

Author: 水果中的瞳神
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What is 灾变权限

Read ‘灾变权限’ Online for Free, written by the author 水果中的瞳神, This book is a 科幻 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 一场意外,地球被完全数据化。怪物横行,人类觉醒,秩序崩溃。在其他人类与怪物搏命求生时,王安发现,自己好像是个GM权限号?!书友群:699364126


一场意外,地球被完全数据化。怪物横行,人类觉醒,秩序崩溃。 在其他人类与怪物搏命求生时,王安发现,自己好像是个GM权限号?! 书友群:699364126

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"Even if you were looking to die, little girl. You could've easily done so under someone else's account," his cool tone almost tricked her mind into thinking he was giving her some sort of compliment but she also detected the coldness oozing from his voice which made her to realize that she'd actually almost gotten herself knocked down by this man standing before her. Did he just call her, little girl? Her mind stuttered. Based on quick observation, It was quite obvious that he was super wealthy. Was he looking down on her perhaps because he had money? Or was it because he had a face that looked like that of a prince? She wasn't going to take that from him, she decided. Just a while ago she was told that she was bethrothed to a Billionaire's son. She didn't know about looks but this man shouldn't be able to hold a candle next to him based on wealth status, right? Sophie instantly felt crazy. How could this be what was running through her mind? She was baffled by her own thoughts. "Still trapped in dying mode, are we?" He asked gruffly and his sharp words stole her away from her crazy thoughts. She swallowed as she really looked at him, as he just stood there leaning by his car with that effortless posture. His dark eyes which held a hint of a dim blue glint preyed down on her. His dark curls only hovered and spread across his insanely perfectly structured face, highlighting his domineering presence. Sophie have never seen anyone this collected and yet, so painfully brutal with his words. "Is that your way of apologising? You obviously almost killed me with your wreckless driving. I wasn't looking to kill myself…but it clearly seem like you were," she blurted in a sharp tone but her words failed to come out as harsh as she'd intended. Sophie saw his lips make a movement, although it was fleeting. But there was just something evil about that certain movement. "Apology?" He echoed that word like he was new to the term and was only hearing it for the first time. His fingers played with the car keys he held in his hand which made a rattled sound. "Maybe I should have just hit you," Sophie's jaw dropped outrightly, at his words.

Augustina_Dickson_4917 · Urban
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9 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :暗夜时代
Volume 2 :基地时代
Volume 3 :基地时代
Volume 4 :君陨之时


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