

Shimmering clouds thinned across the blue horizon of Cae-Lera, the sun's heat scorching the land raw to its bare, and had for over a decade. The Great River was the first to run dry, and soon every corresponding stream fell victim. With resources growing scarce, local lords wavered in their castles out of fear, and commoners were driven to larger cities due to scarcity.

Once prosperous, the realm now stood wounded, with an arrow of internal conflict positioned with local unrest piercing deeply into its side. Without the delicate touch of the White Queen to mend its wounds, the realm fell misguided. The Queen Of White mothered three sons, three heirs to House Veil, yet none named heir on her descent. A regency was held for fourteen moons, consisting of the utmost trusted lords and advisors to discuss who would be the most viable candidate to succeed the Throne Over Heaven.

On the waning of the fourteenth moon, the storm cloud sang, Prince Gwynever and his supporters invaded the court at the dawn of night, slaying any brave enough to stand against what the Storm Cloud deemed as his birth-right, and by the rising of the scorching sun a bloodied banner bearing a blackened cloud on a pale sky stood outside the castle gates, and the newly named King Over Heaven and the Province Of The Sky demanded letters to be sent all across the realm. Demanding fealty or death under blackened skies.

Fearful lords swore their swords submissively to their new king, but some could look past the thickness of the Storm, Lord Helinor Sol, The Sunset Knight, refused to acknowledge his new liege. Claiming the Storm Cloud unworthy of such a title, believing his rulership would only create a tyrannical stain on the realm for years to come.

Lord Sol's beliefs resonated with a small group of other lords, to join him under his flag of rebellion. Together these lords forged a pact, The Warriors Of Light, taking on a rising sun on a blue sky as their coat of arms.

The realm fell silent under the bells of war. . .

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