

Huh where am I? And why's so dark, it's like a black hole..... wait, wait wait a black... hole? THATS RIGHT the black hole, shit did I get sucked into it while riding through the galaxy and doind my routine checkup.

Dammit I still haven't found a wife and those brats I taught have several of them! Such injustice! Haaah I'll think about that later now how do I get out of a dammed black hole, it's practically impossible and besides what happened to my body i can't feel my legs or arms!

(3rd person view)

While 'Addai' was talking to himself like a lunatic he didn't notice that something or rather someone very powerful was watching him talk to himself with fear and curiosity.

(??? & 3rd person View)

Hmmmmhmhmhm they really do have the best chefs in the multiverse, maybe i should go eat there more!

Ah right I should finish that new Naruto seaso- "Ent!!" a voice cut the mysterious being off "What!?!" the being screamed. "Ent go check up on the void theres something wrong with it! And don't scream at me again or you'll be sleeping in mortal realm again." the voice proclaimed "Y-yes h-honey" said the being shaking while having cold sweat run down him. "Mm now get going Ent!" the voice said again as it disappeared while the being named 'Ent' was floating in his own puddle of sweat in the cosmos.

Haah I'll never get the end of this I guess I've gotta check the void. When the being named 'Ent' did check the void he was amazed no amazed wasnt the right expression more like he was terrified and baffled. There in the void was the blackest, strongest and most horrifying soul he'd ever seen. He could swear that even Gods of War and Killing didn't have souls this black and oppressive. While properly inspecting the soul he found it's thoughts floating around and was baffled again and amused.

This terrifying black soul who probably eliminated galaxies by itself was thinking about marriage and his disciples. It was amusing to think, that probably one of the most black and murderous souls in the multiverse if not the most was thinking about trivial things.

After looking through the beings memories without it noticing, he was disgusted thinking about how humans can treat their own kind like that and found out that the human who was nicknamed 'Addain' didn't even have a name, while looking through again he found how the human got here and started laughing out loud startling the human soul.

(Mc and 3rd person pov)

I was suddenly startled out of my thoughts of how to get out of here with large laughter. The laughter echoed through the blackness and a a white young handsome man with a very lean and muscled body, with a perfect face which could make even the most handsome of men where I come from prostarte in shame, skin as smooth as a baby's and black hairwhich was as dark as charcoal and as smooth as silk which sparkled in the darkness jumping up and down lightly from his laughter while he held his stomach.

Soon he stopped and opened his eyes, his eyes were black but looked wise like a sage's and deep like a universe. Slowly he looked at me and said in the most pleasing voice I've ever heard"It's amazing that you have survived this long in the void" before he could continue seaking I quickly asked"The void? Is this what the place is called??", he answered" Yes the void, the void is where all multiverse's start and then get ejected into the cosmos but there are rarely any beings who could actually stay in the void for long so we don't know much about it. So it's quite amazing that a soul has survived in the void especially under its pressure which is highest in the centre where we are standing.", soul huh that was a theory that was not confirmed back when i was younger so they abandoned it, so I'm a soul now haaah no wonder i can't feel my arms or legs they simply dont exists.

" Yes of course it hadn't been confirmed because the soul can't be detected by human means." the man said and befire I could say anything he once again proclaimed "I can't read minds but as a soul your thoughts are floating off of you and I can read them."

Aaaah ok. So what now Mr mysterious man who just appeared out of nowhere. "Now?

Now you need to thank me for saying these cliché lines!", cliché lines? "Hm yeah those cliché lines in every reincarnation novel! Dont you know them?", Uuh what's a novel? "No way.... No goddamm way, you don't know what a novel is? Wait let me check your memories real quick.... Wow, just wow you don't know what novels are. Fine! I'll integrate all my knowledge of entertainment into you!", Huh what do you mean integra- "Aaaaaa-" as the memories were getting integrated into 'Addain' he scream hysterical, he didn't even sound human anymore more like an animal at this point.

And the being guilty of this was watching from the side with clear confusion until it all clicked. " Aaa I forgot he's just a human soul and I'm a God so of course he couldn't handle my knowledge!".

And so thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye and the soul that used to be screaming in the void stopped and slowly moved around to find that cursed being who did this to him.

And that he did he found the guy guilty for this sleeping in the so called void on a bed. Watching this 'Addian' visibly twitched in his soul form and started screaming "WAKE UP YOU MUG!" and the being woke up from his bed and quickly stumbled out and grogilly looked at who screamed at him and quickly realized it's the soul he integrated all of his knowledge of entertainemt.

He quickly and enthusiastically asked"Aaah you're awake now tell me what world and wishes you want now that you know what I am talking about!"

As the soul or better yet known as 'Addian' had gotten the memories of all entertainment he knew what was happening and that it was a cliché reincarnation so without any restrains he exclaimed "For the world I want Darling In The Franxx also do me a favor and make virm living entities so I can kill them personally, now for my first wish I want all the memories, experiences of 5 Fate Series characters, for my second wish I want to be reborn as project 000 two years before 002 and make me live with her in the same room, for my third wish give me a perfect body that will never get sick nor out of shape and adapts quickly to all environments, for my fourth wish make my growth speed x25 so if I do one sword swing it equals 25 instead of 1 as I don't want to waste my time there as for my fifth wish.... leave it for later."

" Hmmm good choices and even better reasons, I'll quickly reincarnate you as I have things to do and places to be" proclaimed the being named 'Ent' impatiently "Now go reincarnate and have fun I've also given you a small gift from me as compensation for the pain!"

And so the being known as 'Addian' who massacred thousands is reincarnated!

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