
Chapter three: The forest of Xerxes

Chapter three: The Forest of Xerxes

As Athena's eyes wander around the Coliseum. A short man standing on a floating white cloud appears, and he seems to be wearing what seemed to be an old fashioned suit. The strange man then demanded that all who are competing in grand Colosseum scouting to gather in the centre of the coliseum.

"Today you are all here gathered to impress the leaders of the five legions you must make your mark today by doing so you will open one door this one door will open two-million more doors that will help you become the greatest and most powerful Alchemist you can be this all depends on you impressing the five leaders today".

"The first course of action is to hunt and kill the grey panther or grey bear there are only five of each. You will have to enter the forest of Xerxes to do so of course".

The test begins now !!!!!! declares the overseer of the scouting

Athena felt overwhelmed but excited after all she had her secret weapon she thought. She looks around and feels like she is a mere mouse in a lions den. There were around 50 contests.

suddenly she hears her name being called in the far distance she turns to see Kai standing waving at her with a cheerful look in his face.

"How long has it been Athena" Kai says in a joyful tone.

"it s been approximately 213 days but yeah, it has been a while" she said in a more relaxed manner it was as if all the stress in the world has faded away after seeing her dear friend.

"Perhaps me and you should team up to take out the the grey bear we are a powerful duo don't ya think" say's Kai in a tranquil manner.

Athena smiles and nods her head in agreement as they both start to venture forth to the forest of Xerxes.


They eventually reach the dark forest each tree stood at 85 feet tall Athena turns around to Kai and points towards the south of the forest if she known where the beast is. Athena squats down then launches her self 70 feet in the air, Athena breaths and pulls out her combat knife from her holster and strikes the tree to get hold of the tree she keep a hold of her knife and swings to the closest branch. Athena inhales and exhales she began jumping from branch to branch eventually reaching the top of the largest tree she then begins leaping towards different trees till she eventually encounters the Grey bear. Kai was his best trying his best to catch up to her but her speed was inhuman. She turns around and smiles as she leaps form the branch in diving spearheaded position holding her knife with both hands directly above her head she then strikes the bear.


fatally damaging the bear face scaring his left eye rendering him one-eye blind. The grey beast erupted with a thunderous roar that rendered Athena lifeless for a split second, Kai eventually catches up to her but it was to late as the grey beast was charging right at her.

Athena got her head back in the game as she leaps into the air and lands on the bears back. The bear stands up in attempt to shake off Athena. However she continually stared to stab the beast in the neck, and across his back, after a couple fatal stabs she jabs the knife so deep inside the beast and began dragging the knife across the beasts burgundy fur the red blood mixed the grey fur caused his fur to change colours.

Athena attempts to wipe off the blood that had managed to get on her face. She freaks out by the ammount of blood that had been dripping from the bear. But manages to keep a cool head she steps back and glares at Kai almost like she is beckoning him to aid and assist her in the battle.

Kai leaps down with a large smirk. and began changeling all his lightning ability to cover his legs and fists. He then with lightning speed manages to fatally destroy the ground as his legs launched off the floor. Kai then goes to punch the bear right in face knocking the grey bear back at least 100 yards.

He wipes the sweat of his head and began breathing heavily as he glared at Athena.

The duo had no time to rest and both began to carry the grey large bear back to the coliseum they were first to arrive they were shocked and happy.

Athena I have been meaning to ask how you managed to find the bear so quickly. Asked Kai in an analytical manner.

"All living things have emit energy this energy is called "Qi" each being has a different colour like your Qi colour is blue I don't know what the colour means I just learnt how to sense it. That's how I managed to locate the bear I only just started implementing Qi so i really haven't masterd it therefore its not really super effective". Athena replied to Kai.

"Qi.... wow Athena your such a nerd how do you know all this" says Kai in an mocking tone.

"Shut up i had a good teacher anyway as i was saying Qi is utilising your sensing others presence as well as how powerful they are going to be in combat. If you master your Qi to a Godly level you begin foreseeing the future".Athena says in a excited tone.


20 minutes have passed and only 10 remained…...

"Hmmmm only ten remained as "he" calculated... I see those who have slayed the beast well done for making it this far you should be ever so proud. said the overseer of the scouting".

"There has been a change in plans and all of you will all participate in a one on one fight's each and every one of you and the first match will be Kai and Lin Qui both applicants please head over to the middle of the Coliseum for your fight".

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