldn't help but compare it to the relaxed and freehand style he had witnessed earlier.

He felt compelled to tell Mike to revert to his previous shooting technique.

John found it increasingly unbearable to witness Mike's poor performance.

It was as if he were torturing someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Disappointed, John left in a daze.

He had believed he had found a prodigy, only to discover that this person was utterly unremarkable.

Switching seamlessly between extreme opposites—ugliness and freehand skill—left John perplexed.

Dom's shooting was far from graceful, adding to John's sense of disappointment.

It was a regretful afternoon for John.

Later that evening, Mike and Mia visited Sheldon's place, where Sheldon incessantly annoyed Leonard.

The cause of their discord stemmed from Sheldon and Leonard's belief that Penny's singing wasn't very good. When Penny invited them to watch her performance on Friday, Sheldon and Leonard refused, claiming they had a seminar to attend. Sheldon's unease stemmed from his fear that Penny would see through their lies, while Leonard was irritated by Sheldon's nervousness.

Sheldon shifted in his seat, his eyes fixed on Leonard with determination. "Leonard, it is imperative that we maintain our integrity in matters of artistic evaluation. Penny's singing abilities are far from remarkable, and it is our duty to acknowledge that fact."

Leonard rolled his eyes, and his arms crossed in annoyance. "Sheldon, not everything has to be dissected and analyzed like a physics experiment. It's just a simple invitation to support our friend. Can't we show a little enthusiasm?"

Sheldon adjusted his watch nervously, and his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Enthusiasm is a subjective and arbitrary emotion. I prefer to approach such matters with scientific objectivity."

Leonard sighed, his frustration evident. "Scientific objectivity? Sheldon, this is about friendship, not equations and formulas. Besides, Penny will see right through our excuses if we don't go."

As Sheldon spoke, he fidgeted with a Rubik's Cube, his hands betraying his unease.

Conversely, Leonard crossed his arms and sighed in frustration, his patience wearing thin.

Mia exchanged a knowing glance with Mike, silently observing the dynamic between the two friends.

She nudged Mike playfully, indicating her amusement at the ongoing banter.

Mike suggested, "I think we should put an end to this. It's not right to watch friends embarrass themselves on stage. Rather than indulging in the American dream, we should be honest with our friends and let them know they still have room for improvement."

Leonard and Sheldon were reluctant, as they understood the importance of respecting others' privacy.

Mike pressed further, stating, "If you can't stand Penny's music, it's better to face it head-on rather than avoid it. You can support her as a friend, but she should also know where she currently stands."

Leonard sighed, his expression conflicted. "I guess you're right, Mike. We should find a way, to be honest without hurting her feelings. It's just... it's not an easy thing to do."

Mike patted Leonard on the back, saying, "I know it's challenging, but we're in this together. We'll find a way to support Penny while also being honest. Trust me."

After witnessing Mike's perspective for the first time, Mia realized his reasoning.

Under the combined pressure of Mike and Leonard, Sheldon finally consented to Mike's suggestion.

Mike turned to Leonard and said, "You can seize this opportunity. If you listen to my advice, Penny will be grateful to you, and you can take advantage of that."

Leonard, somewhat hesitant, looked at Mike, hoping he would take over the conversation.

Mike asked Sheldon, "Why don't you explain it yourself?"

Sheldon cleared his throat and spoke, and his voice tinged with nervousness. "I... I understand the importance of honesty, but I hope we can find a way to convey our thoughts without causing unnecessary distress. It's crucial that we approach this with sensitivity."

Sheldon realized it was better, to be honest rather than continue lying, as the anxiety of being found out had weighed heavily on him.

Sheldon led Mike and Leonard to Penny's door.

Hearing Penny's singing once again made Mike feel incredibly embarrassed. This situation was akin to inviting Penny to embarrass herself on stage.

Penny opened the door and was met with Mike, Sheldon, and Leonard.

Mike urgently signaled to Sheldon, who told Penny, "Your singing... If cats could sing, they wouldn't be able to tolerate it."

Penny looked at Sheldon with anger, prompting him to hide behind Mike.

Mike sighed, regretting his involvement with Penny in the first place.

However, Penny's singing voice was undeniably far from pleasant, and he didn't want her to embarrass herself.

With an apologetic expression, Mike spoke, "We don't want to discourage you, but the song you just sang wasn't very good. You might need more practice, as it doesn't meet the standards for performing on stage. As a friend, I believe you would want to hear my honest opinion. At least you're not ready yet."

Penny remained speechless, unsure of how to respond.

As a friend, she didn't want to discourage Penny, but their honesty also touched her.

"I just wanted to give it a try. If I fail, I don't mind," Penny replied indifferently.

"Okay! If you insist on participating, I won't stop you," Mike acquiesced.

Desperately, he winked at Leonard, hoping he would decline so that when Penny became disheartened, he could swoop in.

"We actually have plans. We have a seminar on Friday," Leonard said, using his previous excuse.


In the end, Mike glanced weakly at Leonard, disappointed that he had given up such a great opportunity.

Originally, Mike had planned to accompany Leonard, hoping to take advantage of the situation and comfort Penny when she felt down.

However, Leonard's cowardice surprised him.

Frustrated, Mike dragged Leonard back into the house and said, "Do you still want to impress a beautiful woman? You've missed a golden opportunity. It was a clear chance."

Mia looked at Mike, finally realizing his earnest desire for Leonard to witness Penny's performance.

"I don't need your help!" Leonard retorted, shutting the door and leaving Mike and Sheldon staring in disbelief.

"I truly don't understand. Why doesn't he want to go?" Mike questioned, feeling puzzled.

Mia chimed in, "It's a matter of a man's self-esteem. You've been overly helpful, and you know Penny too well. Leonard may accept your assistance once or twice, but being pushed like this challenges his sense of self-worth."

At that moment, Mike had an epiphany.

Perhaps he had been too controlling, which triggered Leonard's rebellious nature.

He didn't want to meddle in their relationship any further.

Mike decided to let things unfold naturally.

Sheldon admitted, "I'm really not good at these things. I'm not exactly a social butterfly."

Naturally, Mike retorted, "No kidding, you're more like a crazed hermit crab."

Sheldon raised an eyebrow, saying, "Noted. Loud and clear."

He then fixed Mike with a firm gaze and a wry grin.



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