
The Cultivation Technique

When he made eye contact with his parents, he couldn't help but start laughing. He knew it was mean as his parents had a look of worry in their eyes, but alongside this look of worry was complete and utter shock. He knew the reason as to why this shock was. As soon as he got his first spirit ring on both of his spirit essences, he became a rank 15 Soul Master and he hadn't even started cultivating yet! Given that he was only 6 years old, his talent was unprecedented and had limitless potential to ascend to Godhood.

After he settled down, he took on a more serious face as he knew his parents will have questions about what just happened. He knew that they would have seen the gold and cream coloured glow that arose from his spiritual sea, however, he hoped that they didn't link it to a bloodline as it would be really suspicious for him to have one.

"So, do you know what happened?" asked Yun Ming. "I have never seen something quite like that before."

Alex hearing his question decided to feign ignorance, "What happened? I know my essence and spirits underwent an evolution but isn't that normal when you breakthrough, father? Am I alright?"

Hearing his son, both of his parents knew that he probably knew more about what was happening then he let on. However, they thought that if he wasn't telling them then it is either only a good thing or he will tell them in time. That's what they hoped at least…

Ya Li decided to move passed the awkward discussion and said, "You are a little monster aren't you. I guess congratulations are in order Mr. Rank 15 Soul Master haha. Add on to that, the fact that, not only one but both of your spirit essences and their subsequent spirit beasts underwent an evolution, then I don't even know how to describe your current talent and achievement. You continuously make me surprised, but I am already proud to see who you are becoming and what you are achieving." His mother chuckled at the thought of him keeping up the same rate of surprises for his whole lifetime and the monstrous strength it will allow him to achieve.

"Haha thanks mum" Alex replied with a half regretful smile that he can't tell them straight out and a half happy smile that they still trust him. "Well I have even more good news! When my Three-Eyed Golden Lion spirit evolved it told me the name of my variant spirit essence. It is a superior species to the Three-Eyed Golden Lion which would explain why the little lion bowed when it saw that spirit essence. It is called the Three-Eyed Nemean Lion and is the offspring of a divine Nemean Lion and a Three-Eyed Golden Lion meaning that it is super strong but also super rare."

"That's good Alex. At least we know that your spirit mutation only brought positive effects. It was a slight shame that you didn't take on any of our spirits, but I think what you ended up getting was a better outcome." Yun Ming said patting his son's shoulder. "Well we will leave you alone until dinner. You just made a big breakthrough, so you should do some meditation to stabilise your foundations. As long as you follow the cultivation method I taught you a couple of weeks ago you will be fine."

"Yes, I will father" Alex replied. He sat cross legged on his bed after his parents left his room to go downstairs.

Alex closed his eyes as he began thinking, 'Well now would be a better time than any to perform my unique cultivation technique that I asked for. I have over 4 hours before dinner and the body mutation led on by my technique will only last for an hour, not to mention that my body which has just been upgraded from my bloodline evolution filled my body with energy. It should be able to smooth the process of the merger over the next hour. It says to lay down on your back as after performing the technique the first time your body will become numb.'

Alex uncrossed his legs and relaxed his body with his back on his bed completely still.

'Ok done. What's next? Ah, I first need to start the merger with my left arm. I need to flow soul power along my meridians and at the same time, flow an equal amount of soul power along my muscles in the same location of the body. It will create a resonance between the two and cause the meridians to merge with the muscles. This will allow soul power to flow unobstructed through my muscles rather than my meridians, allowing my soul power passageways to regenerate much faster than if they were just meridians. Once I finish the merger in my left arm, I need to move onto my right arm followed by my left and right leg respectively. Then my chest, my back then moving on to my neck and subsequent head muscles. Ok, let's begin.'

Alex began the mutation of his body following his unique cultivation technique. As he pushed soul power into his left arm according to the technique. you could see his arm start flashing between white and red as his soul power and blood converged. After 5 minutes, Alex's left arm began to tremble ever so slightly as the flashing died down. After the flashes completely stopped, Alex felt very uncomfortable as he couldn't move his left arm whatsoever. It was so numb that whenever he tried to move it would send pins and needles up his arm and down his spine.

'Ok lets just move on to the next part. I already expected this to happen to some extent anyways.' Alex thought as he once again closed his eyes to begin the mutation on his left arm.

The same series of events happened with his right arm causing it to similarly go numb. Alex continued to push on with his cultivation finishing both of his legs' merger within the next 10 minutes. He began pushing his soul power through his chest causing it to flash an even brighter white then earlier, while also changing between an even darker, blood red glow. This continued on for 10 minutes before it similarly died down, only to be replaced with a glow coming from his back as he moved on to the next steps.

After another 30 minutes you could see the glow slowly fade away from his head. Alex however couldn't open his eyes or move his body in any way, shape or form. Even slightly attempting to do so would send million of pins and needles around his body.

'How can I even feel the pins and needles if I can't feel anything else in my body. Definitely strange. Pins and needles were always strange though.' Alex can't help but think to himself as he laid in darkness.

After 15 minutes the numbness of his body slowly died down allowing him to sit up. He inspected his body only to find a thin layer of black substance covering every inch of his skin, from head to toe. It was sticking to his clothing from inside, almost as if it was trying to make a black one piece body suit.

'Ugh, let's have a quick shower before we get back to cultivating.' Alex thought as he hopped off of his bed and shuffled to the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, following a thorough rinse of his hair and body, Alex returns back to his bedroom, slightly steaming from his love off having full hot showers. He once again sat cross legged on his bed as it helped him concentrate and closed his eyes to analyse the inside of his body before he started cultivating. As he used his mental awareness to look at his body, he found that all of his muscles were glowing a light red as the soul power passively flowed through his body and shined through the blood being supplied to it. Due to his meridians being integrated into his muscles his whole body had more room for blood flow, enhancing his overall regeneration capabilities. It also merged his mental sea with his spiritual sea, causing a clear liquid pond to appear within his spiritual world. It would allow his mental powers to strengthen when his spiritual sea is strengthened.

Alex happy at this conclusion and that only positive effects came about from the merger, started following the flow pathways for the first time. He started by flowing soul energy from his spiritual sea through his chest. He then parted that flow to move through each arm separately, followed by moving down the side of his body to each leg and finally back up through the inside of the legs to his centre where it combines with his spiritual sea once again.

When performing this technique, he noticed that through the use of these pathways it allows his soul power to condense and strengthen his muscles and organs as it moves by, while also increasing his overall soul power as it absorbs energy from outside. This energy is then pushed into his spiritual sea where it expands its capacity, purity and density. Alex found that his cultivation technique can improve everything he requested unsurprisingly, but was always good to check. He wasn't worried that it couldn't bring out spirit evolutions, as two of his bloodlines would already cause evolutions in his essences and spirit beasts.

He continued cultivating in this fashion for the next 2 hours, managing to reach the rank of 16. 'My parents are in for another surprise,' He thought, chuckling to himself as he made his way downstairs, looking forward to gorging on restaurant food once again.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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