

Author: 尤加利
Completed · 11.2K Views
  • 541 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is 救赎游戏


2045年,人类科技飞速发展。情感转化能量技术,被誉为五十年内人类社会最伟大的发明。 人类的感情:喜、怒、哀、惧、爱、恶、恨,统统可以通过情感转化技术变为能量,缓解了地球资源日益匮乏的窘状。 2070年,能源战争爆发,三个月后,情感能源正式成为人类社会最主要的能量来源。 世界经济格局发生变革,ETF(Emotion Transform Foundation,情感转化基金会)成为全球最大财团,成为全球最有影响力的集团。 2075年,ETF旗下网游公司“南客斋”发布“救赎者”游戏,玩家可在游戏中制作和收集能量卡,在达到一定条件后,可以要求游戏公司将能量卡实体化。 一年后,“救赎者”成了全球在线人数最多的网游。

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Good news, I finally finish my collage and now I'm finally a Bachelor of Economic (Sarjana Ekonomi). It's really a long journey for me... 6 years... and now I can do anything I want. I want to correct this trash I made in an attempt to learn English. So, I guess I should start with correcting on my many mistakes on grammar and stories... Thanks ************************************************************ It's a Story about a man who died saving someone and given a second chance at a new life in The World God Only Knows world and there are also many characters from other anime. That sum this story. ************************************************************ This is my first English story please understand the grammar isn't good enough. I did use Grammarly the free version though so I hope it can make my story more readable. ************************************************************ Also please give me support with coffee here ko-fi.com/boy72 as I really need money soon to pay for my college. If you guys help me pay it I will be really grateful and post 5 chapters/day for 1 month. ************************************************************ Rank 1-50 : 1000 Word/Chapter Rank 51-100 : 900 Word/Chapter Rank 101-150 : 800 Word/Chapter Rank 151-199 : 700 Word/Chapter Rank 200 : 600 Word/Chapter Rank 200+ : Up to me. It means it can be more or less as I like. ************************************************************ The Update is always 2 chapters/day. And starting today the update will be at night time. At least in my place, it will be night. Don't really know about the other place's time. I finally have a new laptop that I manage to buy using my wage. So I guess you can expect my story on your library again.

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HellHunters Neo

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :初入游戏
Volume 2 :情感游戏
Volume 3 :情感游戏


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