2 The Merge

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Mr.Hypnos standing over me. Surprised I tried to get away, but I soon realized that I was strapped down. I craned my neck down to see that I was in a hospital gown, and was strapped to a hospital bed. I tried getting free from the straps, but everything I tried failed almost immediately. I looked over to Hypnos, and whispered "can you help me? I'm stuck."

He shook his head no, which confused me. I had thought we were friends, and weren't friends supposed to help each other out? I continued trying to get free, when all of a sudden I heard a door open. From my position I colluding see where the sound came from, but soon a saw a man come into my vision. The man had black hair, and he wore a weird looking mask. The mask was red, with what looked like eyes in random spots.

The man stood above me, staring down. I felt extremely uncomfortable, so I decided to ask "um can you let me go?"

The man shook his head, and turned to something beside the bed. He reached for something, and when his hand came back I saw a scalpel in his hand. Terrified I struggled to get free, worm my way out to no avail. Seeing that I was moving around to much to do anything, he stuck an oxygen mask on my face. But instead of air, he made me breath some black smoke. Scared of the smoke, I held my breath but eventually gave out and breathed it in. Almost immediately after breathing it in my muscles went limp. I couldn't even move a finger, tears started to fill me eyes as the man brought the scalpel to my chest. He cut open the hospital gown, and touched my stomach. He moved his hand around almost as if feeling for something. He suddenly stopped at the middle of my stomach, he place the scalpel onto it. He looked at me, and that's when I felt the pain hit me. I tried to scream, but nothing happened, tears fell from my eyes as I felt the scalpel slice my stomach open. Eventually I had lost any energy I had, and ended up passing out.

When I awoke, I immediately tried to get up and run away. But when I stood up I felt pain ripping through my stomach. I clenched in, and fell to my knees. That's when I noticed that I was no longer in a hospital gown, but I was in a white long sleeved shirt, and white pants. I had no shoes, and I had nothing on me.

I lifted my shirt searching for the source of the pain, under my shirt were bandages that covered the middle of my stomach, exactly where the man cut me. Clutching my stomach I stood again, and looked around. I was in a pure white room, and the only things in the room was a blanket, and pillow, as well as a tray of food next to what seemed to be a door. I slowly walked to the door, and tried to open it. Not to my surprise the door was locked, I then knelt beside the food reliving how hungry I was, and started eating the food.

After finishing the tray of food, I laid down on the blanket and closed my eyes falling asleep.

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