

Author: 终级BOSS飞
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What is 无限归来之悠闲人生


  无限归来,重生进入主神空间之前。   打打杀杀这么多年,早已厌倦。   也许当一个安静的美男子,才是正确的选择。   当然,如果有人找上门的话……那就让他们知道知道,被碾压的快感。   小飞都市之作,虽然有些不太成熟,但一定会努力创作的,希望大家多多支持,努力收藏,你们的支持就是小飞的动力,至于更新……   看小飞的书,用担心这个么?大家快把手里面的票票扔过来啦!   鹅群:46952034,有什么意见或者建议,不愿意在书评区发的,也可以加入群中讨论

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In the paragraph below I will be writing to you about a situation of a man how I witnessed how his children's molest him because of his property. Mr Ngwa is the person will be talking about.Mr Ngwa lives in a small village call called Babanki.He is that old man that I witness how he was MOLESTED because of his property by his children.Mr Ngwa had two wife's with nine children.He is the founder of CHOCUCAM Company/ OIL&GAS and there lived a happy an successful life. Nadage is a woman of love an good heart. She is the first wife of Mr Ngwa. She is also the mother of 5 hard working and smart children. Mirabel is the second wife of Mr Ngwa.She is also a Mother of four children which just one of them is hard working.She is not that really happy because she thinks that Nadage children will be more successful than hers and what will happen if Mr Ngwa is no more(death )what will become of her and her children. She is now jealous of Nadage. These jealousy that Mirabel has for Nadage has now let to the separation of the Ngwa's family that is Mirabel has decided to take her children far away from the other children and also asking Mr Ngwa to make her the manager of the CHOCUCAM Company which is was manegerd by Mirabel. Nadage disagreed with the decision taken by Mirabel on the separation of the family and also disagreed with the request which Mirabel was asking so as to become the manager of the CHOCUCAM Company. this brings about family conflict within the Ngwa's family. Mean while all this was happening while Mr Ngwa was no in good health (Not feeling too well) because he has HBP ( High Blood Pressure ) ever since and all this was no good for him. He was worry seeing how his lovely family is about to be separated and these led to an increased in his HBP which he was carried to the hospital and he was begging for his life.The whole family was worried seeing him in that condition. Mirabel started crying and begging asking for forgiveness that is knows that she is the cause of what ever is happening In the family that please Nadage should forgive her.Nadage with a lovely and kind heart did and after some time Mr Ngwa regain himself and the whole family was back together and happy.

Mr_Glencoco · History
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1 Chs

Abridged~An Incomplete Love Story

ABRIDGED~An Incomplete Love Story First things first:- INSTRUCTIONS:- 1.You should know a bit of Hindi to read the story. 2. Even if you don't no problem i have wrote the subtitles too 3. And if you say to don't write it in Hindi then what's the feel about ancient India right? 4. Please try to coperate with the spelling or grammatical mistakes if any. That's all Thank you Ohk so now i will not disturb you Please read: Love is not always the same right? Same like this in this story, love is way too much twisted for our MR. ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH and MISS. RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH. This story is of 1670s:- A sweet little girl Nandani was tied to a hard little boy Rudraksh since their birth. They both were destined to be together. Both their fathers fix their marriage as Nandani is born. When the Nandani is born that time the Rudraksh was already 3 years old. The king of PRATAP GARH , MR. ABHIDEV BAHADUR PRATAP SINGH came to his bestfriends palace to congratulate him on the birth of his daughter , the king of SHAMSHER GARH , MR. RAJSURYADEV SHAMSHER SINGH. Both the kings of the palaces were bestfriends. Both were like brothers. So they thought that how about we change our friendship with relationship. So they finalized that , the newborn daughter 'RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH' will marry the 3 year old son 'ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH'. So now our princess is here and both the kings decide that both their children will marry eachother whenever 'Rajnandani' will turn 21. Everyone were happy with their decision that both the Sultanates are becoming one. But what will happen if one day suddenly Pratap singh died That too not because of a natural death. When Nandani came to know about it, she was heart broken because Pratap singh always was like her father too. She loved Pratap Singh more than her own father What will happen when they both meet eachother? Will marriage will ever happen? Will both of they love each other after knowing the truth? TO KNOW STAY TUNED ☺️ YOURS MUKTA ♥

Spark_By_Mukta555 · History
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4 Chs

American Comic: Creating An Oasis And Rise Of Mutants (Marvel X DC)

(Marvel x DC Comics) In the wondrous world of comics, superheroes are infinitely awesome, but mutants with superpowers often endure great tragedy. Lynn, who transmigrated, became a student at the Academy of Mutants, possessing the ability to wield magic. He could perform spells like Apparatus, Abracadabra, Glacier Spikes, and Emberstorms. Additionally, he had mastered powerful magic such as God Slayer Magic of Fire, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, True Mirror Image, Dimensional Leap, Elemental Manipulation, and Time Still, after a decade of dedicated practice. However, Lynn knew that Professor X's approach of sending students out as vigilantes to save the world in order to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants was ultimately futile. The real path to improving the living conditions of mutants was to gain more influence and power. But where does that power come from? Strength forms the foundation. Money on the left, and Power on the right. So, Lynn approached Professor X with a comprehensive plan: to establish a mutant consortium and wield power through wealth. The first step was to create "Oasis" and establish a Second World. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, DC Comics or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the Mtlnovel. Again I am not the original author, only translating. Mtl: https://www.mtlnovel.com/american-comic-create-an-oasis-at-the-beginning-and-the-rise-of-mutants/ You can support me on Patreon with 15+ chapters in advance. patr3on.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :正文
Volume 2 :战龙在野
Volume 3 :VIP卷
Volume 4 :潜龙匆用
Volume 5 :亢龙有悔
Volume 6 :飞龙在天


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