

Author: 以香
Completed · 17.3K Views
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What is 神医嫡女之傻爷又醋了


一朝醒来,红衣待嫁,未婚夫却跟小姨子跑了? 曲凰拍案而起:“我堂堂二十一世纪鬼医圣手,岂容欺辱,三条腿的蛤蟆不好找,两条腿的男人我还找不着吗?” 于是,婚礼上,曲凰小手随意一指,说道:“傻二少,同喜同喜,我嫁给你了!” 傻二少:“媳妇姐姐,媳妇能吃吗?” 曲凰一本正经的忽悠:“不能,媳妇是用来宠的,以后谁敢欺负你媳妇,你就揍他!” 傻二少秉承媳妇懿旨,某天把他爹给揍了,他爹跑到曲凰面前哭诉:“这孩子越来越疯了,连他爹都不认了。” 曲凰心说:“我能告诉你,你儿子比你还聪明吗?”

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Kasih sayang orang tua yang layaknya di dapatkan oleh anak-anak, bahkan hal ini tidak memiliki batasan namun, sayangnya ia dan sang adik tak seberuntung seperti anak-anak lainnya. Elina masih belum paham akan kehidupannya sekarang dengan sekejap mata hancur bahkan keharomonisan tak lagi ada dalam keluargannya. Ketika ketukan palu di bunyikan, detik itu juga hati seoarang anak hancur melihat orang tua yang selama ini menjadi dambaan dan panutan sudah tak bersama lagi. Apalagi perpisahan mereka hanya di karenakan orang ketiga dalam kehidupan masing-masing. Kebutuhan yang memuncak dan mengharuskan dirinya untuk membiayai adik bungsu yang berada di jenjang pendidikan hingga membuat Elina merasa buntu dan memilih untuk menjadi pelayan di club malam. Bukanlah sebuah pekerjaan yang menyenangkan baginya, namun keadaan yang mendesak dan hanya disana, ia mampu mendapatkan gaji tinggi. Di pertemukan dengan Bryan bukanlah suatu rencana hingga keduanya terikat dalam hubungan yang tak jelas. Kehadiran Bryan begitu penting dalam hidup Elina dimana, wanita itu mampu mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang setelah kehilangan semuanya. Meskipun, terkadang Elina merasa sadar bila Bryan sudah memiliki calon yang lebih baik darinya. Perjodohan Bryan bukanlah suatu hambatan untuknyai berhenti bertemu dengan Elina, “Sampai kapan pun, aku tak akan melepaskamu Elina!” cetus Bryan dengan tatapan tajam. Ucapan singkat namun, selalu tengiang dalam telinga Elina.

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Beast Obituary

--------------------------------[Moon]--------------------------------- _______________________________________________ "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all of its contents." "We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of the black seas of infinity, and it was not meant we should voyage far. "The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harm us little;- -but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such a terifying Vistas of reality.." "... and of our frightful position Therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of new dark age". "For withen this darkness is prosperity" "For nothing will be impossible with our God.” "Praise be Selene"! --------------------------------[Sun]------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Shall progress stand thy still, and shall we remain forever illusioned by oh great god, the lord of the abiss. "Praise be Helios, all hail the great titan!" "Thy God far surpasses mortal perfection" "Thy God lack nessesity for desire". Shall we become one with thy divinity. Shall Humanity forever be intrenched in the darkness of eternal sin. "Humanity is the mother of greed, and freedom thy father". There sons, Envy, wrath, sloth, Gluttony and lust were born upon there unholy union. But greed upon all however is humanity, there ruination forever destined in time. There desire for wealth shall they slaughter;- -There desire for food shall they feast upon the innocent. Be on guard, unilutioned by the all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions, nor progress. Ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise. Knowledge is the arbiter of destruction. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." -----------------------------[Stars]------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ "And yet indisposed of such ideas, shall knowledge instead be the arbiter of survival. A person that has education, has complete control over there destined future. Power is established through exceptional forms of knowledge, scientific understanding and 'truth'. "For as god said, no one shall worship Athena, but simply follow thy knowledge and tred upon justice". "Knowledge is power " _______________________________________________ [THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REAL] ------------------------[RELIGION]----------------------- ----------------------->Author Comment>----------------------- This novel will contain a simular theme and setting to that of the "The Lord Of The Mysters" There will be evil god worshipers in this novel Plz comment below and I shall use you ideas "of course only with your permission"!. [Comments Below] ^^^^^^[Ideas]^^^^^^

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