
Chapter 058

He Cai coughed and opened his eyes, looking at Yu Su. In a weak tone, he called out, "Lord Yu Su."

He Cai, filled with gratitude, had thought he was doomed in his hazy state. He was terrified until he felt someone pulling him back from the brink of death.

Seeing Yu Su, he knew instantly that this young Witch Doctor was the one who saved him. He struggled to sit up, wanting to express his gratitude.

However, before he could rise, Yu Su pressed him back with one hand.

"You're injured, don't move around. Just lie still," Yu Su said.

He Cai's eyes reddened. "Lord Yu Su, thank you for saving me."

Looking at Yu Su by the bed, He Cai felt that he was like a benevolent and gentle god. His heart was filled with gratitude, unsure of how to express it.

"I don't know how to repay you for saving my life."

"If you want to thank me, wait until you've healed. No need to rush," Yu Su's words calmed He Cai. He realized Yu Su was right; he had to recover before expressing gratitude.

He Cai, now fully awake, excited the villagers of Hedong Village.

When He Qiang returned with his people and saw He Cai chatting and laughing, he was astonished. How could He Cai be fine so quickly?

"Lord Yu Su saved me. Lord Yu Su is as powerful as a god," He Cai said.

Hearing He Cai's words, He Qiang didn't refute. With such remarkable abilities, Yu Su did seem god-like. They hadn't seen gods, but Yu Su was right there with them, making their gratitude for him more genuine.

Due to this incident, He Qiang realized the importance of having a Witch Doctor in the village. With over forty injured people, enduring without a Witch Doctor would be tough.

What to do in the future?

Should they always seek Lord Yu Su whenever something happened?

Lord Yu Su was the Witch Doctor of Yu Village, not Hedong Village. He had already saved them, provided them with food, and helped them so much. It was already an immense act of kindness, and expecting him to come every time wasn't realistic.

But if they didn't turn to Lord Yu Su, who could they turn to?

"The Witch Doctor of Yu Village is amazing. If only he could be our Witch Doctor," a villager sighed.

He Qiang felt a pang. Yes, it would be great if Yu Su could be their Witch Doctor. But he wasn't.

He Qiang felt a sense of regret and bitterness.


Yu Su and his group returned to the village.

Upon entering, the first thing they heard was the lively sound of "hehe hahei." It was the members of the patrol practicing martial arts.

After Yu Shi, four more people in the village had awakened their spiritual roots. Those who still didn't understand Qi basically had no chance of cultivation.

Yu Su wasn't discouraged. Having over ten youths with spiritual roots in a village of just over two hundred people was beyond his expectations.

He enrolled the remaining people into the patrol, with Lu Yan teaching them martial arts and Jian Yunchuan, an experienced guard, instructing them in tactics.

This way, they could both strengthen themselves and have the ability to protect the village in times of crisis, preventing disasters like the one in Hedong Village.

Today, the snow had stopped, and the sunlight was good. The patrol members cleared the snow from the village square and spontaneously practiced martial arts.

Jian Yunchuan, the tactical team leader, supervised.

Seeing Yu Su and Lu Yan return, the members greeted them.

"Leader, I don't understand something. Could you teach me?"

"Leader, I have a question too..."

The members sought guidance from Lu Yan.

Lu Yan didn't immediately go over but first said to Yu Su, "I'll go teach them."

Yu Su nodded, and Lu Yan then walked toward the awaiting patrol members.

Yu Su returned home and taught Yu Zhou, Yu Kui, and Yu Ji to write. Later, he chatted with Youshi, who had come looking for Yu Ji and Yu Kui.

Since Youshi could eat and dress comfortably, her complexion had improved. An already attractive person, she became even more noticeable in the village.

Now, the men in the village knew about Youshi's good relationship with Yu Su. No one dared to have any ill intentions towards her, and her days became more and more comfortable.

"Yu Su, what do you think about me joining the patrol?" Youshi suddenly said.

Yu Su was surprised. "Sister, why would you want to join the patrol? It's very demanding."

Youshi said earnestly, "I'm not afraid of hardship. I've been raising two children alone for these years, and I've endured all kinds of hardships. I want to join the patrol to make myself stronger and then protect Yu Ji and Yu Kui."

Youshi was a determined and resilient person, evident from her decision not to remarry and endure all hardships to raise her two children. So, when she expressed her desire, Yu Su didn't take it lightly; instead, he considered it seriously.

"Sister, if you join the patrol, you may not only face the hardships of martial arts but also many inconveniences and possibly others making things difficult for you. Are you still willing to go?" Yu Su asked.

Youshi nodded firmly. "Yes!"You Yushi had thought it over; she would rather endure hardship than forever be seen as an easily bullied weak woman.

In fact, she had also learned the method Yu Su taught to sense Qi, but she couldn't seem to awaken her spiritual roots. She thought she might never be able to do it in her lifetime. So, she decided to learn martial arts. As long as she gritted her teeth and learned, she believed she could master it!

Yu Su smiled gently, "Alright, I understand."

After some thought, he added, "Why don't we see if there are other women in the village interested in learning martial arts? If there are enough, we can form a women's team, and I will personally teach you martial arts more suitable for your learning."

Youshi's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Yu Su nodded, "Of course. I'll talk to the village chief about it shortly."

Youshi exclaimed with joy, "That's fantastic! Thank you, Yu Su!"

Then she laughed again, "Wait, I should call you Lord Yu Su."

Yu Su helplessly said, "They insist on calling me that; you don't have to."

Youshi burst into laughter.

Soon, the women in the village learned about Yu Su's plan to organize a women's team. He made it clear that the women's team would also patrol the village and learn martial arts. It wasn't an easy task, but if anyone was willing to join, he would personally teach them martial arts.

The village had mixed reactions to this news. By the deadline for registration, including Youshi, a total of eight women had signed up, including Yu Meng's sister, Yu Zhu.

Seeing Yu Su, Yu Zhu blushed and said, "Lord Yu Su, you don't need to worry. I'm not approaching you for any other reason; I genuinely want to learn martial arts."

Yu Su nodded, "I understand. Don't overthink it; I'm not concerned about anything."

Yu Zhu sighed in relief, "Thank you."

The women's team consisted mainly of young people, all members of the gathering team, used to enduring hardships.

When Yu Su taught them, not a single person wavered due to fatigue. In the beginning, some men would consider quitting due to the difficulty, but they persevered. Yu Su admired their determination.


Hedong Village.

After two days of snow, the village faced a shortage of food. Despite searching for food outside, they couldn't find much.

Everyone in the village wore worried expressions. The aftermath of the recent scare erupted, causing several illnesses, especially among the younger children.

The herbal soup prepared from the village's previous stock didn't show significant effects.

Helpless, He Qiang had to brave the snow again and go to Yu Village.

In Yu Village, martial arts practice was also on hold. Everyone stayed indoors, lying comfortably on warm beds, waiting for the snow to stop.

When He Qiang and his group arrived, the village chief welcomed them.

Inside the village chief's house, a warm bed was burning. It was cozy inside.

He Qiang was momentarily stunned upon entering, unable to believe how warm it was in the house.

"This is a warm bed. Every household in our village has one. Want to experience it?" The village chief enthusiastically invited, subtly showing off.

He Qiang was amazed, "Village Chief Yu, what is this warm bed? Why have I never heard of it?"

"You haven't heard of it; that's normal. Yu Su taught us how to build these." The village chief proudly said.

It was a method thought up by Lord Yu Su...

He Qiang couldn't help but feel envious of the villagers in Yu Village. They had such a powerful Witch Doctor.

"You haven't mentioned why you came at this time." The village chief asked.

He Qiang snapped out of his thoughts and awkwardly said, "Several children in the village are sick. They haven't improved after drinking the herbal soup, and I'm worried they won't make it. So, I came to consult Lord Yu Su if there's any way to cure them."

The village chief sighed, "You came at the wrong time. Yu Su is out patrolling with the team."

He Qiang was shocked; they were patrolling even in the snow?

The village chief asked him to wait; Yu Su and his team would return in about one or two hours.

He Qiang nodded, having no other choice but to wait.

As two village chiefs, they found common ground and began chatting.

He Qiang, hearing the village chief proudly talk about how no one in Yu Village went hungry or got sick this winter, was deeply impressed.

No matter how big a village was, in such a harsh winter, it was impossible for no one to go hungry or get sick. How did Yu Village manage it?

Seeing He Qiang's greatly shaken expression, the village chief inwardly chuckled. He knew that Yu Su intended to integrate the villagers of Hedong Village into Yu Village. That's why, after He Qiang came in, he deliberately showed off and hinted at various things.

Both being village chiefs, he understood how much pressure He Qiang was under.

He Qiang's thoughts, however, couldn't be stopped, despite the village chief not saying anything more.

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