

Author: 紫云星空
Ongoing · 47.4K Views
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What is 最强仙庭


我喜,普天庆,我怒,众生殇。 诸天万界,万族林立,诸圣争霸,在这里无上运朝威盖八荒,宗门圣地横跨数域,黄金大世,天骄不断,妖孽横行,叶昊携带仙庭系统而来,召唤万千强者,建立无上仙庭,以万族白骨鲜血铺就人族通天之路,犯我人族天威者,虽远必诛! 最强仙庭QQ交流群:632635403

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The world is a place that is ever changing. Right now, the world is truly changing, either from the worst, or for the best. Year 2450, humanity has enter the world of future but suddenly, the world shook and rumble for an unknown reason. This earthquake that has a Richter magnitude scale of 10. Which is the strongest earthquake in the time of humanity as all believed to be a mortifying turned to the worst. The earthquake also known as 'Super Quake' rumbled the entire earth that lasted for 5 months. Fortunately for humanity, we have developed enough technological resources to launch 3/4th of the population to space but the 1/4th who has been left in Earth unfortunately  faced an inevitable death As believe to be the end of mankind, everybody has thought that the earth has ended but as they continue to observe from far away, they saw the earth increase in size forming new tectonic plates and new land began to develop the mysteriously expanding earth. Humans continue to observe the earth and as 5 months passed, the Super Quake has finally end and the earth is now the size of Jupiter making it a new super planet. Seeing that the world has become quiet again, the humans in space returned to their homeland  only to find out that not only has almost every man-made infrastructure fell to ruin, the new landmass formed by the quake made new materials that has never been discovered by humans and not only that,  creatures have evolved to monsters that feed on flesh. These monsters are variants of mutation and evolution. Countless of casualties had occur in the first years of humanity but as we continue to discover and learn about the new materials and monsters, humanity had finally given a foothold to restart again by building a new and more advance civilization that plans on subjugation to all monsters that may come a threat to humanity. 60 years has passed, the world has changed since then. Kal a sixteen year old Filipino teenager has lived alone ever since his father mysteriously disappear in a hunt. He didn't had any money or job to cope with his daily expenses so at a young age, he decided to register as a hunter. He has no good background, education, and any talent at all, no one had dare to help him so he remained alone. This made hunting harder, he almost died countless of times by average monsters and even the weakest ones would cost him a broken bone or two. Because of his bad record, he was considered the weakest hunter and became a laughing stock to all the hunters causing him to sufer more than he had already been. One normal day, while hiking in the mountains, he stumbled upon a mysterious crystal. After obtaining this crystal, he head a soft bell ringing in is head, [HUNTER REGISTERED, WELCOME HUNTER KAL] A mysterious window panel suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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36 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :第一卷 龙出蛮荒
Volume 2 :第二卷 天涯秘境
Volume 3 :第三卷 大秦公国
Volume 4 :第三卷 大秦公国
Volume 5 :第四卷神武大陆
Volume 6 :第六卷 王国之路
Volume 7 :第七卷 喋血神武
Volume 8 :第八卷 万族战场
Volume 9 :第九卷 大秦王界
Volume 10 :第十卷 大秦帝庭
Volume 11 :第十一卷 大秦皇庭
Volume 12 :第十二卷 喋血地坤天


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