
Son of Ice, Son of Fire

( POV Jon Snow )


The thundering voice awoke me from my dreamless sleep. My eyes opened and I found myself in a land of shadow staring into the brightest orb of flame I had ever imagined. It was like looking into the sun but instead of feeling pain I felt naught but comfort.

"R'hllor?" I asked the being of flame in front of me.


My question wasn't answered though instead the ground in this shadow filled land shook and cracked as yet another voice boomed. I looked and found a giant stallion the size of a mountain. It reared onto its back legs and crashed its front hooves into the earth once again cracking the ground underneath.

"Vezhof?" I questioned once again.

Again my question went unanswered as yet another powerful being appeared in front of me. This one made no loud entrance and didn't show their immense power because they didn't need to. Instead the great Serpent that now towered over me spoke three words.

"Chosen of R'hllor." The Serpent said in greeting.

I was about to respond before I realised I knew nothing about this God. I knew not it's origins or who worshipped it. Was it the Drowned God of the Ironborn, the River God of the Rhoynar. I was never told because I never needed to know. I wasn't their chosen, there was no prophecy. I was given my powers only to limit the damaged caused by my fire.

"Actions have consequences Azor Ahai!" A benevolent voice sounded from the flames in an accusing tone. Before I could respond the voice continued.

"All those years ago I bestowed on you power in its purest form. I GAVE YOU FIRE!!!" The voice said calmly before ending in shouts sounding like the roar of a fire.

"The power of the sun in the palm of your hand now all that's left is an ember. AN EMBER!!!" Again the voice roared in anger and for the first time in years, since my first fight in the Pits of Meereen I felt true fear. But my fears were unjust as the great orb of fire extinguished leaving me with two more no doubt just as angry Gods.

"When you awoke the eggs you had so much energy surging through your body that you broke the ties holding our blessing to your soul. The Seas and the Earth will no longer bend to your will. Somehow your control over Flame still remains, weakened as it is." The Sea Serpent said shocking me

"Goodbye chosen of R'hllor, this is the last we will speak." The Sea God said before evaporating out of existence and I looked to Vezhof ready for his words.

"You are the Stallion that will mount the world, the Khal of Khals. Your control over the Earth has diminished but the prophecy remains the same. Join the World into one Khalasar Pale One, bring glory to the Dothraki." Vezhof said before turning and galloping away leaving me in this shadow filled land alone.

Suddenly the shadow pulled away and I found myself in a familiar place I hadn't been in for many years. The Godswood of Winterfell. Fresh snow blanketed the ground and I found myself kneeling in it as I looked at the Heart Tree in front of me. The mouth of the Heart Tree opened and from its barked lips poured the endless sounds of the forest.

"Old One's." I said respectfully while bowing my head to them.

"Jon Snow." The Heart Tree said in return.

"Did my awakening of the egg disrupt my ability to Warg?" I asked fearfully

"Worry not for Warging wasn't a gift bound to your soul it's in your blood, the Blood of Stark." The Heart Tree said and i let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you know why I am still able to control fire and what has happened to the four eggs?" I asked the Gods of my Father and his Father before him.

"The eggs live, but they need a sacrifice to hatch, Valyrian magic always requires sacrifice and one of the eggs, the red one has bonded to you, the others will answer your commands when hatched but the red one will have a connection to you on the same level as Ghost." The Old Gods explained to me

"Do you know anything about my power over fire?" I asked again

"Your fire is linked to the egg, as long as the dragon lives so will your connection to flame." The Gods of the Forest explained to me.

"Now Goodbye Young Stark." The Tree said to me but I'm not a Stark

"The Old Gods of the Forrest care not for names only for blood, and the Wolf Blood flowed strong in your mother, Blood of Ice, Blood of the Firstmen." The Heart Tree said

"My Mother?" I asked confused

"Yes your father has Dragon Blood, Blood of Fire, the Blood of old Valyria." The Old Gods told me as if it was the smallest thing

"There names? Please I must know?" I pleaded

"Lyanna Stark, and Rhaegar Targaryen."

"WH-" I began before being interrupted

"NOW AWAKE SON OF STARK!!!" The call thundered through my very soul as I was awoke to the real world at last.

The first thing I noticed was the fancy room I was in, a room fit for a king. I saw Ghost asleep by the fire and Senu perched atop a golden stand. Qoni sat in a chair beside me holding my hand as she slept and across the room In the fire pit beside Ghost was four Dragon eggs.

"My love!" I heard the cry of relief and I turned my head to Qoni.


( POV Qoni Ahesh )

"My love you we can wait until the morning to do this." I said as I grabbed his arm.

"No I am fine." He assured me

"But you awoke only a few hours ago and you've just learned about your mother." I said but again he assured me he was fine.

We continued onwards to the throne room through the twisting halls of Kazad-dûm made of gilded black stone. The entrance to the throne room was an intricate door carved from dark wood. Two guards stood on either side of the door and when they saw us approaching they opened the door to the throne room, casting weary glances at Ghosts intimidating form as they did so. I walked into the throne room, my arm linked with Jonos and as we entered. The herald, who was also the head of King Dane's guard named Hurin Horn-Blower, announced our entrance.

"KHAL JONOS AHESH, THE PALE KHAL OF THE DOTHRAKI SEA AND HIS KHALEESI QONI AHESH." Hurin said his booming voice echoing throughout the hall filled with Qohori lords.

"YOU STAND BEFORE DANE IRONFOOT, LORD OF THE IRON HILLS, PRINCE OF QOHOR AND KING OF KAZAD-DÛM." Hurin boomed yet again listing the many titles of the new King.

I took this moment to inspect everyone in the hall. King Dane sat upon his throne flanked by two royal guards on each side. Beside the throne stood Ragnar draped in fancy clothes adorned with the unique Qohori fashion of decorative steel chains and links. Near the front of the assembled lords was Dwalin Steel-Shaper and his wife Merida. It was at this moment King Dane rose from his throne before addressing the lords.

"My Lords leave me I wish to speak in private with Khal Jonos." He said a smile breaching his face and as Dwalin made to turn King Dane gestured for him and Merida to stay. King Dane then retired to the war room and we followed closely after. The room was much smaller than the throne room and it was sparsely decorated only having a fireplace and a few chairs around a table that was in the middle of the room. We all made our way to the table. Placed upon the table was a very detailed map of the known world.

"Jonos, I would have come to you as soon as I heard you awoke but your lovely wife insisted you needed rest." King Dane said indicating to me with a tilt of his head.

"She was right my friend, awaking Dragons from isolation took a lot out of me, and it cost me dearly." Jonos said as he clenched his fist causing the flames of the fireplace to flicker momentarily.

"It's true then, Dragons live yet again?" Ragnar asked and from his voice he seemed both terrified and astonished.

"Yes it is true my friends." Jonos said confirming their suspicions and perhaps thier fears.

"It is true that we are friends." King Dane began

"But we are more than that now, you gave me my ancestral home, you fought beside me in the field of battle and bathed in the blood of my enemies." The King continued

"You are my friend, you are my battle brother and you are my King." King Dane said firmly.

He took a band of mithril from his arm and handing it to my husband while taking a knee, followed closely by his son, then by Dwalin and Merida then finally by Hurin. Now everyone in the room knelt with their heads bowed to my husband and I turned to him before speaking.

"Khal of Khals, King of Kings. Your Khalasar grows ever stronger, soon it will spread and the entire world will bow." I whispered to him before bowing my head to my Khal.


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