1 My death chapter 1 volume beginnings

Clair redwood was nothing special she was mostly an ordinary girl . Besides the lack of emotions and facial expressions which would make her unable to experience happiness sadness or love . And put that together she never really got why people were happy when they fell in love or any of their emotions .Because of this most people saw her as some kind of freak and avoided her like the plague . But if people decided to interact with her . It would almost always be to throw some rude comment at her making fun of her lack of emotions her lack of humanity . If she saw some creature as annoying she would kill it no matter how cute it was . And she didn't show a single emotion while she did it . She just looked at it and with dead eyes and a cold face . And said the same thing every time what is truly love I wanna have it . But even that couldn't be considered an actual emotion some people . To most it was just her asking what tet emotion truly was . She was confused for the other half of people who didn't make fun of her they would try to encourage her and tell her that none of this is her fault . She's suffering this emotional numbness from severe stress why because the parents she have now are not her real parents . Her real parents lives got ruined by tax collectors and lead to their deaths . Soon after she was born how does she know all of this . Cause her new parents told her all types of people tried to take action against their tax collectors but they had no evidence . And it kinda was her family's fault for not being able to pay her taxes but it also wasn't . The man who owns the company her father was working for was trying to get employees who are feeling sick or unwell to take a rest or quit . But what the nice rich man didn't know is that low income families like her parents income couldn't last that long so they had to keep working . The man was telling them to rest but they kept saying they were feeling better and that was all because of her . Her parents were going to have to feed 3 mouths once she was born . So her father was trying to quickly get them a place to stay and money so they can raise her well and give her an education . And because knowing that something like this could happen to her new family at any time Claire's on alert constantly .↖️↖️↖️↖️↖️↖️↖️↕️↕️↕️↕️↕️ [Claires pov ] As i sit in my desk waiting for dismissal i turn my head sideways to see the new student . Who so far has been with us for three months . Start walking up to me I already think I know where this is going but I'll let it happen . The new students name is maturo kuma . Then takes out a little card and holds it out in front of me and says can you please come with me after school to read this . I don't say anything and just nod he walks away from me and towards the other new students of this class . While bragging about how he was to get me to accept . I sigh and just look out of the window and out into the rain . I was the desk nearest to window in the back of the class . Time skip a few minutes and I'm walking with him towards a certain location when he stops . And looks at me with a red look ok his face I don't know exactly what it was . So I just stand there with a cold look and a dead look in my eyes . He looks at me with that cold face constantly and then gives me the letter . And it reads To Claire from maturo it's contents state and say and I quote that I've liked to know you a lot your not annoying . And your not happy go lucky to your not easy to get along with cause you're not a very emotional person . When suddenly I feel like he's just insulted me but I don't know why I continue to read it with a cold look on my face . Once I'm finally done I close it and then look at him with my cold face . And he looks at me with a look anticipation and I say Coldly . N o No I say he looks at me with a devastated look on his face and gives me a hateful and sad glare . Before he runs away like a rejected Japanese girl he ran away with his tail between his legs . And I don't really see a reason to look back so I keep walking with a cold look on my face . When suddenly a truck comes flying past her and it disappears . She sighs and says close call when from the direction the previous truck went and skirt Claire is run over by the truck and her bones are broken . She survives the initial impact but later on due to blood loss and the damage done she dies. (Claire's Pov ) Where am I I say in my usual cold voice and I look at my surroundings and what do I see the darkness staring at me . When I hear a voice say to me do you wish to live I hear the voice and I say no . The voice then says again panicky like I'll allow you wished and the ability to go to a new world . I say what type of world a fantasy world it says now what are your wishes . I say if that's really it I wish for
