


The soft tinkling of the chime echoed through the whole shop, as the door slowly opened, as if announcing the presence of a customer. The teen behind the counter looked up from the book he was reading and beamed welcoming smile as he greet a girl with an androgynous face and apathetic expression. The girl nod in a polite response.

Lian was an attractive girl with her ebony black hair and lifeless brown eyes. If it wasn't for her apathetic expression, she would be considered as a true beauty.

Lian walked to the simulation games area and browse the games on the shelf. The games was alphabetically arranged from A to E. She run her fingers through the rim of the disc cases and a rare smile flitted to her lips. RPGs and simulation games are her favorite type of games, as she can be anything and do everything she wants. Unlike in books where she can only be a spectator, she is the main character in the games she played. She was able to become a ruler, a cultivator, an adventurer and so much more.

Unconsciously, she paused. Recalling the things she went through, she suddenly scoff at her and turn her gaze to the game beneath her finger. She pulled and look at the game cover. 'The Azure Night' was emboldened on the cover. Embellished by black and gold, the cover look more like a book and less like a CD cover. She looked at the back, read the game description and realized that she find it quite interesting. Thus, after picking a few more out. She walked to the counter and rented her choice.

Arriving at the dull and monotone apartment that she could even call home because of its isolated atmosphere. She took off her shoes and let herself collapse in the embrace of her gaming chair. She then heaved a sigh of relief and she excitedly brought out the games she rented. Taking out the compact disc and putting it on the DVD rom with agitation. After fiddling with the PC for a bit, the game finally started and she played a route all night long

"Sheez! Are you freaking serious?! What king of trash simulation game is this? Almost all of my party member died except for me and the mage!" Lian irritatedly grumbled after finishing the supposedly easiest route.

"Easiest route my ass! I wasn't even able to save my party members? Then I doubt that I'll survive if ever I play Song Liuxian's route that was said to be the hardest! What a dumbass game!" she exasperatedly exclaimed as leaned back to her seat. She closed her eyes to rest it for a bit and unknowingly fell asleep.