
Parental Worries

When Alex made his way into the living room he was met with the scene of his parents cuddling on the couch whispering in each other's ears. Embarrassed Alex can't help but cough to awake them from their own world.

Hearing the cough and noticing their positions in front of their son, his mother can't help but blush before quickly organising her thoughts and emotions. "Oh hi honey, how was your cultivation? Is everything settled now?" She asked trying to remove the awkwardness in the room.

"Yes, everything is good as can be. My two spirits settled down nicely and my body felt really good when I was cultivating. My body felt a lot stronger too!" He commented.

Ya Li let out a beaming smile knowing everything is alright, "Oh, tha- "

"Oh come on! Really?!" His father shouted as he realised his son had risen in rank once again. "Why is it so easy for you. It's not fair..." He whispered as if an admittance of defeat to his son's prowess.

"Hey, you need to appreciate my talent father." Alex replied chuckling at his father's defeat. "But can we go and get some food soon? If you guys are hungry too because after what just happened I could eat a horse. Probably several horses if I am honest."

Everyone couldn't could back their laughs as they all acknowledged his monstrous eating ability.


Alex like he said, went on to eat several thousand coins worth of food over his dinner time meal, making his parents understand that they will need to find more sustaining food sources for him. Otherwise if he keeps going on this path he may end up just eating for the whole day in order to satisfy his crazy stomach.

"Maybe we should meet that man?" Ya Li asked to her husband.

"What man? No… no, not that man. You know I don't like him very much." Yun Ming responded.

She shook her head over her husband's childish relationship with that man, "I know you don't like him very much but look at your son. We kind of need him in this scenario, plus he will be able to help him with his spirit too. If you don't ask him to meet him, I will, and you know how he acts around me."

"Ugh fine, I will give him a call and take our son to him. I will only allow him to help our son if he agrees to stop flirting with you and stays within Shrek city for the foreseeable future." He responded.

"Very well that's acceptable. Now go and grab your son before he walks into another restaurant looking for more food. We aren't at a food eating contest and he needs to get back to cultivating. We can't let him slack off just because he has good talent," She comments before watching her husband look around frantically, locate her son and run after him before he walked into his third restaurant.

"Haha, boys will be boys…" She mutters into the night air.


Early in the following morning you could see the Shrek Headmaster and infamous Atlas Douluo ringing his hands as he looked hesitantly at his soul communicator in front of him. Seeing his continuous hesitation, Ya Le slapped him across the back of the head. Yun Ming grabbed the back of his head in fake pain as he looked up at her like a poor little lamb.

"Snap out of it you old fool. What you are doing is best for our son, so suck up your ego and childish quarrel and make the call. We know that he is true to his word and would never speak about anything we tell him, with me being involved in any way, shape or form. Not after what happened last time…" Yun Ming next to her shuddered remembering that event. "So there is no harm to our son by asking."

Seeing him not budging, she brought out her big guns., "Ah, imagine people being told of this situation. The grand Atlas Douluo being scared of making a phone call, hehe?" Ya Li said, whispering in his ear with a sly, playful grin.

"Fine" He grumbled back in return as he picked up the communicator and dialled a number.


"Oh what a wonderful day it is to hear from you Sir Grand Atlas Douluo. What do I owe this pleasure? Has Ya Li decided to leave you finally? Haha" The man on the phone said.

"Shut-" Yun Ming reflexively responded before getting whacked by his wife again. He focused back on the conversation with a grunt. "I called you to make a request…" He continued, grinding his teeth loud enough you could hear it from the other side of the line.

"Oh? What's this? You need my help you say hoho. I wonder what it could be about." The man commented, in his own world of fantasy.

"It is about my son…." Yun Ming stated, swallowing his saliva before continuing. "He has an insatiable stomach and we need better food for him. We know you are a chef so we thought maybe you could help us with our problem…"

"Ha, so you want me to become your own personal cook. And what in the world would make you think I would want to do that. I have-?" The man said with some anger.

"Well he spirit eyes…" Yun Ming cut in.


"And we think he has a bloodline…" He continued.

"A BLOODLINE!!!!!! I WILL LEAVE RIGHT NOW!!!!" The man practically screamed.

Hearing the loud racket from the other side of the line Yun Ming pulled the device away from his ear before speaking again. "No you stay there. We need to get Ya Li's armour improved so we need to go there anyways. We will be over in three days so don't go anywhere till then" He managed to get out despite the frustrated and frantic panting coming out of the speaker. Yun Ming after finishing what he had to say quickly hung up the communicator before the man could respond with a rebuttal.

Ya Li and Yun Ming had a conversation late last night about their son. They knew he had a bloodline sealed within him as they experienced someone else in the past in a similar situation. If he thought feigning ignorance would be able to cause them to forget about it, then he couldn't be more wrong after what they have seen. Both of them, as well as the man on the phone, had been there with one of their best friends in the past as he exploded into hundreds of pieces due to his seal breaking and being overexposed to origin energy by the beast.

They didn't want any chance of this happening to their beloved son. Let alone after he was a miracle in their lives, as even though she was told that she couldn't bear children after the epidemic fifty years ago, she still miraculously became pregnant with Alex. This was even years after they lost hope of ever having a child. They would rather give their own lives and all of their fortune in order to ensure his survival, so dealing with a small childish grudge between Yun Ming and the man for helping their son was worth it. Even though the two men kept this small grudge between them from Yun Ming winning Ya Li's hand in marriage, he was still one of their most trusted friends and they were not worried at all that he would expose their son's secrets.

Ya Li gave her husband a comforting hug from behind as he slowly calmed down and looked into her eyes. He saw her loving eyes looking back at him and knew that as long as his wife and son were safe everything else didn't matter. They shared a short kiss before walking hand in hand to their son's room to tell him the good news.


*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" Alex replied, awakening from his cultivation on his bed.

His mother followed by his father walked into his room and sat on the spare seats in his room. They wore happy faces seeing their son's determination in cultivating and his talent. It made them even more confident in their decision.

"Good morning son. I am very proud of your ethic in cultivating. You are more motivated than I was back when I just awakened as all I could do was chase people around the village." Yun Ming said smiling as he reminisced.

Ya Li seeing the conversation going off track nudged him with her elbow bringing him back from dreamland.

"Oh, yeah right. Your mother and I came to a decision. In three days we will venture out to Heavenly Dou City to meet up with an old friend and your mum also needs to do something there, so it works out well. Make sure you cultivate hard for the next three days and we will go out for meals in order to satisfy you. I need to go into the academy to ensure your mother and I can take the days off to help you, so I will only be back for dinner." Yun Ming told Alex. Ya Li gave her husband a comforting squeeze as he mentioned the man once again.

"Heavenly Dou City? Okay… I will get back to cultivation if that is all then Dad" Alex replied, excited to go to a new city for the first time in his life. In this universe at least...

A lot of you can probably guess who the man is from what I have told you so far :)

I went off canon with creating a history behind their relationship with him and them knowing someone with a sealed bloodline beast, but that is what a fan-fiction is all about right?

Hope you all enjoyed again!

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