

In this world mana is everything, everywhere, and anything. It is the essence of all beings, it's absolute and nothing is smaller, bigger or more relevant than mana. Mana is the foundation and also the destruction of existence. Our story starts with our main character Akisima who lives on a junkyard island, deserted of life. As he strives for survival abrupt events starts to happen which would later on change his whole outlook and understanding of the world.

TheReal_Author69 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter#19: Kaori The Wolf…

Previously On Unknown: Shiden gains the upper hand against Hisashi, using a powerful lightning attack that seemingly defeats him. Meanwhile, Matsumoto reveals his ability to withstand Tsukikage's attacks. As Hisashi appears defeated, Shiden is surprised when Hisashi starts to recover, leaving the outcome uncertain. The three-minute clash showcases Shiden's strength, Matsumoto's cunning, and Hisashi's resilience, setting the stage for further developments.


*On The Stairs That Leads To The Third Floor…*

Akishima is engaged in battle with foes he met earlier. The twin dagger girl is on the offense, pushing Akishima further and further back. Akishima manages to dodge a few attacks but is still receiving damage. 

The reason he was able to defeat them so easily before was because of the devil's power, which means at the moment he's fighting with his own strength.

Akishima is cursing in his head, he can't believe he's struggling against these people. If he's facing challenges against them, there's no way he can beat Yuji.

But all while these thoughts rush through his mind, he does know of the actual reason he's losing. The reason being the swift attacks of his opponents. Their stealth is a serious problem because even though their physical strength isn't threatening to Akishima, they can hide their presence and unleash swift, precise, and deadly attacks that he can barely react to.

On top of all that the fact that there are two of them makes it worse, their teamwork is unbelievable, it's as if they are reading each other's minds. 

But even with this huge disadvantage, he isn't willing to back down.

The girl with the two daggers swings the dagger in her left hand, aiming for Akishima's throat. Our boy swiftly evades the impending strike but as he backs off the girl throws her other dagger in her right hand as soon as the boy backs off.

Akishima sees it coming and manages to dodge it in time by tilting his head to the left, however not without receiving a slight cut on his right cheek and a few of his hair strands being cut off.

Akishima's gaze shifts to the cut on his cheek. He's in shock because if he didn't react any faster, that would've been the end.

But before he could take another breath the ninja appeared behind him in an instant, his eyes filled with bloodlust ready to swiftly decapitate his opponent. As he swung his katana, about to take off the boy's head, that was the same moment in which Akishima realized he was dead.

Akishima didn't even know the ninja was behind him due to how swift and stealthy the ninja moved. There was no way of dodging the attack and at that moment all that Akishima could think about was 'Survive.' 

That word alone was enough to snap Akishima back to reality as he shouted, "Iron Body!!!" At the same moment, the ninja blade connected to the boy's neck.

The ninja realized that the boy used the Iron Body, a Martial Arts technique that hardens one's skin as strong as iron, on the back of his neck. However, the ninja has cut through steel many times before and this will be as easy as those times.

The ninja tries to completely decapitate Akishima, but as the katana starts to cut through, instantly, Akishima ducks.

The blade swung through the air with tremendous force and due to how much strength the ninja had put within the blade, the ninja lost his balance, the blade now controlling him rather than the other way around.

Seizing the moment, Akishima, still in a crouched position, readies his right elbow. 

Turning 180° whilst slowly rising, along with the ninja tilting over due to losing balance, Akishima's right elbow and the Ninja's right jaw connected.

With tremendous force, the left side of the Ninja's face slams into the right wall of the stairs and at the same moment Akishima has fully turned around and prepared a fist with his right arm. 

The ninja is dizzy and a little light-headed and as his head is removed from the wall he's met with Akishima's fist right in his face, bending his face inwards as Akishima delivers a resounding strike. Akishima, now with his fist buried into the Ninja's face, tilts over and slams the ninja into the stairs with great force.

A little dust cloud hovers over the Ninja's face, but as it clears we see the ninja lying in a small crater on the stairs with his face bent in, nose broken and bleeding and his eyes rolled back in his head signifying that he's unconscious and defeated.

This all happened in a few moments, so the girl had no time to react, and before she knew it her companion was defeated.

Now with one dagger, the girl, surprised, came to her senses, finally comprehending what had just transpired. Her face switched from shock and confusion to irritation and anger.

She curses Akishima, shouting at him. "Damn you! What the hell! How did you manage to defeat Kaito!" She points at Akishima with a furious expression.

Akishima humours the girl's temper, "Huh, Koji and Kaito huh? So does your name start with a 'K'?" He said with a cheeky smile, wiping the blood from his scar.

The girl got more irritated, "This is the last straw! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!!!" She shouts, her voice echoing through the stairs as she clenches her fist, holds up her hands, and drags them down as if she were powering up.

Her voice left Akishima a little shocked. "Woah, I wasn't expecting that. Looking back on Commander Daiki, if there were a 4th rank it would definitely be her." He utters, comparing her to the Rank 3rd, Commander, and concludes that her strength was enough to place her on a theoretical 4th Rank.

The girl finished her power up and declared, "Listen here you! My name is Kaori, The Vice Rank Of The 2nd Rank, Tsukikage! Who's In Charge Of The Faction Information!" She declares, her gaze fixated on Akishima.

Akishima is a little shocked at the revelation but then realizes that his joke is accurate. "Kao-ri?"

Kaori then continues her introduction. "But most of all… The one thing that you should know… Is That I'm The Strongest Amongst All The Vice Ranks! Even When  Including Manki and Magic From Ranks 2 & 3, I Would Be More Agile Than The Commander and Stronger Than The Reaper!" She declares, her eyes fuming with bloodlust with a devious grin on her face.

Kaori ends her introduction. "Which is why they call me… Soon To Be Fourth Rank, Kaori The Wolf!" Half of her face is covered and replaced with the image of a ferocious wolf, her eyes have reached the pinnacle of bloodlust and at the same moment, whilst Akishima was still taken aback, suddenly Kaori was right behind him and as he stood there he then realized something, instinctively, he held up his arms in a crossed, defensive position.

Just as he thought, at the same moment, he was then flung straight up the stairs as if he were hit.

(To Be Continued)

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