

Author: 竹露清响
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What is 玄媚重生


现代平凡女青年玄媚,穿越重生到一个妖兽横行,兽潮不断,人类与妖兽不死不休的玄幻大陆。 这里,人类可以操控自然五行元力,以强者为尊。 初来乍到,啥都不懂的玄媚,是个没有元力天赋的弱者,遇到危险,只能龟缩在一处依赖他人的救赎。 为了好好活下去,她努力变强,没有元力天赋,便苦练武术。 她认真生活,善待他人,从不放弃希望。 殊不知她是身负全五行元力的天赋奇才,她的人生向着强者之路,披荆斩棘,一往无前。 ——这是一个平凡女子在玄幻世界里努力生存克服重重困难最终变强的故事。 无厘头小剧场: 男主:请问我的戏份在哪里?Where?Where? 女主:别问我,我还懵逼着呢! 作者:女人帅起来,还有男人什么事吗?省了,省了! 男主:这是我三百多年以来,首次强烈地想要灭杀一个人! 读者:杀!杀!杀!

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Masquerade of Madness

"YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY!" *BANG!* The bullet pierced through the man's skull, splattering blood all over Sebastian's face. He calmly wiped away the blood using a handkerchief before replying to the corpse. "Maybe... Maybe I am crazy." "But I don't know any other way to escape this hell" He laughed some, he cried some, then did a little of both together. If despair was a face, he was wearing it now. ----------------------- Do you ever feel that you are meant for something greater? Has the real world held you back, constraining your true talents? If you just had the opportunity, could you achieve your true potential? You're not alone! Listen: this Earth just doesn't cut it. What you need is a brand new world, one full of new hopes and grand possibilities. Now that you are interested, allow me to introduce you to the wonderful world of Purgatory! In this world, "sinners" are invited to take part in regular trials. Every single trial is an uphill battle for survival, with death and deception lurking around every corner! But don't worry! Only the weak, pathetic masses need to fear all of that. For the chosen few, these trials are instead opportunities for power and supremacy. Come to Purgatory, sinner! Defeat monsters, devils, and remnants of eldritch entities as you gain glorious rewards and claim their power for your own! And, even more exciting, fight in battles of wits against other sinners! Wring every drop of potential out of your wretched, wonderful soul, because each encounter is an exciting tango between life and death, where the winner takes all! This is the story of one such sinner. Armed with nothing but the ghosts of his past, watch as Sebastian Alaister crawls his way up to the top and forges his own legend. Yet... before he can enter Purgatory, Sebastian must first clear the tutorial. [Your fatal flaw is Extreme Denial] [Trial Selected—Trauma Re-enactment] Welcome to Hell. The only escape is insanity! -------------------------- #InfinteHorrorStream #InsaneMC #Descent-to-madness #Badass #Too-Good-For-It's-Own-Good #Why-Aren't-You-Reading-It-Yet ------------------------ Author's Note: - The cover doesn't belong to me. Please contact me if it belongs to you and you want it down. --------- If you liked this story, please check out my other one, Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake

ThePotatoKing · Horror
47 Chs

WHO Cites Unprecedented Attacks on Ukraine's Health Care Facilities

Refering to unmatched assaults on medical care offices, the World Health Organization said for the current week recreating Ukraine's wellbeing system is working. The framework has experienced broad harm since Russia attacked the country a half year prior. Throughout the course of recent months, the U.N. wellbeing office says it has checked 173 assaults on clinical offices, which have brought about almost 100 passings and 134 wounds. WHO Ukraine agent Jarno Habicht let columnists know this week that passings and wounds proceed to rise and will keep on doing as such until Russia closes the conflict. "While these assaults are not just the infringement of worldwide regulation, they likewise are an obstruction for some who need care as we are going through the conflict," he said. "In this way, it isn't just the provisions and others that we want to help, we really want to guarantee additionally that the administrations are accessible. Yet additionally, the medical services laborers are under impending gamble as we go through these times." The United Nations says the conflict has killed in excess of 5,500 regular folks and harmed almost 8,000, including very nearly 1,000 youngsters. UNICEF says regarding five kids on normal are killed or harmed consistently. The kids' organization says this is because of the unpredictable utilization of weapons, frequently in vigorously populated regions. Talking through videolink from an air assault cover in Dnipro, in focal Ukraine, Habicht said many individuals are progressing and many are enduring and need care. He said the WHO is speeding up endeavors to connect and give philanthropic help to a great many individuals the nation over. Simultaneously, he said the WHO is chipping away at remaking Ukraine's broken wellbeing framework in a joint effort with public and nearby specialists. "Remaking of the wellbeing framework must be essential for the recuperation of the entire country across every one of the areas," he said. "Also, for that reason we are at present focusing both on the helpful reaction, too shifting focus over to the recuperation as we have found in the wellbeing area and different areas." Until this point in time, the WHO has conveyed in excess of 1,300 metric lots of clinical supplies in Ukraine, including medications for diabetes, cardiovascular problems and other noncommunicable sicknesses. Habicht said help additionally is being accommodated emotional well-being, injury, and crises. He likewise said COVID-19 antibodies have been conveyed to Ukraine as of late considering the rising death rate from the infection the nation over.

Inam_Ullah_3843 · History
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seven wishes from god in the multiverse

upload schedule non existent uploads a chapter whenever I Wright it it could be 1 day in between chapters or 5 months so sorry about that so you should not really give me power stones I appreciate it but unless I start posting a chap like every other day or something you shouldn't I can give suggestions to amazing books that actually deserve the not this shitty thing but any way thanks for reading :) oh also side note I’m planning on making the bad guys of the worlds ( voldeycunt zeref frezia ect )extremely more powerful like how could a lazy seventh grader defeat a wizard whowas called a genuis and was later strengthened be dark magic And terrorized all of the magical world how can he be defeated even if he did not vibe with the elder wand or whatever he still should be super fucking powerful sorry for my little rant there but you get it I’m making them like if the antoganists can blow up a building I’m making it that they can demolish a whole ass state hopefully :) byeee sorry for this long rant thing ____________________________________________ cain was a prodigy among prodigy's at a young age he had gotten a masters in almost every subject that he could achieve, at the age of 21 he started a business, at the age of 27 he became the king of the business world with his fingers in everything from military to furniture to food, at the age of 39 he retired from his businesses, at the age of 42 he started training in martial arts and, at the age of 45 he was unrivaled in hand to hand combat, at the age of 58 he mastered weapon combat of every weapon and some not even meant to be weapons from guns, spears, bows and even forks he became the best ever period, he than became an assassin who killed corrupt politicians and the scum of the earth who all deserved to die at the age of 72 he quit being an assassin and settled down with his wife and had children and grandchildren, at the age of 142 he died and as he planned when he died the info of every crime anyone has ever committed was release to the public, god decided to reincarnate him when he died, but than his soul was lost in the void for millions or trillions of years until god found him again and god offered the man who had infinite karma who donated billions to those who needed it and who helped billions he offered him reincarnation with 7 wished whatever you desire you can have and so this my story thks is the story of cain emrys in the multiverse with seven wishes I'm saying this now my grammar is good but punctuation is absolute crap this is the first book the I feel semi passionate wright about Also this is a fanfic don't expect every thing to go according to the original story I don't know specific dates and stuff like that so don't expect that I have no upload schedule I will upload whenever I Wright a chapter so yeah thank you for reading also this will go any where from naruto, starwars, clifford the big red dog, marvel,harry potter, so basically this will go an any direction that I fancy and I'll try to make most worlds anywhere from 10 to 100 chapter I'm not sure again thank you for reading I don't own any of the franchises animes books movies or any of the universe I'm planning to visit they all belong to there respective companies I only own my oc thank you

heavenlyboi · Others
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I'm HELA ODINSDOTTIR! With Biokinetic Skill

i'm HELA ODINSDOTTIR! ________________________ Author: KAIOSHIN A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe, Paypal: PayPal.me/ Patreon: patreon.com/KAIOSHIN YouTube channel: Kaioshin Theories and Analysis. youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 ________________________ Note: This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~ ---- And I was transmigrated to the universe of MARVEL A mix maybe of the MCU With COMICS or one not shown yet, I'm confused now. Well, with the biokinetic skill. being able to copy a characteristic of any race or being in the universe. See a great world open to many possibilities and especially With my Divinity and Rediscovering Myself XD -- Author's notes: Well I plan to create multiple fanfic in different world with same main character and same powers ie biokinetics. and how he would react to being thrown into a different world. Right here starting with Dragon Ball. DESTINY/ . DXD. Wonder. A.D. HP. and much more. I'm going to create the covers and the beginning will be more or less the same. but it will be transported to different character for example plan 2. like marvel hela in which the Asgardians have a civilization developed closer to the costumes north of the wall of Westeros in which you need to defeat your wife so that she becomes your wife, as the Reincarnator will get out of this situation OR IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION LIKE Tony Stark at the age of 15 after graduating from MIT, his parents die and he has to assume, luckily he has his childhood friend comes to comfort him and consolidate the promise once made. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. If you want to support me, check out my Patréon and Youtube Channel patreon.com/KAIOSHIN Youtube Channel 1k sub youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of the fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat. Parents Strongly Cautioned

Kaioshin · Anime & Comics
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