
Negotiating with Brian's Boss

Mike met Brian on the other side, patting him on the shoulder as he spoke, "Even though the director agreed to Letty, we need to have some insurance on our side. After all, we can't rely solely on verbal promises. We have to leave some clues to ensure our protection. And both you and I need to find a way to stay out of trouble. We can't afford any complications with Tang. Something going wrong there would be disastrous."

Brian was initially taken aback but soon began to reflect on his own experiences in Miami and Los Angeles.

He realized that the director's reputation wasn't reliable at all.

Despite their significant contributions, they were often left with the short end of the stick.

The feeling of being used and underappreciated gnawed at him.

However, he couldn't deny that Mike was indeed a talented individual.

The plan he proposed was a clever one, ensuring that their credit wouldn't be stolen.

Mike and Brian then proceeded to the Chief Michael Stasiak's office together. Mike introduced himself, saying, "Hello! Let's get acquainted. I'm Mike."

The director looked at Brian with confusion, prompting Mike to button his shirt.

Brian quickly explained, "He's a friend, and he's now a driver for the drug lord Braga."

"What?" the director exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Yes, I'm here to surrender. As long as you help clear Dom's case and assist Letty, Brian, and me in escaping any charges, including Gizelle, we can agree to your conditions for capturing Braga," Mike stated firmly.

"It's impossible for me to help you eliminate so many people. At most, I can help you, Brian, Don, and Letty. The others are beyond my reach," the director responded.

"Is that so? Well, then I'll have to consider whether I want to assist you. After all, Brian, Don, Letty, and I will all be involved, along with Gisele and Dom's sister, Mia. They don't have extensive criminal records, just some involvement due to their connection to Dom," Mike retorted.

"And what about Gisele?" the director inquired.

"Gisele is our friend. Without her help, we wouldn't have been able to infiltrate Braga's operation so easily. It's unfair to expect her to work for us without any compensation, right?" Mike argued, his gaze fixed on the director.

"I don't have much authority here. I'm just a mere bureau chief," the director replied, feigning helplessness.

Mike chuckled and continued to stare at the director, unyielding in his resolve.

Brian, on the other hand, hadn't expected Mike to include Gisele in their plans, but he quickly realized that catching Braga was their ultimate goal, and any means necessary were justified.

The director's face displayed a struggle, but eventually, tempted by the prospects of promotion and wealth, he relented. "Alright! I promise you, but you must catch Braga. Otherwise, our agreement is null and void."

"Great! It's a pleasure doing business with you," Mike said, extending his hand to shake the director's hand.

Once outside the FBI building, Mike and Brian quickly disabled the bugs that had been placed on them.

After all, they had their own ways of ensuring their safety.

The bugs served as an extra layer of protection, preventing detection.

Mike's bug was affixed to his chest, and he discreetly activated it by unbuttoning his shirt, causing the powder to fall off.

While they wouldn't receive direct assistance from their allies, they were willing to contribute in their own ways, understanding the importance of their mission.

Mike heard the clear sound coming through the bug and couldn't help but smile. This unexpected turn of events had altered the Fast and Furious storyline. As for the future implications, Mike, a fortunate man, couldn't help but think, "Who's next?"

Mike realized that he could still meet with Giselle. After all, he had secured her the right to a pardon, granting her freedom.

Mike dialed Giselle's number and, without giving her a chance to speak, exclaimed, "Hi! I'm Mike. I have some good news for you. Let's meet under the bridge."

Before Giselle could respond, Mike ended the call.

When Mike arrived at the bridge, Giselle was already waiting for him.

"What's this about?" Giselle asked, curious.

"You have me to thank for some important news," Mike said, his confidence evident.

Gisele responded with a small smile. "I'll thank you for the news then."

"But it's not just any news. It's the power to grant pardons," Mike revealed, keeping the details to himself.

Giselle's expression showed a glimmer of joy. After all, nobody wants to be constantly wanted. It restricts one's freedom and makes life difficult.

"What do I have to do?" Giselle inquired.

"Cooperate with us in capturing Braga," Mike proposed.

Once again, a sparkle of joy appeared in Giselle's eyes.

She had initially anticipated that they would ask her to join the FBI.

It was a common destination for talented individuals like her.

In the United States, if one displayed their abilities, they could secure a place, ensuring a more favorable outcome.

However, she never expected to be granted immediate freedom.

"Deal, thank you for this HUGE favor" Gisele agreed, looking at Mike with gratitude.

After all, they had no previous ties, and Mike had done her a great favor.

"You call this a favor?" Mike pretended to be upset, his face suddenly contorted, realizing that his attempt at humor fell flat.

Gisele's face turned dark, thinking to herself, 'Just three seconds of looking cool and handsome. Is that all he's got? I was grateful before, but now he's just annoying, I want to beat him up.'

If Mike knew what Giselle was thinking, he would undoubtedly regret his previous comment.

He still highly valued Giselle's skills and wondered what talents she possessed.

Beauty trap?

Martial arts?

Exceptional driving skills?

Only time would tell.

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