
Chapter 1

Claudia woke up at the flaring sound of the alarm clock. Opening her eyes slowly, she stretched her arm to turn off the alarm clock.

Suddenly, she noticed the time on it was not when she intended to awake. Claudia's eyes threatened to fall off their sockets.

"The alarm clock is not broken. Unless… shit! I set the wrong time. Claudia! Claudia! You are toast if you get there a second late," she thought to herself.

"Oh. F*ck! I am almost late already," she mumbled to herself before sitting up.

Some strands of her blonde messy hair could be seen out of place as some stick to her face. She still felt tired due to the previous day's work but she had no other choice than to get prepared for the day.

Getting up sluggishly, she stripped herself quickly and rushed to the bathroom to have her bath.

As the cold water ran down her back, Claudia's mind tracked to a lot of places. One was how to cope with the new job she had since her new boss was known to be a casanova.

Apart from that, her thoughts also wandered about the well being and survival of her family.

Still lost in her train of thoughts, Claudia's phone rang and she immediately hollered back to reality as her cloud of thoughts disappeared. The moment she heard her phone ring, she hurriedly finished her bath so she could go pick up her call.

"Ifyou keep on calling me like this, i think my phone would have no other choice but to explode," Claudia said sarcastically to her caller.

She then put the phone on a loudspeaker so she could dress up at the same time while she answered the phone.

"Gosh! Claudie, is this how to greet your favourite colleague and friend? Tsk! Good morning to you too?" Janice, one of Claudia's friends, said on the other line with a pout.

"A normal colleague should also know how to stop disturbing her fellow colleague who just had her bath! Favourite colleague my ass," Claudia replied flatly with a smirk as she tried to get into her skirt.

"Wait. What?! Are you just having your bath? Don't tell me you forgot to set the alarm clock last night," Janice queries on the other line with a raised brow.

"It is not like I did not set it after changing the battery but I actually set it thirty minutes later . Don't say it. I already know I'm toast," she replied as she facepalmed in frustration.

"Alright. Just make sure you get ready on time. I called to inform you that I am already on my way to the bus stop. I will be waiting for you there," Janice replied and Claudia hummed positively before she hung up.

After all that happened to Claudia's family a few years back, she had no other choice than to work her ass off to make money for the well being of her family.

Apart from being the older child, she had a lot of responsibilities to carry when it came to grooming her younger ones and also supporting her parents.

Finally done dressing up, she hurriedly left the house without having breakfast.

"Wow. You really took your time you know. But then, you have no problem since you are lucky to have the boss treat you special. How I wish the boss could treat me as special as he does to you. Then, I could even decide to take a day off in pretence of being sick," Janice joked as they entered the bus which stopped in front of them.

"Haha! Janice. What an expensive joke. Not funny at all…" Claudia drawled, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"What? It's the truth. Don't tell me you are upset because I spoke the truth?" Janice queried, trying her best to appease her friend but also at the same time, defend her point.


Listening to my friend's words, my head literally flared in anger as smoke came out from my ears. Yes! Its true my boss has been making sexual advances at me and also treating me specially the moment I started working at the company.

He is also one of the reasons I have enemies at the office. He promoted me to the position of a secretary just two months after I began working at one of the company's branches. As what?

This act of his alone made me an enemy to other ladies who had been working a year or two and even more, but never got recognized, let alone got promoted.

I am so sure Janice would also have been an enemy if she had not been my childhood friend.

Ignoring her continuous blabbing, I looked out the window of the moving bus as I felt the fresh air slap my face gently. Soon, the large building of the company came into sight and the bus came to a halt at the bus stop opposite the company.

As usual, we got in with our staff ID and I immediately made coffee for my boss. I knew it would be a few hours late though.

The boss is barely around, what baffled me most was the other information I got about him.

I was shocked about how the boss became constant at the office since I started working there though he was always an hour or two late.

I don't do much work since the boss gave me a position which had nothing more to do than stamp documents and the likes. This makes me question the essence of the position I have at this company.

He had a secretary but still made me a secretary, automatically making her my assistant who does almost all the work.

So much for a secretary, huh!

I also know it is so weird for the famous Casanova of a boss to favour me. But, one thing I make sure to hide from my friends and families is the fact that my boss truly attempts to seduce me at work.

Walking into the office with the cup of cappuccino in hand, I bent the desk slightly so as to drop it. I was about to raise my head when I heard someone clearing their throat.

To my horror, I saw my boss standing behind me. I could see him straight lustfully at me with a finger caressing his nape.

"M…. Mr… Mr Hunter…" I stuttered with a terrified and surprised look at the same time.

"What? You wish to admire me from up-close?" Hunter teases as he takes slow steps to close the gap between us.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks for reading and giving my book a chance. Hope you enjoyed it. You can also check out my other works on Webnovel by searching their titles. (You can also add to library *wink*)

* Loving my Billionaire Professor

* Surrogate of The Icy Billionaire

* Groom of The Witch's Daughter

* My Maid is a Billionaire's Heiress

* Reincarnation: The Tyrant's Lover

I would like you to also give my book a review. It helps me know if I'm doing a good job or need to improve. Kindly add to library too. Thanks.

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