
Chapter 20: Fortunate To Have Escaped, Fleeing The Asylum (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Looking at the cold sweat on her forehead and her increasingly pale face, his heart dropped.

"Did I go that hard on you? An apple caused you to end up in such a state?" 


Ji Younai could not speak at all. All she could feel was Gong Siyu wiping her bleeding nose frantically and anxiously.

'Don't hold it against yourself! I'm not in this state because I was hit by the apple!'

The doctor whom Gong Siyu had barked at fiercely pulled a long face, finding himself very innocent.

At that moment, an ear-piercing fire alarm sounded throughout the entire inpatient building of Ninth Asylum. 

The group of doctors who were in Gong Siyu's ward looked at each other in dismay for a few seconds before putting on austere expressions and displaying professionalism.

"Young Master Gong, the fire alarm has gone off! I don't know what's going on, but since Ms. Ji has returned, the most important thing to do now is to evacuate the building!"

Without saying a word, Gong Siyu picked Ji Younai up in his arms, bridal style. 

Gong Siyu said considerately, "C'mon, put your arms around my neck." 

She felt as if her heart had skipped a beat for a moment, but followed his suggestion, wrapping her arms around his neck gently and resting her head against his chest. Ji Younai covered her nose, however. 

Gong Siyu said, "Don't worry, I'll take responsibility if it was the apple that hit you and caused your nose to bleed."


'I said it's not the apple that caused me to end up in this state!' 

Escorted by a group of personal bodyguards and doctors, Gong Siyu quickly evacuated the building through the emergency evacuation hallway with Ji Younai in his arms.

Since there was a fire station in the asylum, firefighters soon entered the building.

Gong Siyu had been holding Ji Younai in his arms throughout all of this. Even though she had been burying her face in his chest, which had a mild scent, she could still vaguely hear a doctor shouting not too far away, "Something happened at the crisis stabilization ward! Two doctors are unconscious, and a patient has escaped! Hurry and contact the police, search for him!"

Ji Younai shivered in Gong Siyu's arms. 

Gong Siyu, who was still feeling guilty and repentant because he had "hurt" Ji Younai, felt that Ji Younai looked rather sickly. Hence, he frantically called for a doctor to check on her.

The doctor, who had a stethoscope with him, gave her a brief examination. Suddenly frowning, he asked, "Ms. Ji, did you receive electroshock treatment just now?"

When Ji Younai heard those words, she suddenly gripped Gong Siyu's lapel tightly in fear, then nodded in assent.

Gong Siyu squinted and questioned her, "Didn't you go to get your dressing changed? Why did you undergo electroshock treatment?"

"Young Master Gong, the dressing on Ms. Ji's cut has not been changed. Besides, based on my preliminary diagnosis, Ms. Ji should have received an extremely strong electroshock just now." 

The doctor's words caused Gong Siyu's face to turn sullen. 

It seemed that the entire area within a few meters of him had frozen and turned into ice. 

On the other hand, when Ji Younai heard the word 'electroshock', she suddenly tightened her grip around Gong Siyu's neck in fear and buried her face in his chest. She began to cry and sob softly. 

Gong Siyu, who was being hugged tightly, was immediately filled with sympathy for her. 

"Don't cry, it's fine, I'm here."

The fire in the crisis stabilization ward was soon extinguished and the police had also arrived, beginning their investigation. 

Gong Siyu, who had been sent back to the ward, left after watching the doctor put Ji Younai on an IV drip. Next, a few men wearing police uniforms entered. 

"Hello, we're from Beijing Jiu'an District's criminal police squad, and we have a few questions for this young lady."

Gong Siyu's face remained cold and sullen upon hearing this. He was still immersed in guilt and anger, both stemming from his failure to protect Ji Younai. 

His cold and devilishly charming eyes were glowing, making him look like an evil yet beautiful statue that looked down on everything below him.

Ji Younai was half-awake during this time. When she heard that the police had arrived, her eyes turned red, like those of a frightened rabbit, and she weakly clutched Gong Siyu's slender fingers with clammy fingers

She was the one who had caused the explosion. Could the police have discovered something and come to arrest her?

Feeling his fingers being gripped, he felt a sudden tingling in his heart, as if it had been tickled.

Wrapping Ji Yunai's bony but soft hand in his palm, Gong Siyu raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Can't you see that she's uncomfortable and needs to get some rest?"

A few policemen seemed to know that Gong Siyu was not someone they could go hard against. 

One of them said courteously, "Young Master Gong, we only have a few questions for her. We'll leave immediately after asking them."

"You may only ask her two questions."


"Miss, do you know the woman in this photo?"

Under Gong Siyu's sharp and hostile gaze, a policeman bit the bullet and handed a photo to Ji Younai.

After recognizing it to be Wu Defang, Ji Younai nodded gently, her soft voice tugging at many heartstrings.

"I do..."

"Just now, a doctor in the crisis stabilization ward of Ninth Asylum was assaulted, an explosion following soon after. The footage from the surveillance cameras shows that you were there with her. May I know why you, a patient from the general ward, were there with her?"

Wu Defang's menacing smile immediately appeared in Ji Younai's mind. Her eyes turned red and she said sobbingly, "She wanted to electrocute me in order to kill me..."

After asking his two questions, the policeman looked like he was stuck in a dilemma, glancing at Gong Siyu carefully.

To his surprise, Gong Siyu seemed to have suddenly become generous as he nodded and said, "You may ask another question."

"The surveillance footage also showed you leaving the crisis stabilization ward with a person in a white coat. Do you know him?"

"No, but he was the one who saved me."

"Do you know where he went after that then? The investigations have proven that he was a patient in the crisis stabilization ward! It's very likely..."

The policeman was eager to continue, but before he could finish, he was driven out of the room by Gong Siyu.

He slammed the door shut with a loud bang and quickly strode towards Ji Younai. Gong Siyu was just about to ask about what had happened when he saw Ji Younai wiping her tear away and saying softly, "I really didn't get a nosebleed because the apple hit my face..."

However, Gong Siyu was still upset with himself for letting Ji Younai suffer badly because of his carelessness. 

"Wu Defang said that I caused her to lose her job… Aunt also thinks I'm a jinx who harms everyone. They all think that if I die, there will be no trouble anymore. Wu Defang also told me that it was my aunt who wanted me dead. Well, it makes sense... If I die, Aunt will no longer have to pay for my expensive medical bills and treatment fees, and Wu Defang can relieve her resentment...right? It's all my fault."

Ji Younai stared at the ceiling with lackluster eyes, muttering softly under her breath. 

She seemed to be engulfed in melancholy. 

"Ji Younai, even if you died, your aunt would still have to pay off the expensive medical bills, and Wu Defang will not get her job back. So, you don't need to take the blame for their malicious thoughts."

Gong Siyu's eyes were gloomy and his tone was cold and austere. 

He remembered who Wu Defang was. The other day, he fired everyone in the medical administrative director's office, and she was one of them.

However, he would never have imagined that Ji Younai's aunt and Wu Defang would be so vicious as to want Ji Younai dead!

Come to think of it, if he hadn't been that ruthless, those two vicious old women wouldn't have thought of killing Ji Younai, would they?

After being certain that Ji Younai was asleep, Gong Siyu left the ward quietly.

Wu Defang was temporarily detained in a separate ward of the hospital, where he headed towards with a few of his subordinates.

Shortly after Gong Siyu left, Ji Younai, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly opened her eyes.

She removed the needle on the back of her hand and got out of bed barefooted. 

She then walked to the door of the ward and scrutinized the emergency escape map of the asylum that was pasted behind the door.

She seemed to have made a decision. 

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