
A Prodigy

Si Mubai was startled to hear a voice state the correct answer. He turned around so quickly that it was a surprise that his neck did not snap due to the whiplash. He looked around the classroom to find the source of the voice. He hastily Asked " Who was the one who answered my question?" Hushed murmuring was heard around the classroom discussing the new events that had transpired.

"What is going on? Someone had actually answered Mr. Si's question!"

Meanwhile, a certain someone was unaware of the heated discussion that had started because of her. Shanaya calmly raised her hand in the air and spoke in a languidly "It was me Mr. Si." Mr. Si looked at her with eyes sparkling. He then wrote different questions on the board and asked her to come down and solve them. Shanaya thought to herself 'Why is everyone around me asking me to solve questions?? First it was that Lu Yifeng now it is her teacher.'

Shanaya walked down to the board and began solving the questions. Mr. Si assumed it would take a while, but.....boy he was wrong! Shanaya solved the questions on the board within a span of minutes. She then looked at Mr. Si and asked " Were my answers correct Sir?" Si Mubai was in a daze until he heard her. He quickly said "Yes yes. All your answers are correct. Please go back to your seat and meet me in my office after your classes for the day are over."

She agreed with a nod and went back to her seat. She saw her friends look at her with questioning gazes. They were shocked at her performance. They did not know that their new friend was a genius. Shanaya was confused by them. She did not know why her friends were looking at her like that. She turned to Qing Qin and asked him "Is there anything wrong?"

Qing Qin looked at her and thought to himself ' No there is nothing wrong. It seems that things are too good!' he cleared his throat and answered"No, nothing is wrong. It is just that no one was ever able to solve Mr. Si's questions in class. You are the first one." Shanaya then realized what had just happened. she did not think that answering some questions would lead to such a big commotion.

Wanwan looked at her with admiration and asked her "My dear friend Sha-sha, please help me. I suck at Physics and do not know what to do. My whole grade comes down because of Physics. Please help me. " Jinling said " Forget it! your parents have hired so many tutors yet they were never able to help you. Just let it be." Wanwan was enraged! She raised her voice "WE WILL NEVER KNOW UNTIL WE TRY! Shanaya please help me out." Shanaya wanted to stop the fight so she quickly said "It's okay. I'll help you out. Meet me in the library after I come from Mr. Si's office."

Mo Wanwan was overjoyed! She was held back in lass C all these years due to her poor performance in Physics. There was finally a chance to get promoted to class B. She replied instantly, before Shanaya would change her mind. " Yes, yes. I'll be waiting for you."

It was finally time for the day to end. Shanaya had to go and me Mr. Si. She did not know where his office was so she had to ask some people for the directions to it. All of them were mesmerized by her that it took a long time for her to reach. When she finally reached the office, She knocked on the door and greeted " Good Afternoon Mr. Si. You called me to your office to meet you. Sorry I'm late. I got lost on my way."

Si Mubai got up and rushed to her saying "No problem. It's okay. Come in and have a seat." Shanaya finally took a look at her surroundings. What she noticed first was a tall boy sitting in the office room with his back straight and his usual indifferent face. Yes, it was Lu Yifeng. She was shocked at first but then she remembered that he was Mr. Si;s most favored student. It was no surprise that he was in the office. She took a seat beside him and greeted him with a slight nod. He greeted her back the same way.


When Lu Yifeng saw Shanaya come into the room he was ecstatic. He was waiting for this to happen. After seeing her yesterday he was sure this would happen sooner or later. he could finally have someone to talk to about his passion in science and that person was the same age as him! How cool was that.

Mr. Si sat in front of his desk and looked at both of them with sparkling eyes. He asked them" Do you know why I called you both here?" Both of them had a vague idea but shook their heads when he asked the question. He then told them "There is going to be a competition in Physics where you have to make a model or invention and present it. It is an honor for someone to attend it. I am planning to send both of you as representatives from our country"

Both of them were expecting something like this. Shanaya asked"Which competition is this?"

He replied "It's the international conference of Physicists."

Both of them were flabbergasted!

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