1 Chapter 1 The Chase

"Hey someone stop that kid"

The police officer yell's while I turned into an ally way. This is a short cut I learned about when I was younger. Just as I think I'm scott free a police officer is at the other end of my turn and to my right is a fenced off ally and a cop behind me.

"Give up there's no escape for you now kid." they both say panting.

I look around at my surroundings and notice there really is no escape for me so I do the logical thing everyone else would do and that is I make my own escape I run into the ally with a fence jump at the wall hit it with my feet and use that momentum and push off over the fence and land in a kneeling position with my back to the police. I stand turn look behind me and put up a peace out sign turn around and bolt out. In the end I am still scott free. After I make it a safe distance away I head back to my safe house. I pull an apple out of the bag of food I have and put away my my mask. As I'm walking and munching on an apple. I walk into the safe house and close the door silently. three hours later I here someone walking around.

"Coda are you here?"

"Yeah I'm here what's up Nick." I say confused.

"I'm hungry is there anything to eat?"Nick say's tiredly

"Yeah in the bag on the table there's food and some other stuff as well." I say while eating another apple.

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