
Luring snakes out of its hole

Jigsaw remained silent as Mike confronted him, saying, "Your so-called education only serves to amplify people's dark thoughts. While you believe you're making them value life, you're actually toying with it. Perhaps you've always held onto the idea of education, but your methods have unleashed the darkness within their hearts."

Jigsaw said nothing in response.

In truth, most of those subjected to his "education" ended up becoming even more twisted.

"How about we play a game of our own? If your theory can be proven, and your disciples genuinely harbor kind thoughts, I will let you go this time. But if not, you must cease all your terrorist activities and accept your fate," proposed Mike.

It was a risky move, aimed at luring Jigsaw out into the open.

After all, a Jigsaw without followers is essentially powerless.

His true strength lay in brainwashing fragile individuals and directing them to carry out his will.

Jigsaw, on the brink of death, also made one final gamble.

Mike's words had struck a chord within him.

He found himself questioning whether his actions were truly righteous.

What was the point of his games if they lacked educational value?

Mike continued, sharing his perspective, "The most effective way is to touch the apathy prevalent in today's society. Why has society become so callous? It's because everyone is an independent individual without strong bonds or obligations. How can we expect them to value life? A good game should allow them to experience the beauty of life and make them reluctant to waste it. It shouldn't instill fear. Let me tell you about a television series from China called 'All Is Well.' It demonstrates that after going through difficult times, people cherish life, rather than solely satisfying their perverted desires."

Jigsaw's eyes lit up with interest, intrigued by the history of China and eager to learn more. [E/N: Bruh]

Mike nodded, acknowledging the slight change in Jigsaw's demeanor.

Could it be that he possessed the ability to reform?

Was he also a character in his own life's story?

In the meantime, Mike downloaded several TV series with uplifting endings for Jigsaw to watch.

Jigsaw eagerly delved into the series, occasionally nodding in appreciation.

The hobby of watching TV became a pastime, and Jigsaw began to see the beauty in the world.

He became conflicted, realizing that he didn't want to die just yet.

Meanwhile, a woman, peering through a telescope from across the street, murmured to herself, "It's been a week. It should be safe now. It's not a trap. They should be able to save Jigsaw."

In another corner, a man observed Mike through a telescope from time to time.

Inside the apartment, Mike worked out with dumbbells while Jigsaw sat on the sofa, engrossed in the TV series.

The pleasant shows Mike selected brought a sense of lightness to Jigsaw's otherwise somber demeanor.

One evening, as Mike returned home and reached for the elevator, his phone began to ring.

Ignoring the call, he proceeded to his hotel room, only to realize that his bag had been tampered with.

Mike's face changed momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure.

He tightened his trouser pockets, contemplating entering the room.

As he opened the door, he kept it ajar, surveying the entire room with a keen eye.

That's when he noticed a black shadow reflected on the floor from behind the door.

Reacting swiftly, Mike lunged forward. From behind the door, a figure rushed at him, hurling a baseball bat.

Mike turned his head and saw a woman wearing a pig's face mask launching the attack.

"You must be Amanda, the drug-addicted prisoner," Mike calmly remarked.

Amanda paid no attention to Mike's words and continued her assault.

Mike dodged the bat and grabbed her wrist, swiftly disarming her.

With one fluid motion, the bat clattered to the ground as Mike subdued Amanda.

Removing her mask, Mike confirmed, "You're one of Jigsaw's apprentices."

He looked Amanda in the eyes and questioned her, "Why do you wanna save Jigsaw?"

"Because he's Jigsaw," Amanda replied.

"But why?" Mike pressed on, seeking answers.

"Are you afraid of Jigsaw?"

"Do you admire him?"

"Why did you choose to become his apprentice?"

Mike bombarded Amanda with questions, knowing that his bet with Jigsaw was at stake.

He firmly believed that fear alone did not make life precious.

Jigsaw, too, wanted to understand Amanda's motivations.

He asked her, "Why did you follow me? Why did you design such twisted games?"

Jigsaw yearned to comprehend how his actions had contributed to the well-being of these individuals.

Amanda responded simply, "No reason. It's just because."

Mike, raising his voice, asked Amanda, "Why? Why did you help Jigsaw?"

Amanda, struggling fiercely, replied, "Because Jigsaw is my life."

"What if Jigsaw told you to die? Would you do it?" Mike probed further.

"Yes!" Amanda replied without hesitation.

Mike turned to Jigsaw, emphasizing his point, "See! It's not because of your ideals but rather due to the Stockholm effect. This is a mental illness. Look at what your 'education' has brought her. It's evident that your previous games haven't instilled a greater appreciation for life in her; instead, they've diminished it."

Jigsaw fell into deep contemplation, lost in thought.

Amanda continued her desperate struggles, but Mike knew he had gained the upper hand.

He declared, "I've already won half the battle. It all depends on your other disciple. If he refuses to comply with your wishes, then I'll emerge victorious."

Mike's ability to perceive danger had kicked in once again.

Every time a series of unfortunate events unfolded, he recognized the warning signs.

This time, Mike decided to restrain both Amanda and Jigsaw, placing them on the sofa and allowing them to watch the TV series.

Gradually, Amanda transitioned from being forced to watch to eagerly anticipating the next day.

Sometimes, when Mike switched off the TV series at night, Amanda experienced a whirlwind of emotions.

Jigsaw observed Amanda's transformation, though his own strong will prevent him from being captivated by the shows.

Nonetheless, Amanda was not immune.

Slowly but surely, she transitioned from dullness to emotional fluctuations.

Mike couldn't wait any longer.

It had been two weeks, and the second disciple had yet to make an appearance.

However, he received an urgent and trembling call from the director.

The director revealed, with fear in his voice, that the second disciple of Jigsaw had approached him directly, kidnapping his daughter and demanding an exchange for Jigsaw's freedom.

The director had been apprehended and was seeking Mike's help.

Upon hearing the distressing news, Mike realized that time was of the essence.

He had to act swiftly to save the director's daughter and bring an end to Jigsaw's reign of terror.

Next chapter