
(BL)Obsessive Over You

There's nothing Levi Winchester doesn't know about the guy he's been in love with, Tyler Moss. His deepest secrets, what he likes to eat, how he sleeps at night...and even the scent of his underwear. But even being unable to find himself truly, he would do anything to protect Tyler.....ANYTHING.

Sakakibara9300 · Horror
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Multiple POV

~~~~~~~~~~TYLER'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"Tyler you're here!" I stared at the unlikely sight before me. Levi and Jay looked like they were getting along for once. They both looked extremely hostile still but at least it was controlled. It was nice that they could sit and be civil for a little while even though they were probably insulting each other. "Sorry, for calling you out so late," Coach said. "Did you already eat?"

"I did, sir," I sighed. "But why are they together? How'd you trick them into get along?"

"I called them, and held important information over their head. Then I just let them talk so they can get closer to each other. If they could spend some more time together, Jay's memories might return more and he would be able to open up. I'm not sure if it's really working though. This was your plan right?" Coach told me. "They seem to be bonding while they talk about you."

"They've been talking about me?"

"You're a good kid with a bright future. They both want you all to themselves."

"Coach Nichols, which side of you is the real you?" I've seen how passionate Coach is about soccer and coaching us and he's very active in trying to keep the school peaceful. "I don't believe that you're just faking the joy you get from teaching and coaching. You genuinely care about your students, even now you seem to be that way. Are you a tsundare?"

"Hm? A what?"

"What I'm asking is if you're really helping them out to just help yourself like you said? You must have another reason, you do, don't you? Do you pity those two? Do you feel bad or do you want to lead them on a better path so they can have a real future? You know, like your job entails," I asked.

Coach gave me a nonchalant look and rolled his eyes. "You're very wrong, Tyler, I'm doing it for myself." I couldn't focus right now. Can he even be trusted? I should calm my suspicion down a bit. I wanted them to get along.

I'm sure I'm just I still wound up after meeting with Levi's father? "Tyler? Did something happen?"

"Yeah, Dr. Barros picked me up from therapy today and we had a talk," I told him. "He showed me where they were held captive and videos of them crying for help."

"And you just went with him?"

"He wasn't going to kill me by himself, so why wouldn't I?"

"That was a very dangerous thing to do!" Coach snapped at me like an angry father. Was he scolding me? "What if you got there and you were ambushed? Do you have no sense to strategy? What happed of you had gotten hurt? How could I explain that or have it on my conscience?"

"Ok, mom, calm down! It wasn't a trap, just don't distract them by saying anything about it!" I rolled my eyes.


"Tyler!" Levi rushed towards me and engulfed me in a big bear hug lifting me off my feet. "When'd you get here? It's warm today isn't it? Have you eaten yet? Let's grab a bite to eat together! Whatever you want."

I stared up at Levi and remembered Dr. Barros words. Humans don't know what kind of people they are.

You achieved your goal in figuring out my relationship between my sons and I. But why do you keep looking for me?

You want to know why it's you of all people. If it's not a coincidence, how deep are you in this.

That's why you returned to the clinic. So I'll tell you.

Well it's about your grandmother-

That's right, it has nothing to do with me. I'll just stop thinking about it. "Yeah I'm a bit hungry." I smiled at Levi and tried my best not to think too much. What happened between them has nothing to do with me. It was actually cool that Grandma had a secret past. Right?

"Is Thai food good?" Levi asked. I nodded. "Jay you're coming with us, correct."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too, help me figure out what's good." Jay smiled his old smile. He held his arms out for a hug but before I could hug him as well, Levi pulled me back into his tight grip, protectively.


"Guys?" I asked trying to get them to stop their glares directed at each other. What the fuck?! "I want to ask a question!"

"What?" Jay asked.

"Can I ask what you two were talking about so intensely? The aura was seriously weird!"

"Uh.....a memory we both remember." Levi stated vaguely. I frowned at his lack of explanation. What a dickhead.

"We used to have a dog," Jay explained while rolling his eyes. "We can't remember it's name, but we both loved the dog a lot. We had it for six months or so. One day our sperm doner wanted to have dinner with just us. It was a really big meal."

"It gets worse. I don't think you'd want to hear the rest." Levi interrupted much to my annoyance.

"Continue Jay, please," I covered Levi's mouth so he couldn't interrupt. This amused Jay a lot.

"He asked us if we liked everything we ate as they were special dishes he made just for us two. Then he told us as soon as we were full that he fed us our dog. We both got violently sick from it but it was just one of many traumas. Apparently, it was his way of teaching us a lesson." Jay finished. I looked from Jay to Levi who just nodded.

"For what?! That's fucking sick and cruel!" I gasped. "He's just getting worse with every memory! What a psycho!"

"We're the ones who are the dog, aren't we terrible as well?" Jay asked.

"No! How could you have known?! You were children!" I snapped at him. These two were so pitiful because they keep taking responsibility for what their father did! I couldn't help but pull Jay into a hug. "How could anything he did have been your fault? You don't have to take responsibility for anything that psychopath did to you as a child!"

"I'm glad you think that," I could feel Jay start to hug me back before I was pulled back a few inches by Levi's firm hands. Oh my fuck, this jealousy of his was annoying.

"Sometimes a hug makes people feel better, Levi. Calm the hell down." I hissed at him. "He's your brother, show some love, dammit. Hug!"

"I don't-"

"Shut up Jay! You two hug it out or I'm going to find that guy and deal with him myself!" I threatened. "You know I'll go and do some stupid shit too!"

The two dummy's stared at me in awe before giving each other an unenthusiastic side hug. I sighed at how childish they insisted on acting, but it was a start....maybe.


~~~~~~~~COACH NICHOLS POV~~~~~~~~

"We're you keeping tags on me this entire time?" I asked almost shaking in my boots. Giovanni sat in front of me visibly shaking as well. It was always better to keep my composure around this loose cannon. He was obviously mad and getting ready to act out.

"Tell me what's going on? Why were you with Nikolaos and Kanstantinos?" He bit off what was left of his nails.

"I'm just keeping watch under the guise of helping runaway students."

"Keeping watch?" Giovanni seemed to get more on edge as I kept my explanation short. He must've skipped out on his anxiety medication again.

"I pretended I was ok with it in front of Penelope but I'm worried for Mr. Barros as well," I covered up. "I have to keep up appearances as to not draw up more suspicion. Remember, the entire staff of the school is being investigated because of your fuck up!"

"So you're telling me that's why you're keeping an eye on them?" Giovanni looked straight into my eyes. "I fucked up as a student! Why does that-"

"I understand what you're getting at, Giovanni. I shouldn't have acted alone. I feel bad for not telling you too. You've just been way too unstable lately. We can't afford another screw up."

"We lived in that hell of a place, waiting for someone to save us, we only had each other. Do you remember how helpless we were, and then how determined we were when we were free? We know each other too well, that's why I know you won't betray Mr. Barros or us," Giovanni seemed to relax a bit more. For once his anxiety had him right to be suspicious. "But if you let us down, I'll have to take care of his weakness myself."

A not so subtle warning? He's saying he'll get rid of me if I betray them. They'll find out everything if we don't end this soon. This damn doctor has corrupted my friend to the point of no return. "I know you will."

"Just worry about your family and not outsiders like them! I'm thinking you're starting to lose your great fullness to Dr. Barros! He saved our lives! Those kids are nothing more than lab rats!"

I have to rush this now. My friend, no, my brother had already drank to much of the Kool Aid for me to persuade him to do the right thing with me. "I'm aware Giovanni. Now calm down and get a drink, you keep sweating."

My brother was lost to that demon, that's why Dr. Barros has to be stopped.

~~~~~~~~~~~RHYS MOSS POV~~~~~~~~~

"Investigate this man, Moss," chief Dereks threw a file on my desk labeled Hannibal Barros.


"Weren't you already investigating him under the cloak? You think I wouldn't find out about your side investigations into it. I just didn't say anything because you never made it anything official."

"How did you-"

"I know you've been visiting his clinic lately. Your subordinates talk a lot. They keep saying you have a girlfriend there, but you're not the type to have girlfriends," I looked at chief Derek's seriously. Is the chief really involved in this and trying to observe me. "There are petitions rising up in number left and right and the higher ups are pressuring me to close the case. We have to get a grip on this before the media blows this up more than they already have. Since you already started, you might as well finish it quickly. Now go."

"Yessir," I'm not sure how deeply involved the police are with this guy, but this was my chance to find out with better resources on the books.

I should let Tyler and Levi know that the investigation will officially start today, I don't want them in more trouble.


"Does Tyler know?! What about Levi?!" Ginny snapped nearly falling from her hospital bed.

"Tyler asked me for help-"

"You should've told me earlier! I never would've introduced him as my friend had I known! Now that I'm bedridden I must not be able to help, huh?!"

"That's not it-"

"I'm Tyler's Grandmother! Tyler and Levi are just minors! If this is true, you're putting kids in a very adult situation! So from now on just discuss everything with me!" Ginny snapped.

"I understand."

~~~~~~~~~JASON RYAN'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~

I woke up in a cold sweat in the hospital...again? That's right, Jay had tricked me and pushed me off of a tall building. I fell so far down and landed on some car, but I survived.

How the hell was he so strong? Why did he keep getting in my way while I tried to kill Levi! I just wanted revenge for my brother! What right did he have to stop me?!

"Jason, you're finally awake?" I turned my head to the side to see...Levi? No, this was an older man for sure. He looked like Levi from the future!

How long was I asleep?!

"Who are you?" I gasped through my hoarse throat.

"I am Dr. Barros. I'm the guy who's going to help you get retribution for your brother." He smiled the same smile that psycho had that night. "I know about your situation and it's just horrible. I assure you I'll do everything in my power to help you."

"You look like that psycho!"

"I have no idea what you mean, and I'm not interested in knowing. Still, I know what really happened to your brother. Do you want to hear it or not?"