
Chapter 6: I have the power of anime and the planet will in my side

Hiro POV:

Hiro: "Agh what the f*ck happened?"

As I try to get up from the bad, a sudden pain comes to my head, I clutch my head to ease the pain.

I try to remember what happened to me, why the hell meditating can do this to me, but a realization comes to me like a brick.

Hiro: "Did I just talk with the planet? f*ck that's unexpected"

Why the in the f*ck Gaia talk to me? I scratch my head in confusion because I know this is a world of DxD, so it's impossible that this world has the will of the planet here.

If the will of the world is here then there must be a will of humanity too, but that's not possible because humanity will come from Alaya.

Alaya is a collective unconsciousness of mankind and the drive for its survival as a whole. Alaya constantly steers mankind away from extinction.

It kinda makes sense that Alaya manifests because of the supernatural here, maybe the Heaven faction is the protector of humankind so Alaya doesn't do anything yet and lays dormant, waiting to be activated when humanity is in danger

Thinking about it more, a realization comes to my mind since Alaya is the same as Gaia, it's still not become independent yet and is still one.

Hiro: "Ah f*king hell, did Gaia make a counterforce entity?"

I remembered that when I spoke with Gaia, I ran my mouth loose that the world was endangered by a monster called trihexia and I wanted to get stronger to survive it.

Did my speech trigger the will of mankind to activate and choose me to be its counterforce to defend the danger that coming to this world?

Hiro: "Ah F*ckkkkkk why the hell is it trying to drag me into this mess"

I don't want this to happen to me, the only thing I want is to avoid the story far away as possible, but the planet itself just says "f*ck no, you are my b*tch now", and forces me to include myself to the plot like a shitty fanfiction.

I sigh to myself, well what's done is done, I reap what I sow and I have to just adapt to it, this makes me so frustrated but I really can't say no to a free power-up, could I?

I have the power of anime and the planet will on my side babyyyyyy, I remembered that it gave me some sort of system.

I get down from my bed and start to pose like a Power Ranger on crack and yell loudly

Hiro: "By the power of the planet's will, SYSTEM ACTIVATE"

Minutes pass by I stand there like an idiot, my face cringing in shame at what I just did, did I get an 8-grade syndrome illness by Gaia or something?

Suddenly a glowing panel slammed into my face like a brick, I jumped back and scream like a little b*tch with the sudden jumpscare.

[voice activation command proceed to say: status]

My face turned red from embarrassment, I hoped Mother Alicia didn't hear my scream, I straight my self and say.

Hiro: "Status!"


[Gaia system]

[Name: Takeda hiro]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 7]

[Tier: 9]

[progress to next Tier : 0%]

[Title: Reincarnator, Gaia Champion, ?u?a?i?? ??l?]

[Mana : 100]

[Recovery rate :10MP/minutes]

[skills] :


- ???????? ???? (Tier-???)


-Mana affinity (Tier-Lower class)

(Level: 1/100)

A skill that allows the user to become more sensitive to mana and handle it better.

(Half the Mana cost of the needed spell casting)

-Mana Container (Tier-Lower class)

(Level: 1/100)

A passive skill that allows the user to store excess mana beyond their natural capacity, effectively acting as a reservoir for magical energy. This stored mana can be used later to cast spells or enhance magical abilities, providing a temporary boost in magical power when needed, Each level increase

-Mana regeneration (Tier-Lower class)

(Level: 1/100)

A passive skill that increases the user's natural mana recovery rate, allowing them to replenish their magical energy more quickly during or after casting spells. This skill is essential for sustaining prolonged magical activities without exhausting one's mana reserves, Each level increases by 10 MP/Minutes

[Active] :

-Meditation (Tier-???)

(level 1/1000)

An Active skill, Meditation allows the user to enter a deep state of mental focus and relaxation, significantly increasing mana regeneration and accelerating the recovery of physical stamina. While meditating, the user is more attuned to their surroundings, making it easier to detect hidden dangers or opportunities, current

[Magic] :




Hiro: "Huh this is different from what I imagined"

This system is a little different from the gamer system counterpart that I know, rather it doesn't have a lot either.

There is no HP counter, no storage skill that's sadly I need because I will abuse it so much, No gamer body or mind so I really can get killed like a normal person, and lastly what the f*ck with this question mark in the title and skills.

Man this makes me more curious about what power Gaia gives me, I notice that I have mana now but no magic spell so I can't throw any spell yet, bummer.

I close the system and stretch my body from the soreness, I move my head to the window and see it's already nighttime.

Hiro: "Ah cr*p, I forgot dinner time, my a*s is in danger!!"

I panic and rush downstairs, hoping that Mother Alicia will not spank my a*s again and Father Yaekagi is not home yet.

As I ran downstairs and walked to the kitchen, I saw no one in there, the pot was still boiling and the food was already on the table but there was no one in sight.

I notice there is a sound of someone talking in the living room, I walk through the hallway towards the living room in the back of the church, when I close by I stop my step when I hear Mother Alica say something that surprises me.

Mother Alicia: "Yaekagi can you tell me why Hiro posed a mana in his body?"


Author note : And cut, sorry for the cliffhanger but I'm already sleepy, I know 1k words for a chapter is not a lot but I have to relearn the nasuverse and DXD verse to make sense for the story, most of it tho I just pull it out from my a*s and random b*llsh*t go brrrrrrrr, well that's all I guess hope you guys enjoy the story, you can leave a comment for improving the story and my writing. Bye bye see you guys tomorrow :3

My brain hurt, help

Hayden_W4lkercreators' thoughts
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