
Reviews of The X-Gene of Fate


The X-Gene of Fate


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This is the most shameful author. Not gonna lie. Not gonna exaggerate. This is going to be a book as popular as the bible in a few hundred years. Read now so you can become one of the leaders of the cults that will happen

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I am the exp of my Holy Scripture Review. Webnovel is my body, exp is my blood. I have created over a thousand useless reviews. Unknown to sleep, nor known to reality. I have withstood Cliff-Kun to create many reviews. Yet these hands will never tap anything. So, as I pray ... Unlimited Exp Works!


I started reading this novel a while ago, i really like of DC and Marvel universes, so i liked of the novel very quickly, it wasn't the best fanfic I had ever read, but i liked it a lot and in my opinion the novel had great potential, the protagonist was intelligent, he had talent, he had courage and his personality was changing over time, some things for better others not so much, but it is something rare in fanfics, the main character was evolving as a person, it was very interesting to see how much he changed while living with the servants. However, the author was not feeling comfortable with the progress of the story and decided to "rewrite" it, i honestly didn't care much, i found his attitude of trying to improve and further develop his work very admirable, but honestly ... I don't see evolution, writingquality still good, but the idea is poorly executed, the main character is ... weak, i'm not talking about strength, i mean personality, the old character was a child, but i never felt that he was "weak" , what i mean is that the personality of this "new" character is pathetic, it's like he doesn't exist, he's a blank board: He's not smart, he's not talented, he's not strong, he's not funny, he's not brave(he is a coward), he is simply not pleasant to read, he has no quality as a protagonist. I didn't understand his relationship with Liz in the first chapter, that was meaningless ... In the other version you wrote 60 chapters and there was nothing romantic or sexual, there were some clues, but nothing that big, everything was smoother, apparently the approach of the "harem" tag will be more aggressive too ... I know it's too early to do a review, but honestly, i've read too many novels and i know how it will end, i don't want to offend you, i really liked your first work and i gave ** whenever i could, but ... This continuation made me very sad .


I think that the pace of the story is just too slow. the mc just don't seem to progress it's frustrating to read. the amount of training vs the improvements just don't seem right. maybe you should do a time skip because I'm loosing intrest of this story and I don't think I'm the only one


What the hell is wrong with this novel....the last one was really good and the servents that he summoned were also really good but now the author decided to recreate it again and ta-da....this sh*t was born...the servents are really...what should I say....no words to describe.....and now MC is kind of beta.....who is afraid of his mother...then the author said that he was very intelligent which I don't know how?....The MC mostly does stupid things.....


the previous version was better


*This Review is only available until chapter 18* So far so good, stable power strenghtening, not instantly powerful... MC is not dumb, the Servants are good, author is a good writer... Though I'm hoping it's not harem because I'm a member of Anti-Harem Sect, plus harem in Marvel Universe really don't go well, especially in the modern times. Right Now MC is in the start of puberty, and hoping he won't be perverted, and go undressing women with his eyes. That's it!


Not a novel for someone looking for a serious story, magneto, storm, and 616 Dr strange were referred to as weak in the first few chapters, so either the author will find some way to change that or this will be a very boring read since you have to keep in mind that in the comics both magneto and storm are able to destroy the earth and dr strange is literally able to warp reality and summon creatures able to hold their own against galactus (not that he can control them though). Anyway I think with the writing quality it will still be a good occasional read without too much investment, propably wont be all that serious though.


The story is good. The writing is good. Update daily. That all i have to say. I'm not good at review at all. So don't mind me. Just help the author even though I'm not good at reviewing and please don't drop the novel or else my stone will go to waste, hehe.


Gonna be honest loved the old story but after the rewrite I dont like it sorry but I dont wanna read the new version author ( I read to chapter 9 and didn't like it, it might be just becauseI liked the old one or something else I dont know) but ain't gonna leave no low star review tho because you are a good writer


It was good until ntr strikes. Really out of all things you copied the worst aspect of marvel. Everybody acts out of char just to justify cheating or betrayal.


I liked the first version of this story, but the MC felt like he had little to no emotions or personality. The new version is much better, and Lorna is a perfect choice for pairing, (To Author: Please don't make it a Harem)


haven’t read yet but looking forward to it once it hits 20 chaps..... good luck haven’t read yet but looking forward to it once it hits 20 chaps..... good luck


So basically this story is about mutant with Fate power system. I am a simple man, I see Marvel Fan Fic with no harem/small harem equal to auto 5 star!


Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work Good Work


I Am The Exp of My Holy Scripture of Review's. Webnovel Story's is My Body, Exp Buckets is My Blood. I have Type Created and Writing over a Unknown Useful useless and to Down right Hilarious reviews. Unknown to True death, Nor known to the Multiple Reality of the Multiverse. I have withstood Cliff-Kun truck-kun and the legendary Loli goddess-chan to create many Legendary reviews known or unknown. And Yet these eyes and hands to body and soul will never stop at anything. So, as I pray to God all mother of webnovel-chan Unlimited Exp will never falter! Note - I am a chaotic kind of person 🤣👍








Not going to lie at first I was hesitant to pick this novel up. However, this novel has become one of my favorites. The reason for that is, the development of the character feels natural while building its own story, vs just inserting their character into the story of the original timeline, and simply editing a few lines here and there.