
(forgotten)109th Infantry Battalion

During an invasion on an unknown life full planet, the 109th infantry battalion was left behind after a sudden attack on the carriers and the destruction of any transmissions capable towards the Alliance. Their mission went from joining the main division on the attack to a suicide mission of survival, against the Empire and the native species, hoping that the ##### return for them or re-continue their invasion.

Lone_Number · War
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5 Chs

3. Speak of the devil

After almost a day of walking and close encounters with the horde, they would arrive outside of the forest but not gone completely. Their current location is a large patch of grass, just a basic grass field.

But they weren't safe from the predators just yet when on the edge of the forest, the companies could hear Ivar's whistle signaling a scout or worse a horde is coming their way.

Hiding on any spot possible, in the grass, behind a hill, anything that could be a defensive position for a plain place like this while to also keep low presence.

One of the bugs dead by a shot or anything near them could mean the whole horde trampling over them in a matter of seconds.

While the bugs passed them, they would learn a lot with each close encounter.


A voice could be heard from a hologram, "What were the death tolls on the failed operation?" the hologram shines and shows a man in a military outfit, his eyes showing how the failed operation affected him.

"[45% of the soldiers died before combat with the Empire.]" A voice said from the other side of the hologram, their face covered under the darkness and their voice being swapped by a voice changer.

Sighing from the results, he seemed defeated. "I don't expect us to ever win if those native monsters keep attacking them."

"[Military General Athan Phantom, as your empress I expect you to win the next operation. I'm allowing your use of 2 million soldiers for this invasion, and if needed I will allow the use of a nuclear weapon.]"

Hearing the majesty saying those devastating words made him look up. He is being torn in this war and yet, she orders him to keep going.

"I.... I understand...." Closing the hologram, he let a drop of tear flow down before looking back. "I understand... my daughter... I will make you happy."


After two days in the grass fields, they learned a lot of these bugs and nicknaming them.

(Warrior bugs: Most likely will tank a salvo of blaster bolts, mass-produced)

(Mortar bugs: unknown)

(Worker bugs: unknown)

While these were good information, they weren't fleshed out so there's still a lot more they haven't known.

"Comparing them with those bugs from that series I watched, they're almost identical. Controlled like a hive mind and multiple classes of evolution, we just have to find the nest and all-"

"Easier said than done miss starship trooper." Zhang li cuts Alester's ideas off, "We're going against our own species and a race of aliens evolved to be planetary invaders, it's even possible they're just controlled like divisions and not just a hive mind from one source."

Hearing this, Ivar agreed with Zhang li. "Most likely those hordes would have a commander arachnid, it's likely that these bugs will need a commander or three to make sure the command stays remembered by them."

"We're not denying your general intelligence in sci-fi, Alester. It's just that we are in an actual war and seeing how advanced those bugs are, it's possible that there is a branch of bugs meant to command the more mindless bugs like the warriors. We can't just think the nest is the source of everything."


Repairing the transmitter, they are disappointed when they realise any satellite that can be used to communicate outside of the planet are destroyed. If they want to escape they will need to find an Imperial transmitter to use theirs instead.

Leaving the grass field and moving on, they scavenge another fallen cruiser. Luckily they weren't attacked by any bugs, they didn't lose much personnel this time.

Reaching a remote hillside, they camped there for the night when they confirmed nothing was going to attack this far from any cover. Or so they thought.

A: 200

B: 162

C: 129

I don't have many ideas for them so far, it took way too long for something this short to publish. (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)=my braincells

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