
Chapter 19: Fortunate To Have Escaped, Fleeing The Asylum (1)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Ji Younai supported herself against the wall and watched as the boy with the red pupils bent down to grab the access card from Wu Defang, who had passed out and was lying on the floor.

"She's a doctor who's in charge of the general ward. What does she have against you? She wants you dead so badly, to have dragged you here to torture you," the young man asked in bewilderment, looking at the ID on the access card.

Being tall and slender, he exuded the extreme beauty of being pale, frail, and sickly.

Ji Younai discovered that there were deep strangulation marks on the young man's neck, as well as numerous bruises on the part of his arm that was exposed. They were all bruises from being beaten and abused.

"She's my aunt's friend. My aunt wants me dead." 

She felt that the effects had begun to decrease as her nausea began to subside. 

Ji Younai wiped the cold sweat away from her forehead.

"What are you doing with the access card? She just said that she's been fired, so the card is probably not going to work anymore..." 

"If it doesn't work, how did you end up here, in the crisis stabilization ward?" the young man retorted, looking at Ji Younai like he was staring at an idiot.


'Oh right,' she thought.

"The HR department probably hasn't withdrawn the access within the card because they haven't handled her resignation process yet. Knowing this, she took advantage of the situation."

While speaking, the young man picked up the stun baton on the ground and tried it on Wu Defang. After realizing that it was still working, he clutched it in his arms, like it was a treasure.

Then he began to remove the nurse's uniform from Wu Defang's body.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Trying to escape," he said flatly, his voice cold and indifferent, barely even speaking.

At that moment, a male doctor passing through the electroshock therapy room noticed an unusual sound coming from inside and abruptly opened the door.

The boy with the red pupils and Ji Younai were both stunned by this sudden event, exchanging glances with the male doctor at the door, who seemed astonished. 

A second before the male doctor was about to call for help, the boy with the red pupils lifted the stun baton and abruptly electrocuted the male doctor!

The male doctor's body spasmed a few times before he passed out and fell to the floor.

The young man waved at Ji Younai and urged her in a quiet voice, "Come and help me!"

They worked together quickly and efficiently, dragging the man into the electroshock therapy room.

After the young man finished stripping Wu Defang and removing the nurse's uniform, he started taking the lab coat off of the male doctor. He also tossed the male doctor's access card to Ji Younai.

"My name is Liu Yun. What's yours?" he asked in a faint, cold voice that was rather husky.

"Ji Younai."

Catching the male doctor's access card that Liu Yun tossed to her, she then squatted down to help.

However, she soon began to worry, "Won't someone come?"

"No, the patients in this area are heavily sedated and almost always asleep during the day. There are only monitors that run 24 hours a day, and the doctor on duty is the only one present."

Ji Younai watched with her mouth hanging open as Liu Yun put on the male doctor's clothes. He then pointed at the nurse's uniform.

"Aren't you going to change?"


She thought, 'Do I have to change?'

Before she could reply, he continued, "If you want to escape, change. If you don't, hurry and leave." 

After a pause, he added, "There are people in this hospital who want you dead, and today is only the first time they attempted to kill you. There will be a second time. If you don't want to die, I can take you away!"

'Escape the asylum? Is it that thrilling?'

However, Ji Younai turned down Liu Yun's offer in the end. 

If she escaped without saying a word and Gong Siyu could not find her, he would probably search throughout the entire hospital for her, every nook and cranny, given that temper of his.

Ji Younai's guess was correct. Gong Siyu did indeed want to turn the hospital upside down to search for her. 

"She was taken away for a change of dressing. It's been two hours since then and she hasn't returned. You're telling me that she's missing and hasn't been found? Did you people eat her?"

The glum and irritable Gong Siyu smashed a blue and white porcelain vase at the doctors in front of him. 

Hearing the sound of the vase shattering, all the doctors shuddered.

A looming storm seemed to be brewing behind Gong Siyu's gloomy and austere narrow eyes.

"Even if you ate her, there should be some bones left! There are no traces of her at all!"

"Young Master Gong, we have sent people to look for her! We will definitely find her, even if we have to tear the asylum apart!"


In the crisis stabilization ward, Liu Yun walked in front, clad in the white coat, while Ji Younai followed behind him in a hospital gown. 

She was carrying four large glass bottles that were wrapped in her clothes, held safe in her arms. The bottles contained explosive materials that she had improvised extemporaneously with special medical supplies.

There was nothing in the asylum except such drugs, which were everywhere.

Before Ji Younai withdrew from school, she was often in the top three places of her cohort. Hence, she was proficient in basic chemistry.

They passed through the dark corridors and swiped their access cards, which allowed them to leave the crisis stabilization unit smoothly.

Ji Younai allowed Liu Yun to enter the elevator first.

She found a surveillance camera blindspot with a smoke alarm and placed four glass bottles on the floor, using a long cotton cord that was soaked in alcohol as a fuse. Pulling out the lighter that Brother Lighter had thrown at her when he was running away, Ji Younai quickly lit it up. 

She then entered the elevator with an unsteady gait. 

After the doors of the elevator closed, Ji Younai and Liu Yun leaned against the cold elevator wall. She said with a faint smile, "The fuse is very long. It should explode in two minutes' time. When the time comes, the smoke alarm will go off and so will the fire alarm. That will give you the best opportunity to escape." 

After a pause, she added, "Thank you."

His red pupils flickered, a dim glow of gratitude behind them. His handsome and ethereal face was full of a sickly beauty. 

Liu Yun took a deep glance at Ji Younai and pursed his lips. 

"I should be the one thanking you. You're the one who opened the door of the ward and gave me the chance to escape..."

When Wu Defang dragged Ji Younai away, she forgot to lock the gate of the ward, giving Liu Yun the chance to get out.

The doors of the elevator slowly opened when they reached the ground floor.

"You really won't escape with me?" he turned around to look at her, asking her once again. His pale and beautiful face was breathtaking.

Ji Younai shook her head, but unable to hold herself back from pointing at Liu Yun's red pupils, she said, "Your eyes are beautiful."

As he stepped out of the elevator, a hint of shock appeared in Liu Yun's clear eyes.

His tone was calm and melancholic, the corners of his lips curved slightly upwards. 

"You're the first person to say that they're beautiful." 

Liu Yun disappeared around the corner, the elevator doors once again closing slowly.

Ji Younai returned to her and Gong Siyu's ward.

However, due to the strong electric shock that she had undergone, she soon began to experience severe after-effects.

Her eyes were bloodshot, with bright red blood beginning to flow out of her nose.

She was repeatedly swabbing the blood from her nose, standing near the door of the ward. By then, her sleeves were stained with blood, and whenever she wiped some, more would flow out again. It was as if she could never wipe it clean. 

Suddenly, she heard someone growling angrily in the room.

It was Gong Siyu!

Covering her nose and raising her head, she gently pushed the door open.

At that moment, an apple hit her right in the face.

Ji Younai fell to the ground on impact, aware that her tailbone hurt a little.

The ward, meanwhile, was practically a mess. There were glass and porcelain shards all over the floor.

Gong Siyu's eyes were cold and the austere hostility behind them began to fade away the moment he saw the figure appear in the doorway.

Gong Siyu had picked up an apple, wanting to smash it at a stupid-looking doctor. However, the doctor dodged it and the apple hit the person behind him!

That person was Ji Younai! 

A strong sense of guilt made Gong Siyu scurry over to check on Ji Younai, stepping on debris to get there.

He saw Ji Younai rubbing her buttocks, which had to have hurt from the fall, while also wiping away the stream of blood from her nose. 

He was immediately dejected. 

The apple gave her a nosebleed! He was the one who did it! 

"Are you alright, Ji Younai? I didn't do it on purpose," he questioned, frantically wiping Ji Younai's blood away with his sleeve. He suddenly flew into a rage and glowered at the doctor who had dodged the apple. 

"Why did you dodge?" he questioned angrily. "Would it have killed you to be hit by an apple? Look, she's bleeding now!" 

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