
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 8: I'm Joking

Perseus POV

I knew it, this whole barrier piercing shit is the way those stupid gods arranged to get me to reveal myself.

Though it was obvious, my last name is Silver, I have silver hair and the nickname is 'The Silver Prince', I'm a bit dumfounded that no one figure it was me yet.

'When you come of age, you will have your name revealed', my ass. When I meet them again, I swear that I will give one of them at least a punch to the face.

For now, I might get away with it, but in a couple of hours, my face will be plastered all over and I won't have a moment of privacy ever after the update of the list, fuck.

All that for a reward of credits to buy items from the system store. I placed my sword back into its sheath and use magic to warp myself deep into the forest after I see the status screen telling me that I'm no longer recorded.

I can only warp to places that I've been to, but I can't warp from one floor to another, so I can warp to the bathroom to change my clothes, but cameras outside the bathroom will know who I am, even if it's a few hours, I want my privacy for now.

I then use magic to instantly switch to my uniform, even though it's instant and I could have just done this anywhere, I rather do this in private for now to prevent any chances of people knowing who I am for the moment. I warped to the waypoint and teleported to the 5th floor and head for my dorm and make sure to lock it.

The door itself is part of the tower inside the academy, so no one would be able to break it down even if they tried to, I then use dark magic to cover the gaps of the door.

The ground I split earlier would go back to normal by now and people would be evacuated after the brief shock to go back to the dorm as the news that the barrier of a safe zone got broken into.


After about 5 minutes, I heard knocking sound to my door, I forgot to use magic to block the noise, dammit.

"Percy, it's me." a familiar voice called out.

I then head to open the door.

"Lia, please do not call me by that name ever again if that's possible."

"But you call me Lia."

"Cordelia sounds a bit like a grandma, besides Lia sounds cuter."

"It does." she nodded "So can I come in?"

"Why are you at the boy's side of the dorm?" I asked as I looked around, it seems like she came here early as I haven't heard people coming back to their dorm yet.

Then again, I don't think many people can warp to the waypoint.

"Doesn't matter, let me in." she requested

"Isn't it too fast? I admit, you're like really beautiful and gorgeous, but aren't we moving too fast? Maybe we should go get a drink first or something. You like bubble milk tea?"

"The answer to the last question is yes." she answered "Would you let me in or not?"

"Before you do, answer just one more question, how do you know which room I'm in?"

"Your scent." she answered nonchalantly.

"You're joking, right?"

"I am. You reported to my dad about which room you're in in case I needed you, since I know you guys talk with each other, I just asked him." she answered quickly

I then just let her in, shut the door, fill the gaps with dark magic and use sound magic to block off all noise, and no, I know what some of y'all are thinking, I'm not planning on doing something to her, I'm just making sure no one can disturb me in here.

"Alright, we need to talk." she said with a serious expression.

"Oh, we're breaking up already? And here I am, thinking that we were getting along great, and we aren't even dating yet. And now we're already doing the 'we need to talk' cliché."

She then tried to hold in a laugh at my statement, she then just headed to sit on my bed as I then hand her a water bottle which she graciously accept. I then sat on the other far end of the bed and we stayed awkwardly quiet for a while.

"...so you're a dhampir, half human, half vampire?" she asked "I would ask if your sister is one too, but I checked, she's human."

"Yeah, with a hint of spirits in our bloodline, it would easily explain our large mana capacity, and don't ask about my parents, they died when we were younger, I'm one of those cliché orphan protagonist."

"A ranker at 18 years old...does my father know?" she asked

"No, he just knew that I'm a battle prodigy who is allowed in the tower before the age of 18, only a few in history have done so after the academy was created."

"Oh yeah, before the academy, there was no age limit, after that...all those who were allowed into the tower before the age of 18 are all great figures in history, so came into the tower, skipped the academy to only join it now? Why?"

"I'm bored and I kinda wanna lower my ranking, why do you think I'm only on the 17th floor? But those dumbasses still have me on this rank."

"Were you serious about asking me to be your partner?" she asked

"Yeah, I kinda don't want to call my sister over all the time nor my clanmates, and the previous tower have many dungeons that require a duo. Besides it kinda also help with your dad's request of watching over you."

"Fine, before we team up officially as a party, let me ask you a few last questions." she requested

"Go ahead and don't ask 'why me?'"

"How? At 18 years old? You're the youngest ranker in history! People were questioning who the silver prince a couple while back, how did you accomplish it so quick?"

"I'm a reincarnate from another world, I was a very powerful swordsman in my past life and my skills got passed on here." I answered

"Wait...REALLY?!" she jumped

"I'm joking, I wish, besides if it was, this novel would have had a reincarnate or isekai tag."

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