13 Leveled

Osiris made his way towards the rogue train when the latter sped up towards the station stop. The people were running chaotically whilst trying to save themselves.

Dark tendrils of black spirit energy began to emerge from the runaway train car and grab innocent people which had led to the latter's demise.

"Damn it." Osiris said as he charged up blue flame Youkai pressure around himself. The train was about to clash with him. "Don't fail me now!" he shouted.

"Tokeru-kama! 溶ける鎌 (Melting Scythe)" Osiris shouted. Upon swinging his blade, a crescent beam of darkened azure flame headed straight towards the rushing runaway train car.

The crescent beam collided with the runaway train and as expected it stopped it from its tracks. The blue Youkai flame energy had hurt the dark Youkai energy and a scream of a beast was heard.

Black tendrils still continued to rage around the stopped train car. Osiris stood in front of it with his blue flames still raging around him.

"Can't say I intended this to happen." A voice said. The Soul Reaver sensed where it came from and he looked atop the fallen train car.

It was a teenage looking boy who had long brown hair which was braided on one side. His eyes were crimson and darkness Youkai pressure wrapped itself around him and the train that he stood on. He was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves that reached up to his arms. His outfit was complimented by the black pants that he wore and his white slip on sneakers.

His face looked young enough to be a high school student but at the same time his looks betray his power levels.

Osiris faced him whilst holding his scythe.

"Ohhh shit." The long-haired darkness wielder said. "That's why my Akumajunin stopped." He said.

Elle caught up with Osiris despite the chaos going on in the station platform. She panted a bit due to her being exhausted. Afterwards she saw that Osiris is having a face off with another strange being with darkness energy.

"Ozi what's going on?" she asked. The Soul Reaver did not reply to her.

"Soul Reavers in Tokyo." The long-haired darkness wielder said. "And I thought they have been dealt with already." He said and afterwards he sighed.

"So, you were controlling the Akumajunin that caused the train to go rogue?" Ozi asked in response.

The darkness wielder turned his back and jumped off the train. This irked the Soul Reaver.

"Damn it answer the question!" Osiris said as he sent out a blue fire blast out of his left hand.

The long-haired darkness wielder in response just stretched out his hand and immediately the train engulfed with darkness Youkai stood in front of him to block the incoming flame attack. The flame collided with the Akumajunin and it resulted into an explosion which obscured visibility for quite a while.

After the smoke had cleared it was only the three of them who were left underneath the station platform.

"Yeah. So what?" the darkness wielding teen replied. The look on his eyes were more serious now and there was a cold expression on his face.

"This is what Samara has been talking about?" Osiris thought to himself. "The rampancy of the attacks of the Akumajunin." He added.

"Soul Reavers always ruin the fun." The long-haired teen said to him. "Just as when we were already about to be even freer to run rampant in this world, you lot have to always come and play goody two shoes with this world." He added.

The darkness Youkai pressure became even more rampant. In response Osiris let out his own blue flame Youkai pressure and the two of them got entangled in a battle of who has the more greater Youkai energy.

"I have to say, if this is your power then I am not impressed." The darkness wielder said.

Osiris without hesitation rushed at the darkness Youkai wielder. He attempted a series of fast attacks and slashes from his scythe. The latter evaded the attacks and when he noticed that the aggression and the attack speed of the Soul Reaver were getting a bit faster, he then conjured up his weapon which was an elegant bladed Scimitar. He coated it with darkness energy and deflected the incoming attacks.

Osiris continued his onslaught this time with Youkai impulse. There was a significant change in his attack power and the darkness wielder noticed that he was getting a bit overpowered so he put distance between him and the Soul Reaver.

"Damn. I take it back." The darkness wielder said. "You're a bit too much right now." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Osiris said as he let is Youkai rage.

"Clearly this was not part of the planned assault, but looks like I have to unleash it." The long-haired teen said.

His darkness energy seeped outwards his body and a huge blob like entity had begun to form. His eyes lit up a bright red color and his smile got even more sinister as he conjured up a huge demonic like entity made of his darkness energy.

It began to take the shape of a giant spider except it was made of dark spirit Youkai. It had tendrils bursting out of its rear section and instead of webs, it spun black flames. On its face instead of a typical face of a spider, a human face which was painted with the face paint of kabuki was there. Its eyes were hollow and the face as a whole was emotionless and what only remained was the dark Youkai of the Akumajunin that surrounded it.

"Consider this Daimyo-Akuma, a parting gift from me." He said. "Your friend named Dietrich." He concluded as he disappeared within the shadows.

Elle saw the huge spider like creature which was composed of dark Youkai.

"What the hell is that thing?!" she shouted with a bit of fear in her voice.

"A Daimyo-Akuma. Great Demon Dweller. That's bad news." Osiris said as he readied himself for another grueling fight.

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