3 Chapter 3 My Girl Friend?

I sign me and Nick out of school and head to a cheap fast food restaurant and order a burger and fries. I look at Nick take out my wallet and hand it to him. Nick is confused look's at me and say's "What why are you giving me your wallet? I'm Paying."

I laugh and say "I know how hard you worked to get that I'm not going to let you use it I'm working to get you into collage and there's almost enough money You think that I'm going to let you use money that you saved up? And plus we are going shopping latter I need to pick up food to cook after this. I'm giving you my wallet because of that and so that if I leave the store you have enough money. Also I have to get your gift for your birthday that's coming up."

Nick stays quiet and looks at me and I smile saying "I'm not letting you talk me out of this It's the least I can do for dragging you into this world you know. I should have been more careful now you have to fight sometimes you should have been a normal student not a delinquent it's not for you. And plus I'm a well known person in this world who would try to talk shit about me? And plus we have a game to rule right now I need you to exchange some for in game money I got some stuff I need to buy. Any way lets go shopping."

I finish my burger and fries stand up throw out the garbage and start heading to the grocery store a little while away. I see students from my school around here and there but not many. After walking for about 30 minutes we get to the grocery store and I start getting everything I need for a week. After getting the normal food I tell Nick to find snacks that we can munch on and pay for every thing because I'll be outside. I grab a few energy drinks and a five dollar bill and head over to the cashier and head out side after I pay.

I pop the top of the drink and take a sip and check the time. And turns out school is over. I start checking out Slayers home page. A new VRMMORPG that's launching today. I hear two men bothering women across the street and see it's two girls from my school. Not just any girl's it's the top two beauties of the entire school. I normally don't care but someones acting cocky on my turf so I got to fix that. I walk across the street and say "Hey babe sorry I'm late I was buying food and stuff."

I walk in between and look to the other one and say "Nick will be out in a minute but it's raining I hope your okay with borrowing my extra hoodie today." I take out my extra hoodie and hand it to her she nods and puts it on.

I take off my hoodie and say "Sorry I didn't think it would rain today here you go." the tattoo on my back appears. It's a Jester holding the Grim-Reapers Scythe. The two delinquents behind me start sweating when they see that. I turn around and say "Is there a problem?"

The two delinquents shake their heads vigorously all of a sudden I hear Nick saying "Coda it took a little longer because it was a new cashier."

I laugh and say "No worry's I just don't like dealing with that stuff so It's good that your ok with it." I look at the two delinquents and say "Since there's no problem you can leave now ok." They nod and ran away. I stretch and say "Aw man they have no guts I thought I might get to have fun this time."

Nick shakes his head with a bitter smile and says "They saw your back you know. It would be weird if they actually had the guts to do something."

I look at Nick and say "Do you think Slayers will let me have my fun? I haven't been able to have a good fight in a while."

Nick just shakes his head and goes to the two ladies and say's "Are you two okay? And sorry about Coda he's been feeling gloomy for a while. Well my name is Nick nice to meet you." The two girls who were getting nervous and slightly shaking because I managed to scare away the two delinquents calmed down after they saw Nick wearing the same uniform as them and smiling nicely. Nick looked at Coda and said "This is really surprising though Coda. You gave them The mark do you know how big of an uproar will happen because of this?"

I just look at Nick and said while pointing at the street name "Look at the name of the street first dumb-ass."

Nick looks confused and looks at the name of the street and his eye's widened with shock. "Coda are you serious right now? you've got to be kidding me. Your saying...."
